THE WORLD AS WILL AND IDEA. BY ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER. VOLUME II. THE WORLD AS WILL AND IDEA. BY ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BY R. B. HALDANE, M.A. AND J. KEMP, M.A. VOL. II. CONTAINING THE CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY, AND THE SUPPLEMENTS TO THE FIRST AND PART OF THE SECOND BOOK OF VOL. I. " Faucis natua est, qui populum fetatis sure cogitat." -SEN. (Enttton. BOSTON: TICKNOR AND COMPANY, 211 Fremont Street, 1887. tsH CONTENTS. APPENDIX. PAGE CttlTICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY I SUPPLEMENTS TO THE FIRST BOOK. FIRST HALF. THE DOCTRINE OF THE IDEA OF PERCEPTION. CHAP. I. THE STANDPOINT OF IDEALISM 163 . THE DOCTRINE OF PERCEPTION, OR KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNDERSTANDING 184 III. ON THE SENSES 193 IV. ON KNOWLEDGE A PRIORI . 201 SECOND HALF. THE DOCTRINE OF THE ABSTRACT IDEA, OR OF THINKING. V. ON THE IRRATIONAL INTELLECT 228 VI. THE DOCTRINE OF ABSTRACT OR RATIONAL KNOWLEDGE . 234 VII. ON THE RELATION OF THE CONCRETE KNOWLEDGE OF PERCEPTION TO ABSTRACT KNOWLEDGE . . . 244 VIII. ON THE THEORY OF THE LUDICROUS .... 270 IX. ON LOGIC IN GENERAL 285 viii CONTENTS. CHAP. PAOS X. ON THE SYLLOGISM 292 XI. Ox RHETORIC 305 XII. OX THE DOCTRIXE OP SCIEXCE 307 XIII. Ox THE METHODS OF MATHEMATICS 321 XIV. Ox THE ASSOCIATION OP IDEAS 324 ^ XV. Ox THE ESSENTIAL IMPERFECTIONS OP THE INTELLECT . 330 XVI. Ox THE PRACTICAL USE OP REASON AXD ON STOICISM . 345 XVII. Ox MAX'S NEED OP METAPHYSICS 359 SUPPLEMENTS TO THE SECOND BOOK. XVIII. Ox THE POSSIBILITY OP KNOWING THE THING ix ITSELF 399 ^ XIX. Ox THE PRIMACY OP THE WILL IN SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS 411 \ XX. OBJECTIFICATION OF THE WILL IN THE ANIMAL ORGANISM 468 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. ,C'est le privilege du vrai genie, et surtout du genie qui ouvre une carriere de faire impuntknent de grandes fautes. — Voltaire. VOL. II. IT is much easier to point out the faults and errors in the work of a great mind than to give a distinct and full exposition of its value. For the faults are particular and finite, and can therefore be fully comprehended ; while, on the contrary, the very stamp which genius impresses upon its works is that their excellence is unfathomable and in exhaustible. Therefore they do not grow old, but become the instructor of many succeeding centuries. The per fected masterpiece of a truly great mind will always pro duce a deep and powerful effect upon the whole human race, so much so that it is impossible to calculate to what distant centuries and lands its enlightening influence may extend. This is always the case ; for however cultivated and rich the age may be in which such a masterpiece appears, genius always rises like a palm-tree above the soil in which it is rooted. But a deep-reaching and widespread effect of this kind cannot take place suddenly, because of the great difference between the genius and ordinary men. The knowledge which that one man in one lifetime drew directly from life and the world, won and presented to others as won and arranged, cannot yet at once become the possession of mankind ; for mankind has not so much power to receive as the genius has power to give. But even after a suc cessful battle with unworthy opponents, who at its very birth contest the life of what is immortal and desire to nip in the bud the salvation of man (like the serpents in the cradle of Hercules), that knowledge must then traverse the circuitous paths of innumerable false con structions and distorted applications, must overcome the 4 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. attempts to unite it with old errors, and so live in conflict till a new and unprejudiced generation grows up to meet it. Little by little, even in youth, this new generation partially receives the contents of that spring through a thousand indirect channels, gradually assimilates it, and so participates in the benefit which was destined to flow to mankind from that great mind. So slowly does the education of the human race, the weak yet refractory pupil of genius, advance. Thus with Kant's teaching also ; its full strength and importance will only be revealed through time, when the spirit of the age, itself gradually trans formed and altered in the most important and essential respects by,' the influence of that teaching, will afford con vincing evidence of the power of that giant mind. I have, however, no intention of presumptuously anticipating the spirit of the age and assuming here the thankless rdle of Calchas and Cassandra. Only I must be allowed, in accordance with what has been said, to regard Kant's works as still very new, while many at the present day look upon them as already antiquated, and indeed have laid them aside as done with, or, as they express it, have left them behind^ and others, emboldened by this, ignore them altogether, and with brazen face go on philosophising about God and the soul on the assumption of the old realistic dogmatism and its scholastic teaching, which is as if one sought to introduce the doctrines of the alchemists into modern chemistry. For the rest, the works of Kant do not stand in need of my feeble eulogy, but will them selves for ever praise their author, and though perhaps not in the letter, yet in the spirit they will live for ever upon earth. Certainly, however, if we look back at the first result of his teaching, at the efforts and events in the sphere of philosophy during the period that has elapsed since he wrote, a very depressing saying of Goethe obtains con firmation : " As the water that is displaced by a ship immediately flows in again behind it, so when great minds CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 5 have driven error aside and made room for themselves, it very quickly closes in behind them again by the law of its nature" (Walirlieit und Dichtung, Theil 3, s. 521). Yet this period has been only an episode, which is to be reckoned as part of the lot referred to above that befalls all new and great knowledge ; an episode which is now unmistakably near its end, for the bubble so long blown out yet bursts at last. Men generally are begin ning to be conscious that true and serious philosophy still stands where Kant left it. At any rate, I cannot see that between Kant and myself anything has been done in philosophy; therefore I regard myself as his immediate successor. What I have in view in this Appendix to my work is really only a defence of the doctrine I have set forth in it, inasmuch as in many points that doctrine does not agree with the Kantian philosophy, but indeed contradicts it. A discussion of this philosophy is, however, necessary, for it is clear that my train of thought, different as its con tent is from that of Kant, is yet throughout under its influence, necessarily presupposes it, starts from it ; and I confess that, next to the impression of the world of per ception, I owe what is best in my own system to the impression made upon me by the works of Kant, by the sacred writings of the Hindus, and by Plato. But I can only justify the contradictions of Kant which are never theless present in my work by accusing him of error in these points, and exposing mistakes which he committed. Therefore in this Appendix I must proceed against Kant in a thoroughly polemical manner, and indeed seriously and with every effort ; for it is only thus that his doctrine can be freed from the error that clings to it, and its truth shine out the more clearly and stand the more firmly. It must not, therefore, be expected that the sincere rever ence for Kant which I certainly feel shall extend to his weaknesses and errors also, and that I shall consequently refrain from exposing these except with the most careful 6 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. indulgence, whereby my language would necessarily be come weak and insipid through circumlocution. Towards a living writer such indulgence is needed, for human frailty cannot endure even the most just refutation of an error, unless tempered by soothing and flattery, and hardly even then ; and a teacher of the age and benefactor of mankind deserves at least that the human weakness he also has should be indulged, so that he may not be caused pain. But he who is dead has thrown off this weakness ; his merit stands firm ; time will purify it more and more from all exaggeration and detraction. His mistakes must be separated from it, rendered harmless, and then given over to oblivion. Therefore in the polemic against Kant I am about to begin, I have only his mistakes and weak points in view. I oppose them with hostility, and wage a relentless war of extermination against them, always mindful not to conceal them indulgently, but rather to place them in the clearest light, in order to extirpate them the more surely. For the reasons given above, I am not conscious either of injustice or ingratitude towards Kant in doing this. However, in order that, in the eyes of others also, I may remove every appearance of malice, I wish first to bring out clearly my sincere reverence for Kant and gratitude to him, by expressing shortly what in my eyes appears to be his chief merit ; and I shall do this .from a standpoint so general that I shall not require to touch upon the points in which I must afterwards contro vert him. Kant's greatest merit is the distinction of the phenomenon from the thing in itself, based upon the proof that between things and us there still always stands the intellect, so that they cannot be known as they may be in themselves. He was led into this path through Locke (see Prolegomena zu jcdcr Mctaph.,§ 13, Anm. 2). The latter had shown that the secondary qualities of things, such as sound, CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 7 smell, colour, hardness, softness, smoothness, and the like, as founded on the affections of the senses, do not belong to the objective body, to the thing in itself. To this he attributed only the primary qualities, i.e., such as only pre suppose space and impenetrability ; thus extension, figure, solidity, number, mobility. But this easily discovered Lockeian distinction was, as it were, only a youthful intro duction to the distinction of Kant. The latter, starting from an incomparably higher standpoint, explains all that Locke had accepted as primary qualities, i.e., qualities of the thing in itself, as also belonging only to its phe nomenal appearance in our faculty of apprehension, and this just because the conditions of this faculty, space, time, and causality, are known by us a priori. Thus Locke had abstracted from the thing in itself the share which the organs of sense have in its phenomenal appearance ; Kant, however, further abstracted the share of the brain-functions (though not under that name). Thus the distinction be tween the phenomenon and the thing in itself now received an infinitely greater significance, and a very much deeper meaning. For this end he was obliged to take in hand o o the important separation of our a priori from our a pos teriori knowledge, which before him had never been car ried out with adequate strictness and completeness, nor with distinct consciousness. Accordingly this now became the principal subject of his profound investigations. Now here we would at once remark that Kant's philosophy has a threefold relation to that of his predecessors. First, as we have just seen, to the philosophy of Locke, confirming and extending it ; secondly, to that of Hume, correcting and making use of it, a relation which is most distinctly ex pressed in the " Prolegomena " (that most beautiful and comprehensible of all Kant's important writings, which is far too little read, for it facilitates immensely the study of his philosophy) ; thirdly, a decidedly polemical and de structive relation to the Leibnitz-Wolfian philosophy. All three systems ought to be known before one proceeds 8 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. to the study of the Kantian philosophy. If now, accord ing to the above, the distinction of the phenomenon from the thing in itself, thus the doctrine of the complete diver sity of the ideal and the real, is the fundamental character istic of the Kantian philosophy, then the assertion of the absolute identity of these two which appeared soon after wards is a sad proof of the saying of Goethe quoted above ; all the more so as it rested upon nothing but the empty boast of intellectual intuition, and accordingly was only a return to the crudeness of the vulgar opinion, masked under bombast and nonsense, and the imposing impression of an air of importance. It became the fitting starting- point for the still grosser nonsense of the clumsy and stupid Hegel. Now as Kant's separation of the pheno menon from the thing in itself, arrived at in the manner explained above, far surpassed all that preceded it in the depth and thoughtfulness of its conception, it was also exceedingly important in its results. For in it he pro pounded, quite originally, in a perfectly new way, found from a new side and on a new path, the same truth which Plato never wearies of repeating, and in his language generally expresses thus : This world which appears to the senses has no true being, but only a ceaseless becom ing ; it is, and it is not, and its comprehension is not so much knowledge as illusion. This is also what he ex presses mythically at the beginning of the seventh book of the Republic, the most important passage in all his writings, which has already been referred to in the third book of the present work. He says : Men, firmly chained in a dark cave, see neither the true original light nor real things, but only the meagre light of the fire in the cave and the shadows of real things which pass by the fire behind their backs ; yet they think the shadows are the reality, and the determining of the succession of these shadows is true wisdom. The same truth, again quite differently presented, is also a leading doctrine of the Vedas and Puranas, the doctrine of Maya, by which really CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 9 nothing else is understood than what Kant calls the phenomenon in opposition to the thing in itself; for the work of Maya is said to be just this visible world in which we are, a summoned enchantment, an inconstant appearance without true being, like an optical illusion or a dream, a veil which surrounds human consciousness, . something of which it is equally false and true to say that it is and that it is not. But Kant not only expressed the same doctrine in a completely new and original way, but raised it to the position of proved and indisputable truth by means of the calmest and most temperate ex position ; while both Plato and the Indian philosophers had founded their assertions merely upon a general per ception of the world, had advanced them as the direct utterance of their consciousness, and presented them rather mythically and poetically than philosophically and distinctly. In this respect they stand to Kant in the same relation as the Pythagoreans Hicetas, Philolaus, and Aristarchus, who already asserted the movement of the earth round the fixed sun, stand to Copernicus. Such distinct knowledge and calm, thoughtful exposition of this dream-like nature of the whole world is really the basis of the whole Kantian philosophy; it is its soul and its greatest merit. He accomplished this by taking to pieces the whole machinery of our intellect by means of which the phantasmagoria of the objective world is brought about, and presenting it in detail with marvel lous insight and ability. All earlier Western philosophy, appearing in comparison with the Kantian unspeakably clumsy, had failed to recognise that truth, and had there fore always spoken just as if in a dream. Kant first awakened it suddenly out of this dream ; therefore the last sleepers (Mendelssohn) called him the " all-destroyer." He showed that the laws which reign with inviolable necessity in existence, i.e., in experience generally, are not to be applied to deduce and explain existence itself; that thus the validity of these laws is only relative, i.e., only io CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. arises after existence ; the world of experience in general is already established and present ; that consequently these laws cannot be our guide when we come to the explanation of the existence of the world and of our selves. All earlier Western philosophers had imagined that these laws, according to which the phenomena are combined, and all of which — time and space, as well as causality and inference — I comprehend under the expres sion " the principle of sufficient reason," were absolute laws conditioned by nothing, ceternce veritates ; that the world itself existed only in consequence of and in confor mity with them ; and therefore that under their guidance the whole riddle of the world must be capable of solution. The assumptions made for this purpose, which Kant criti cises under the name of the Ideas of the reason, only served to raise the mere phenomenon, the work of Maya, the shadow world of Plato, to the one highest reality, to put it in the place of the inmost and true being of things, and thereby to make the real knowledge of this impos sible ; that is, in a word, to send the dreamers still more soundly to sleep. Kant exhibited these laws, and there fore the whole world, as conditioned by the form of know ledge belonging to the subject; from which it followed, that however far one carried investigation and reasoning under the guidance of these laws, yet in the principal matter, i.e., in knowledge of the nature of the world in itself and outside the idea, no step in advance was made, but one only moved like a squirrel in its wheel. Thus, all the dogmatists may be compared to persons who sup posed that if they only went straight on long enough they would come to the end of the world ; but Kant then cir cumnavigated the world and showed that, because it is round, one cannot get out of it by horizontal movement, but that yet by perpendicular movement this is perhaps not impossible. We may also say that Kant's doctrine affords the insight that we must seek the end and beginning of the world, not without, but within us. CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 11 All this, however, rests on the fundamental distinction between dogmatic and critical or transcendental philosophy. Whoever wishes to make this quite clear to himself, and realise it by means of an example, may do so very briefly by reading, as a specimen of dogmatic philosophy, an essay of Leibnitz entitled " DC Eerum Originatione Radicali," and printed for the first time in the edition of the philo sophical works of Leibnitz by Erdmann (vol. i. p. 147). Here the origin and excellence of the world is demon strated a priori, so thoroughly in the manner of realistic- dogmatism, on the ground of the veritates ceternce and with the assistance of the ontological and cosmological proofs. It is indeed once admitted, by the way, that ex perience shows the exact opposite of the excellence of the world here demonstrated ; but experience is therefore given to understand that it knows nothing of the matter, and ought to hold its tongue when philosophy has spoken a priori. Now, with Kant, the critical philosophy appeared as the opponent of this whole method. It takes for its problem just these veritates ceternce, which serve as the foundation of every such dogmatic structure, investigates their origin, and finds it in the human mind, where they spring from the peculiar forms which belong to it, and which it carries in itself for the purpose of comprehending an objective world. Thus, here, in the brain, is the quarry which supplies the material for that proud dogmatic edi fice. But because the critical philosophy, in order to attain to this result, was obliged to go beyond the veritates mternce upon which all the preceding dogmatism was founded, and make these truths themselves the objects of in vestigation, it became transcendental philosophy. From this, then, it also follows that the objective world, as we know it, does not belong to the true being of the thing in itself, but is merely its phenomenal appearance conditioned by those very forms which lie a priori in the intellect (i.e., the brain), therefore it cannot contain anything but phenomena. 12 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. Kant, indeed, did not attain to the knowledge that the phenomenon is the world as idea, and the thing in itself is the will. But he showed that the phenomenal world is conditioned just as much through the subject as through the object, and because he isolated the most universal forms of its phenomenal appearance, i.e., of the idea,' he proved that we may know these forms and consider them in their whole constitution, not only by starting from the object, but also just as well by starting from the subject, because they are really the limits between object and subject which are common to them both; and he con cluded that by following these limits we never penetrate to the inner nature either of the object or of the subject, consequently never know the true nature of the world, the thing in itself. He did not deduce the thing in itself in the right way, as I shall show presently, but by means of an in consistency, and he had to pay the penalty of this in frequent and irresistible attacks upon this important part of his teaching. He did not recognise the thing in itself directly in the will; but he made a great initial step towards this knowledge in that he explained the undeni able moral significance of human action as quite different from and not dependent upon the laws of the pheno menon, nor even explicable in accordance with them, but as something which touches the thing in7 itself directly : this is the second important point of view for estimating his services. We may regard as the third the complete overthrow of the Scholastic philosophy, a name by which I wish here to denote generally the whole period beginning with Augustine, the Church Father, and ending just before Kant. .:.,. For the chief characteristic of Scholasticism is, indeed, that which is very correctly stated by Tennemann, the guardianship of the prevailing national religion over philosophy, which had really nothing left for it to do but to prove and embellish the cardinal dogmas prescribed CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 13 to it by religion. The Schoolmen proper, down to Suarez, confess this openly; the succeeding philosophers do it more unconsciously, or at least unavowedly. It is held that Scholastic philosophy only extends to about a hun dred years before Descartes, and that then with him there begins an entirely new epoch of free investigation independent of all positive theological doctrine. Such investigation, however, is in fact not to be attributed to Descartes and his successors,1 but only an appearance of it, and in any case an effort after it. Descartes was a man of supreme ability, and if we take account of the age he lived in, he accomplished a great deal. But if we set aside this consideration and measure him with reference to the free ing of thought from all fetters and the commencement of a new period of untrammelled original investigation with which he is credited, we are obliged to find that with his doubt still wanting in true seriousness, and therefore surrendering so quickly and so entirely, he has, indeed, the appearance of wishing to throw off at once all the early implanted opinions belonging to his age and nation, but does so only apparently and for a moment, to assume them again immediately and hold them all the more firmly ; and so is it with all his successors down to Kant. 1 Bruno and Spinoza are here en- age, and he also shows a presenti- tirely to be excepted. They stand ment of his fate which led him to each for himself and alone, and delay the publication of his views, belong neither to their age nor their till that inclination to communicate quarter of the globe, which rewarded what one knows to be true, which the one with death and the other is so strong in noble minds, pre- with persecution and insult. Their vailed : miserable existence and death in I( A / . this Western world is like that of a Ad partum P™Pc™rfc tu»™> ««« tropical plant in Europe. The banks ~ 77' quld, °bstat.; , <• iv. i /-i ii. • oea/o luxe induino suit trwuenda of the sacred Ganges were their / • . ? true spiritual home ; there they TT i j> t would have led a peaceful and Umlrarum flactu terras mcrgente, , j ,., r ... cacumcn honoured life among men of like A it n • ? mind. In the following lines, with AdMhmdarum, rwster Olympe, which Bruno begins his book Delia Causa Principio et Uno, for which Whoever has read this his prin- he was brought to the stake, he cipal work, and also his other Italian expresses clearly and beautifully writings, which were formerly so how Jonely he felt himself in his rare, but are now accessible to all 14 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. Goethe's lines are, therefore, very applicable to a free independent thinker of this kind : <: Saving Thy gracious presence, he to me A long-legged grasshopper appears to be, That springing flies, and flying springs, And in the grass the same old ditty sings." l Kant had reasons for assuming the air of also intending nothing more. But the pretended spring, which was per mitted because it was known that it leads back to the grass, this time became a flight, and now those who remain below can only look after him, and can never catch him again. Kant, then, ventured to show by his teaching that all those dogmas which had been so often professedly proved were incapable of proof. Speculative theology, and the rational psychology connected with it, received from him their deathblow. Since then they have vanished from German philosophy, and one must not allow oneself to be misled by the fact that here and there the word is retained after the thing has been given up, or some wretched pro fessor of philosophy has the fear of his master in view, and lets truth take care of itself. Only he who has ob served the pernicious influence of these conceptions upon natural science, and upon philosophy in all, even the best writers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, can estimate the extent of this service of Kant's. The change of tone and of metaphysical background which has ap peared in German writing upon natural science since Kant through a German edition, will find, this work of his, in the hands of as I have done, that he alone of all coarse, furious priests as his judges philosophers in some degree ap- and executioners, and thank Time preaches to Plato, in respect of the which brought a brighter and a strong blending of poetical power gentler age, so that the after-world and tendency along with the philo- whose curse was to fall on those sophical, and this he also shows espe- fiendish fanatics is the world we cially in a dramatic form. Imagine now live in. the tender, spiritual, thoughtful l Bayard Taylor's translation of being, as he shows himself to us in "Faust," vol. i. p. 14. — TRB. CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 15 is remarkable; before him it was in the same position as it still occupies in England. This merit of Kant's is con nected with the fact that the unreflecting pursuit of the laws of the phenomenon, the elevation of these to the position of eternal truths, and thus the raising of the fleeting appearance to the position of the real being of the world, in short, realism undisturbed in its illusion by any reflection, had reigned throughout all preceding philo sophy, ancient, mediaeval, and modern. Berkeley, who, like Malebranche before him, recognised its one-sidedness , and indeed falseness, was unable to overthrow it, for his attack was confined to one point. Thus it was reserved for Kant to enable the idealistic point of view to obtain the ascendancy in Europe, at least in philosophy; the point of view which throughout all non-Mohammedan Asia, and indeed essentially, is that of religion. Before Kant, then, we were in time ; now time is in us, and so on. Ethics also were treated by that realistic philosophy according to the laws of the phenomenon, which it re garded as absolute and valid also for the thing in itself. They were therefore based now upon a doctrine of hap piness, now upon the will of the Creator, and finally upon the conception of perfection ; a conception which, taken by itself, is entirely empty and void of content, for it denotes a mere relation that only receives significance from the things to which il is applied. " To be perfect " means nothing more than " to correspond to some concep tion which is presupposed and given," a conception which must therefore be previously framed, and without which the perfection is an unknown quantity, and consequently has no meaning when expressed alone. If, however, it is intended tacitly to presuppose the conception " humanity," and accordingly to make it the principle of morality to strive after human perfection, this is only saying : " Men ought to be as they ought to be," — and we are just as wise as before. In fact " perfect " is very nearly a mere synonym of " complete," for it signifies that in one given 16 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. case or individual, all the predicates which lie in the conception of its species appear, thus are actually present. Therefore the conception " perfection," if used absolutely and in the abstract, is a word void of significance, and this is also the case with the talk about the " most perfect being," and other similar expressions. All this is a mere jingle of words. Nevertheless last century this conception of per fection and imperfection had become current coin ; indeed it was the hinge upon which almost all speculation upon ethics, and even theology, turned. It was in every one's mouth, so that at last it became a simple nuisance. We see even the best writers of the time, for example Lessing, entangled in the most deplorable manner in perfections and imperfections, and struggling with them. At the same time, every thinking man must at least dimly have felt that this conception is void of all positive content, be cause, like an algebraical symbol, it denotes a mere relation in dbstracto. Kant, as we have already said, entirely separated the undeniably great ethical signiiicance of actions from the phenomenon and its laws, and showed that the former directly concerned the thing in itself, the inner nature of the world, while the latter, i.e., time, space, and all that fills them, and disposes itself in them according to the law of causality, is to be regarded as a changing and unsubstantial dream. The little I have said, which by no means exhausts the subject, may suffice as evidence of my recognition of the great merits of Kant, — a recognition expressed here both for my own satisfaction, and because justice demands that those merits should be recalled to the memory of every one who desires to follow me in the unsparing exposure of his errors to which I now proceed. It may be inferred, upon purely historical grounds, that Kant's great achievements must have been accompanied by great errors. For although he effected the greatest CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 17 revolution in philosophy and made an end of Scholasticism, Avhich, understood in the wider sense we have indicated, had lasted for fourteen centuries, in order to begin what was really the third entirely new epoch in philosophy which the world has seen, yet the direct result of his appearance was only negative, not positive. For since he did not set up a completely new system, to which his dis ciples could only have adhered for a period, all indeed observed that something very great had happened, but yet no one rightly knew what. They certainly saw that all previous philosophy had been fruitless dreaming, from which the new age had now awakened, but what they ought to hold to now they did not know. A great void was felt ; a great need had arisen ; the universal attention even of the general public was aroused. Induced by this, but not urged by inward inclination and sense of power (which find utterance even at unfavourable times, as in the case of Spinoza), men without any exceptional talent made various weak, absurd, and indeed sometimes insane, attempts, to which, however, the now interested public gave its attention, and with great patience, such as is only found in Germany, long lent its ear. The same thing must once have happened in Nature, when a great revolution had altered the whole surface of the earth, land and sea had changed places, and the scene was cleared for a new creation. It was then a long time before Nature could produce a new series of lasting forms all in harmony with themselves and with each other. Strange and monstrous organisations appeared which did not harmonise either with themselves or with each other, and therefore could not endure long, but whose still exist ing remains have brought down to us the tokens of that wavering and tentative procedure of Nature forming itself anew. Since, now, in philosophy, a crisis precisely similar to this, and an age of fearful abortions, was, as we all know, introduced by Kant, it may be concluded that the ser- VOL. II. B 1 8 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. vices lie rendered were not complete, but must have been negative and one-sided, and burdened with great defects. These defects \ve now desire to search out. First of all we shall present to ourselves clearly and examine the fundamental thought in which the aim of the whole " Critique of Pure Reason " lies. Kant placed himself at the standpoint of his predecessors, the dog matic philosophers, and accordingly he started with them from the following assumptions: — (i.) Metaphysics is the science of that which lies beyond the possibility of all experience. (2.) Such a science can never be attained by applying principles which must first themselves be drawn from experience (Prolegomena, § i) ; but only what we know before, and thus independently of all experience, can reach further than possible experience. (3.) In our reason certain principles of this kind are actually to be found : they are comprehended under the name of Knowledge of pure reason. So far Kant goes with his predecessors, but here he separates from them. They say: "These prin ciples, or this knowledge of pure reason, are expressions of the absolute possibility of things, ceternce vcritatcs, sources of ontology ; they stand above the system of the world, as fate stood above the gods of the ancients." Kant says, they are mere forms of our intellect, laws, not of the existence of things, but of our idea of them ; they are therefore valid merely for our apprehension of things, and hence they cannot extend beyond the possi bility of experience, which, according to assumption i, is what was aimed at ; for the a priori nature of these forms of knowledge, since it can only rest on their sub jective origin, is just what cuts us off for ever from the knowledge of the nature of things in themselves, and con fines us to a world of mere phenomena, so that we cannot know things as they may be in themselves, even a pos teriori, not to speak of a priori. Accordingly metaphysics CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 19 is impossible, and criticism of pure reason takes its place. As opposed to the old dogmatism, Kant is here completely victorious; therefore all dogmatic attempts which have since appeared have been obliged to pursue an entirely different path from the earlier systems ; and I shall now go on to the justification of my own system, according to the expressed intention of this criticism. A more care ful examination, then, of the reasoning given above will oblige one to confess that its first fundamental assumption is a petitio principii. It lies in the proposition (stated with particular clearness in the Prolegomena,^ i) : "The source of metaphysics must throughout be non-empirical ; its fundamental principles and conceptions must never be taken from either inner or outer experience." Yet absolutely nothing is advanced in proof of tins cardinal assertion except the etymological argument from the word metaphysic. In truth, however, the matter stands thus : The world and our own existence presents itself to us necessarily as a riddle. It is now assumed, without more .ado, that the solution of this riddle cannot be arrived at from a thorough understanding of the world itself, but must be sought in something entirely different from the world (for that is the meaning of " beyond the possibility of all experience ") ; and that everything must be excluded from that solution of which we can in any way have immediate knowledge (for that is the meaning of possible experience, both inner and outer) ; the solution must rather be sought only in that at which we can arrive merely indirectly, that is, by means of inferences from universal principles a priori. After the principal source of all knowledge has in this way been excluded, and the direct way to truth has been closed, we must not wonder that the dogmatic systems failed, and that Kant was able to show the necessity of this failure ; for metaphysics and knowledge a priori had been assumed beforehand to be identical. But for this it was first necessary to prove that the material for the solution of the riddle absolutely can- 20 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. not be contained in the world itself, but must be sought for only outside the world in something we can only attain to under the guidance of those forms of which we are conscious a priori. But so long as this is not proved, we have no grounds for shutting ourselves off, in the case of the most important and most difficult of all questions, from the richest of all sources of knowledge, inner and outer experience, in order to work only with empty forms. I therefore say that the solution of the riddle of the world must proceed from the understanding of the world itself ; that thus the task of metaphysics is not to pass beyond the experience in which the world exists, but to understand it thoroughly, because outer and inner experience is at any rate the principal source of all knowledge ; that there fore the solution of the riddle of the world is only possible through the proper connection of outer with inner expe rience, effected at the right point, and the combination thereby produced of these two very different sources of knowledge. Yet this solution is only possible within cer tain limits which are inseparable from our finite nature, so that we attain to a right understanding of the world itself without reaching a final explanation of its existence abolishing all further problems. Therefore est guadam prodire tenus, and my path lies midway between the omniscience of the earlier dogmatists and the despair of the Kantian Critique. The important truths, however, which Kant discovered, and through which the earlier metaphysical systems were overthrown, have supplied my system with data and materials. Compare what I have said concerning my method in chap. xvii. of the Supple ments. So much for the fundamental thought of Kant ; we shall now consider his working out of it and its details. Kant's style bears throughout the stamp of a pre eminent mind, genuine strong individuality, and quite CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY, 21 exceptional power of thought. Its characteristic quality may perhaps be aptly described as a brilliant dryness, by virtue of which he was able to grasp firmly and select the conceptions with great certainty, and then to turn them about with the greatest freedom, to the astonishment of the reader. I find the same brilliant dryness in the style of Aristotle, though it is much simpler. Nevertheless Kant's language is often indistinct, indefinite, inadequate, and sometimes obscure. Its obscurity, certainly, is partly excusable on account of the difficulty of the subject and the depth of the thought ; but he who is himself clear to the bottom, and knows with perfect distinctness what he thinks and wishes, will never write indistinctly, will never set up wavering and indefinite conceptions, compose most difficult and complicated expressions from foreign lan guages to denote them, and use these expressions constantly afterwards, as Kant took words and formulas from earlier philosophy, especially Scholasticism, which he combined with each other to suit his purposes; as, for example, " transcendental synthetic unity of apperception," and in general " unity of synthesis " (Einlicit dcr Synthesis}, always used where " union " ( V&r&inigung) would be quite sufficient by itself. Moreover, a man who is himself quite clear will not be always explaining anew what has once been explained, as Kant does, for example, in the case of the understanding, the categories, experience, and other leading conceptions. In general, such a man will not incessantly repeat himself, and yet in every new ex position of the thought already expressed a hundred times leave it in just the same obscure condition, but he will express his meaning once distinctly, thoroughly, and ex haustively, and then let it alone. " Quo enim melius rein aliquam concipimus co magis ddcrminati sumus- ad eaiu unico modo cxprimcndam" says Descartes in his fifth letter. But the most injurious result of Kant's occasion ally obscure language is, that it acted as exemplar vitiis imitabile ; indeed, it was misconstrued as a pernicious 22 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. authorisation. The public was compelled to see that what is obscure is not always without significance ; conse quently, what was without significance took refuge behind obscure language. Fichte was the first to seize this new privilege and use it vigorously ; Schelling at least equalled him ; and a host of hungry scribblers, without talent and without honesty, soon outbade them both. But the height of audacity, in serving up pure nonsense, in string ing together senseless and extravagant mazes of words, such as had previously only been heard in madhouses, was finally reached in Hegel, and became the instrument of the most barefaced general mystification that has ever taken place, with a result which will appear fabulous to posterity, and will remain as a monument of German stu pidity. In vain, meanwhile, Jean Paul wrote his beautiful paragraph, " Higher criticism of philosophical madness in the professorial chair, and poetical madness in the theatre " (^Esthctisclie Naclischulc) ; for in vain Goethe had already said — " They prate and teach, and no one interferes ; All from the fellowship of fools are shrinking ; Man usually believes, if only words he hears, That also with them goes material for thinking." 1 But let us return to Kant. We are compelled to admit that he entirely lacks grand, classical simplicity, na/ivctt, inyenultt, candeur. His philosophy has no analogy with Grecian architecture, which presents large simple propor tions revealing themselves at once to the glance; on the contrary, it reminds us strongly of the Gothic style of building. For a purely individual characteristic of Kant's mind is a remarkable love of symmetry, which delights in a varied multiplicity, so that it may reduce it to order, and repeat this order in subordinate orders, and so on indefinitely, just as happens in Gothic churches. Indeed, lie sometimes carries this to the extent of trifling, and from love of this tendency he goes so far as to do open 1 "Faust," scene vi., Bayard Taylor'^ translation, vol. i. p. 134. — TRS. CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 23 violence to truth, and to deal with it as Nature was dealt with by the old-fashioned gardeners, whose work we see in symmetrical alleys, squares, and triangles, trees shaped like pyramids and spheres, and hedges winding in regular curves. I will support this with facts. After he has treated space and time isolated from every thing else, and has then dismissed this whole world of perception which fills space and time, and in which we live and are, with the meaningless words "the empirical content of perception is given us," he immediately arrives with one spring at the logical basis of his whole philoso])hy, the table of judgments. From this table he deduces an exact dozen of categories, symmetrically arranged under four heads, which afterwards become the fearful pro- crustean bed into which he violently forces all things in the world and all that goes on in man, shrinking from no violence and disdaining no sophistry if only he is able to repeat everywhere the symmetry of that table. The first that is symmetrically deduced from it is the pure physio logical table of the general principles of natural science — the axioms of intuition, anticipations of perception, ana logies of experience, and postulates of empirical thought in general. Of these fundamental principles, the first two are simple; but each of the last two sends out symme trically three shoots. The mere categories were what he calls conceptions ; but these principles of natural science are judgments. Iii accordance with his highest guide to all wisdom, symmetry, the series must now prove itself fruit ful in the syllogisms, and this, indeed, is done symme trically and regularly. For, as by the application of the categories to sensibility, experience with all its a priori principles arose for the understanding, so by the applica tion of syllogisms to the categories, a task performed by the reason in accordance with its pretended principle of seeking the unconditioned, the Ideas of the reason arise. Now this takes place in the following manner : The three categories of relation supply to syllogistic reasoning the 24 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. three only possible kinds of major premisses, and syllogistic reasoning accordingly falls into three kinds, each of which O O »/ is to be regarded as an egg out of which the reason hatches an Idea; out of the categorical syllogism the Idea of the soul, out of the hypothetical the Idea of the world, and out of the disjunctive the Idea of God. In the second of these, the Idea of the world, the symmetry of the table of the categories now repeats itself again, for its four heads produce four theses, each of which has its antithesis as a symmetrical pendant. We pay the tribute of our admiration to the really ex ceedingly acute combination which produced this elegant structure, but we shall none the less proceed to a thorough examination of its foundation and its parts. But the fol lowing remarks must come first. It is astonishing how Kant, without further reflection, pursues his way, following his symmetry, ordering every thing in accordance with it, without ever taking one of the subjects so handled into consideration on its own account. I will explain myself more fully. After he has considered intuitive knowledge in a mathematical refer ence only, he neglects altogether the rest of knowledge of perception in which the world lies before us, and confines himself entirely to abstract thinking, although this receives the whole of its significance and value from the world of perception alone, which is infinitely more significant, gene rally present, and rich in content than the abstract part of our knowledge. Indeed, and this is an important point, he has nowhere clearly distinguished perception from abstract knowledge, and just on this account, as we shall afterwards see, he becomes involved in irresolvable contradictions with himself. After he has disposed of the whole sensible world with the meaningless " it is given," he makes, as we have said, the logical table of judgments the foundation-stone of his building. But here again he CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 25 does not reflect for a moment upon that which really lies before him. These forms of judgment are indeed words and combinations of words; yet it ought first to have been asked what these directly denote : it would have been found that they denote conceptions. The next question would then have been as to the nature of conceptions. It would have appeared from the answer what relation these have to the ideas of perception in which the world exists ; for perception and reflection would have been distin guished. It would now have become necessarv to examine, »/ not merely how pure and merely formal intuition or per ception a priori, but also how its content, the empirical perception, comes into consciousness. But then it would have become apparent what part the understanding has in this, and thus also in general what the understanding is, and, on the other hand, what the reason properly is, the critique of which is being written. It is most remarkable that he does not once properly and adequately define the latter, but merely gives incidentally, and as the context in each case demands, incomplete and inaccurate explanations of it, in direct contradiction to the rule of Descartes given above.1 For example, at p. 1 1 ; V. 24, of the " Critique of Pure Eeason," it is the faculty of principles a priori; but at p. 299; V. 356, it is said that reason is the faculty of principles, and it is opposed to the understanding, which is the faculty of rules ! One would now think that there must be a very wide difference between principles and rules, since it entitles us to assume a special faculty of knowledge for each of them. But this great distinction is made to lie merely in this, that what is known a priori through pure perception or through the forms of the understanding is a rule, and only what results from mere 1 Observe here that I always quote sides this, I add the paging of the the " Kritik der reinen Vernunft " fifth edition, preceded by a V. ; all according to the paging of the first the other editions, from the second edition, for in Rosenkranz's edition onwards, are the same as the fifth, of Kant's collected works this pag- and so also is their paging, ing is always given in addition. Be- 26 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. conceptions is a principle. We shall return to this arbi trary and inadmissible distinction later, when we come to the Dialectic. On p. 330 ; V. 386, reason is the faculty of inference ; mere judging (p. 69 ; V. 94) he often explains as the work of the understanding. Now, this really amounts to saying : Judging is the work of the understanding so long as the ground of the judgment is empirical, trans cendental, or metalogical (Essay on the Principle of Sufficient Beason, § 31, 32, 33); but if it is logical, as is the case with the syllogism, then we are here concerned with a quite special and much more important faculty of knowledge — the reason. Nay, what is more, on p. 303 ; V. 360, it is explained that what follows directly from a proposition is still a matter of the understanding, and that only those conclusions which are arrived at by the use of a mediating conception are the work of the reason, and the example given is this : From the proposition, " All men are mortal," the inference, " Some mortals are men," may be drawn by the mere understanding. On the other hand, to draw the conclusion, "All the learned are mortal," demands an entirely different and far more important faculty — the reason. How was it possible for a great thinker to write the like of this! On p. 553; V. 581, reason is all at once the constant condition of all voluntary action. On p. 614; V. 642, it consists in the fact that we can give an account of our assertions ; on pp. 643, 644; V. 671, 672, in the circumstance that it brings unity into the conceptions of the understanding by means of Ideas, as the understanding brings unity into the multi plicity of objects by means of conceptions. On p. 646 ; V. 674, it is nothing else than the faculty which deduces the particular from the general. The understanding also is constantly being explained anew. In seven passages of the " Critique of Pure Bea son " it is explained in the following terms. On p. 5 1 ; V. 75, it is the faculty which of itself produces ideas of perception. On p. 69 ; Y. 94, it is the faculty of judging, CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 27 i.e., of thinking, i.e., of knowing through conceptions. On p. 1 37 of the fifth edition, it is the faculty of knowledge generally. On p. 132; V. 171, it is the faculty of rules. On p. 158 ; V. 197, however, it is said : " It is not only the faculty of rules, but the source of principles (Grundsdtzc) according to which everything comes under rules ; " and yet above it was opposed to the reason because the latter alone was the faculty of principles (Principieri). On p. 1 60; V. 199, the understanding is the faculty of concep tions ; but on p. 302 ; V. 359, it is the faculty of the unity of phenomena by means of rules. Against such really confused and groundless language on the subject (even though it comes from Kant) I shall have no need to defend the explanation which I have given of these two faculties of knowledge — an explanation which is fixed, clearly defined, definite, simple, and in full agreement with the language of all nations and all ages. I have only quoted this language as a proof of my charge that Kant follows his symmetrical, logical system without sufficiently reflecting upon the subject he is thus handling. Now, as I have said above, if Kant had seriously examined how far two such different faculties of know ledge, one of which is the specific difference of man, may be known, and what, in accordance with the language of all nations and all philosophers, reason and understand ing are, he would never, without further authority than the intcllectus theoreticus and practicus of the Schoolmen, which is used in an entirely different sense, have divided the reason into theoretical and practical, and made the latter the source of virtuous conduct. In the same way, before Kant separated so carefully conceptions of the understanding (by which he sometimes means his cate gories, sometimes all general conceptions) and conceptions of the reason (his so-called Ideas), and made them both the material of his philosophy, which for the most part deals only with the validity, application, and origin of all these conceptions ; — first, I say, he ought to have really 28 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. examined what in general a conception is. But this very necessary investigation has unfortunately been also ne glected, and has contributed much to the irremediable confusion of intuitive and abstract knowledge which I shall soon refer to. The same want of adequate reflection with which he passed over the questions : what is per ception ? what is reflection ? what is conception ? what is reason ? what is understanding ? allowed him to pass over the following investigations, which were just as in evitably necessary : what is it that I call the object, which I distinguish from the idea ? what is existence ? what is object ? what is subject ? what is truth, illusion, error ? But he follows his logical schema and his symmetry with out reflecting or looking about him. The table of judg ments ought to, and must, be the key to all wisdom. I have given it above as the chief merit of Kant that he distinguished the phenomenon from the thing in itself, explained the whole visible world as phenomenon, and therefore denied all validity to its laws beyond the phe nomenon. It is certainly remarkable that he did not deduce this merely relative existence of the phenomenon from the simple undeniable truth which lay so near him, "No object without a subject," in order thus at the very root to show that the object, because it always exists merely in relation to a subject, is dependent upon it, conditioned by it, and therefore conditioned as mere phenomenon, which does not exist in itself nor uncon ditioned. Berkeley, to whose merits Kant did not do justice, had already made this important principle the foundation-stone of his philosophy, and thereby established an immortal reputation. Yet he himself did not draw the proper conclusions from this principle, and so he was both misunderstood and insufficiently attended to. In my first edition I explained Kant's avoidance of this Berkeleian principle as arising from an evident shrink- CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 29 ing from decided idealism ; while, on the other hand, I found idealism distinctly expressed in many passages of the " Critique of Pure Reason," and accordingly I charged Kant with contradicting himself. And this charge was well founded, if, as was then my case, one only knew the " Critique of Pure Eeason " in the second or any of the five subsequent editions printed from it. But when later I read Kant's great work in the first edition, which is already so rare, I saw, to my great pleasure, all these contradic tions disappear, and found that although Kant does not use the formula, " No object without a subject," he yet ex plains, with just as much decision as Berkeley and I do, the outer world lying before us in space and time as the mere idea of the subject that knows it. Therefore, for example, he says there without reserve (p. 383): "If I take away the thinking subject, the whole material world must dis appear, for it is nothing but a phenomenon in the sensi bility of our subject, and a class of its ideas." But the whole passage from p. 348-392, in which Kant expounded his pronounced idealism with peculiar beauty and clear ness, was suppressed by him in the second edition, and instead of it a number of remarks controverting it were introduced. In this way then the text of the " Critique of Pure Eeason," as it has circulated from the year 1787 to the year 1838, was disfigured and spoilt, and it became a self-contradictory book, the sense of which could not therefore be thoroughly clear and comprehensible to any one. The particulars about this, and also my conjectures as to the reasons and the weaknesses which may have influenced Kant so to disfigure his immortal work, I have given in a letter to Professor Piosenkranz, and he has quoted the principal passage of it in his preface to the second volume of the edition of Kant's collected works edited by him, to which I therefore refer. In consequence of my representations, Professor Eosenkranz was induced in the year 1838 to restore the "Critique of Pure Eeason" to its original form, for in the second volume referred to 30 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. he had it printed according to ihe first edition of 1781, by which he has rendered an inestimable service to philo sophy ; indeed, he has perhaps saved from destruction the most important work of German literature ; and^this should always be remembered to his credit. But let no one imagine that he knows the " Critique of Pure Reason " and has a distinct conception of Kant's teaching if he has only read the second or one of the later editions. That is altogether impossible, for he has only read a mutilated, spoilt, and to a certain extent ungenuine text. It is my duty to say this here decidedly and for every one's warning. Yet the way in which Kant introduces the thing in itself stands in undeniable contradiction with the dis tinctly idealistic point of view so clearly expressed in the first edition of the " Critique of Pure Pteason," and without doubt this is the chief reason why, in the second edition, he suppressed the principal idealistic passage we have referred to, and directly declared himself opposed to the Berkeleian idealism, though by doing so he only intro duced inconsistencies into his work, without being able to remedy its principal defect. This defect, as is known, is the introduction of the thing in itself in the way chosen by him, the inadmissibleness of which was exposed at length by G. E. Schulze in " dSncsidemus" and was soon recognised as the untenable point of his system. The matter may be made clear in a very few words. Kant based the assumption of the thing in itself, though concealed under various modes of expression, upon an inference from the law of causality — an inference that the empirical perception, or more accurately the sensation, in our organs of sense, from which it proceeds, must have an external cause. But according to his own account, which is correct, the law of causality is known to us a priori, consequently is a function of our intellect, and is thus of subjective origin ; further, sensation itself, to which we here apply the law of causality, is undeniably subjective; and finally, even space, in which, by means of this application, CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 31 we place the cause of this sensation as object, is a form of our intellect given a priori, and is consequently subjective. Therefore the whole empirical perception remains always upon a subjective foundation, as a mere process in us, and nothing entirely different from it and independent of it can be brought in as a thing in itself, or shown to be a necessary assumption. The empirical perception actually is and remains merely our idea : it is the world as idea. An inner nature of this we can only arrive at on the entirely different path followed by me, by means of calling in the aid of self-consciousness, which proclaims the .will as the inner nature of our own phenomenon ; but then the thing in itself will be one which is toto genere different from the idea and its elements, as I have explained. The great defect of the Kantian system in this point, which, as has been said, was soon pointed out, is an illus tration of the truth of the beautiful Indian proverb : " No lotus without a stem." The erroneous deduction of the thing in itself is here the stem; yet only the method of the deduction, not the recognition of a thing in itself belonging to the given phenomenon. But this last was Fichte's misunderstanding of it, which could only happen because he was not concerned with truth, but with making a sensation for the furtherance of his individual ends. Accordingly he was bold and thoughtless enough to deny the thing in itself altogether, and to set up a system in which, not, as with Kant, the mere form of the idea, but also the matter, its whole content, was professedly deduced a priori from the subject. In doing this, he counted with perfect correctness upon the want of judgment and the stupidity of the public, which accepted miserable sophisms, mere hocus-pocus and senseless babble, for proofs ; so that he succeeded in turning its attention from Kant to himself, and gave the direction to German philosophy in which it was afterwards carried further by Schelling, and ultimately reached its goal in the mad sophistry of Hegel. I now return to the great mistake of Kant, already 32 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. touched on above, that he has not properly separated perceptible and abstract knowledge, whereby an inextri cable confusion has arisen which we have now to consider more closely. If he had sharply separated ideas of per ception from conceptions merely thought in abstracto, he would have held these two apart, and in every case would have known with which of the two he had to do. This, however, was unfortunately not the case, although this accusation has not yet been openly made, and may thus perhaps be unexpected. His "object of experience," of which he is constantly speaking, the proper object of the categories, is not the idea of perception ; neither is it the abstract conception, but it is different from both, and yet both at once, and is a perfect chimera. For, incredible as it may seem, he lacked either the wisdom or the honesty to come to an understanding with himself about this, and to explain distinctly to himself and others whether his " object of experience, i.e., the knowledge produced by the application of the categories," is the idea of perception in space and time (my first class of ideas), or merely the abstract conception. Strange as it is, there always runs in his mind something between the two, and hence arises the unfortunate confusion which I must now bring to light. For this end I must go through the whole theory of elements in a general wTay. The " Transcendental ^Esthetic " is a work of such extra ordinary merit that it alone would have been sufficient to immortalise the name of Kant. Its proofs carry such perfect conviction, that I number its propositions among incontestable truths, and without doubt they are also among those that are richest in results, and are, therefore, to be regarded as the rarest thing in the world, a real and great discovery in metaphysics. The fact, strictly proved by him, that a part of our knowledge is known to us a priori, admits of no other explanation than that this CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 33 constitutes the forms of our intellect ; indeed, this is less an explanation than merely the distinct expression of the fact itself. For a priori means nothing else than " not gained on the path of experience, thus not come into us from without." But what is present in the intellect, and has not come from without, is just what belongs originally to the intellect itself, its own nature. Now if what is thus present in the intellect itself consists of the general mode or manner in which it must present all its objects to itself, this is just saying that what is thus present is the intellect's forms of knowing, i.e., the mode, fixed once for all, in which it fulfils this its function. Accordingly, " knowledge a priori " and " the intellect's own forms " are at bottom only two expressions for the same things thus to a certain extent synonyms. Therefore from the doctrine of the Transcendental ^Esthetic I knew of nothing to take away, only of some thing to add. Kant did not carry out his thought to the end, especially in this respect, that he did not reject Euclid's whole method of demonstration, even after having said on p. 87 ; V. 1 20, that all geometrical knowledge has direct evidence from perception. It is most remark able that one of Kant's opponents, and indeed the acutest of them, G. E. Schulze (Kritik der theorctischen Philo sophic, ii. 241), draws the conclusion that from his doc trine an entirely different treatment of geometry from that which is actually in use would arise ; and thus he thought to bring an apagogical argument against Kant, but, in fact, without knowing it, he only began the war against the method of Euclid. Let me refer to § 15 of the first book of this work. After the full exposition of the universal forms of per ception given in the Transcendental Esthetic, one neces sarily expects to receive some explanation as to its content, as to the way in \vhich the empirical perception comes into our consciousness, how the knowledge of this whole world, which is for us so real and so important, arises in VOL. II. C 34 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. us. But the whole teaching of Kant contains really nothing more about this than the oft-repeated meaning less expression : " The empirical element in perception is given from without." Consequently here also from the pure forms of perception Kant arrives with one spring at thinking at the Transcendental Logic. Just at the begin ning of the Transcendental Logic (Critique of Pure Eeason, p. 50 ; V. 74), where Kant cannot avoid touch ing upon the content of the empirical perception, he takes the first false step ; he is guilty of the Trpcorov -^euSo?. " Our knowledge," he says, " has two sources, receptivity of impressions and spontaneity of conceptions : the first is the capacity for receiving ideas, the second that of know ing an object through these ideas : through the first an object is given us, through the second it is thought." This is false ; for according to it the impression, for which alone we have mere receptivity, which thus comes from without and alone is properly " given," would be already an idea, and indeed an object. But it is nothing more than a mere sensation in the organ of sense, and only by the application of the understanding (i.e., of the law of causality) and the forms of perception, space and time, does our intellect change this mere sensation into an idea, which now exists as an object in space and time, and can not be distinguished from the latter (the object) except in so far as we ask after the thing in itself, but apart from this is identical with it. I have explained this point fully in the essay on the principle of sufficient reason, § 21. With this, however, the work of the understanding and of the faculty of perception is completed, and no conceptions and no thinking are required in addition; therefore the brute also has these ideas. If conceptions are added, if thinking is added, to which spontaneity may certainly be attributed, then knowledge of perception is entirely aban doned, and a completely different class of ideas comes into consciousness, non-perceptible abstract conceptions. This is the activity of the reason, which vet obtains the whole CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 35 -content of its thinking only from the previous perception, and the comparison of it with other perceptions and con ceptions. But thus Kant brings thinking into the percep tion, and lays the foundation for the inextricable confusion of intuitive and abstract knowledge which I am now en gaged in condemning. He allows the perception, taken by itself, to be without understanding, purely sensuous, and thus quite passive, and only through thinking (category of the understanding) does he allow an object to be appre hended : thus he brings thought into the perception. But then, again, the object of thinking is an individual real object ; and in this way thinking loses its essential char acter of universality and abstraction, and instead of gene ral conceptions receives individual things as its object : thus again he brings perception into thinking. From this springs the inextricable confusion referred to, and the consequences of this first false step extend over his whole theory of knowledge. Through the whole of his theory the utter confusion of the idea of perception with the abstract idea tends towards a something between the two which he expounds as the object of knowledge through the understanding and its categories, and calls this know ledge experience. It is hard to believe that Kant really figured to himself something fully determined and really distinct in this object of the understanding ; I shall now prove this through the tremendous contradiction which runs through the whole Transcendental Logic, and is the real source of the obscurity in which it is involved. In the " Critique of Pure Reason," p. 67-69 ; V. 92-94 ; p. 89, 90; V. 122, 123; further, V. 135, 139, 153, he repeats and insists : the understanding is no faculty of perception, its knowledge is not intuitive but discursive ; the understanding is the faculty of judging (p. 69 ; V. 94), and a judgment is indirect knowledge, an idea of an idea (p. 68 ; V. 93) ; the understanding is the faculty of thinking, and thinking is knowledge through conceptions (p. 69 ; V. •94) ; the categories of the understanding are by no means 36 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. the conditions under which objects are given in percep tion (p. 89; V. 122), and perception in no way requires the functions of thinking (p. 91 ; V. 123) ; our under standing can only think, not perceive (V. pp. 135, 139). Further, in the "Prolegomena," § 20, he says that percep tion, sensation, pcrceptio, belongs merely to the senses; judgment to the understanding alone ; and in § 22, that the work of the senses is to perceive, that of the under standing to think, i.e., to judge. Finally, in the " Critique of Practical Eeason," fourth edition, p. 247 ; Eosenkranz's edition, p. 281, he says that the understanding is discur sive; its ideas are thoughts, not perceptions. All this is in Kant's own words. From this it follows that this perceptible world would exist for us even if we had no understanding at all ; that it comes into our head in a quite inexplicable manner, which he constantly indicates by his strange expression the perception is given, without ever explaining this in definite and metaphorical expression further. Now all that has been quoted is contradicted in the most glaring manner by the whole of the rest of his doctrine of the understanding, of its categories, and of the possibility of experience as he explains it in the Trans cendental Logic. Thus (Critique of Pure Eeason, p. 79 ; V. 105), the understanding through its categories brings unity into the manifold of perception, and the pure conceptions of the understanding refer a priori to objects of per ception. P. 94 ; V. 1 26, the " categories are the condition of experience, whether of perception, which is found in it, or of thought." V. p. 127, the understanding is the originator of experience. V. p. 128, the categories deter mine the perception of objects. V. p. 130, all that we pre sent to ourselves as connected in the object (which is yet certainly something perceptible and not an abstraction), has been so connected by an act of the understanding. V. p.. 135, the understanding is explained anew as the faculty of combining a priori, and of bringing the multiplicity of given. CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 37 ideas under the unity of apperception ; but according to all ordinary use of words, apperception is not the thinking of a conception, but is perception. V. p. 136, we find a first principle of the possibility of all perception in connection with the understanding. V. p. 143, it stands as the heading, that all sense perception is conditioned by the categories. At the same place the logical function of the judgment also brings the manifold of given perceptions under an apperception in general, and the manifold of a given perception stands necessarily under the categories. V. p. 144, unity comes into perception, by means of the categories, through the understanding. V. p. 145, the thinking of the understanding is very strangely explained as synthetically combining, connecting, and arranging the manifold of perception. V. p. 161, experience is only possible through the categories, and consists in the con nection of sensations, which, however, are just perceptions. V. P- T59> tne categories are a priori knowledge of the objects of perception in general. Further, here and at V. p. 163 and 165, a chief doctrine of Kant's is given, this : tlmt the understanding first makes Nature possible, because it pre scribes laws for it a priori, and Nature adapts itself to the system of the understanding, and so on. Nature, however, is certainly perceptible and not an abstraction ; therefore, the understanding must be a faculty of perception. V. p. 1 68, it is said, the conceptions of the understanding are the principles of the possibility of experience, and the latter is the condition of phenomena in space and time in general ; phenomena which, however, certainly exist in perception. Finally, p. 189-211 ; V. 232-265, the long proof is given (the incorrectness of which is shown in detail in my essay on the principle of sufficient reason, § 23) that the ob jective succession and also the coexistence of objects of experience are not sensuously apprehended, but are only brought into Nature by the understanding, and that Nature itself first becomes possible in this way. Yet it is certain that Nature, the course of events, and the coexistence 38 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. of states, is purely perceptible, and no mere abstract thought. I challenge every one who shares my respect towards Kant to reconcile these contradictions and to show that in his doctrine of the object of experience and the way it is determined by the activity of the understanding and its twelve functions, Kant thought something quite distinct and definite. I am convinced that the contra diction I have pointed out, which extends through the whole Transcendental Logic, is the real reason of the great obscurity of its language. Kant himself, in fact, was dimly conscious of the contradiction, inwardly com bated it, but yet either would not or could not bring it to distinct consciousness, and therefore veiled it from himself and others, and avoided it by all kinds of subter fuges. This is perhaps also the reason why he made out of the faculties of knowledge such a strange complicated machine, Avith so many wheels, as the twelve categories, the transcendental synthesis of imagination, of the inner sense, of the transcendental unity of apperception, also the schematism of the pure conceptions of the understand ing, &c., &c. And notwithstanding this great apparatus, not even an attempt is made to explain the perception of the external world, which is after all the principal fact in our knowledge; but this pressing claim is very meanly rejected, always through the same meaningless meta phorical expression : " The empirical perception is given us." On p. 145 of the fifth edition, we learn further that the perception is given through the object ; therefore the object must be something different from the perception. If, now, we endeavour to investigate Kant's inmost meaning, not clearly expressed by himself, we find that in reality such an object, different from the perception, but which is by no means a conception, is for him the proper object for the understanding ; indeed that it must be by means of the strange assumption of such an object, which cannot be presented in perception, that the per- CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 39 ception first becomes experience. I believe that an old deeply-rooted prejudice in Kant, dead to all investigation, is the ultimate reason of the assumption of such an absolute object, which is an object in itself, i.e., without a subject. It is certainly not the perceived object, but through the conception it is added to the perception by thought, as something corresponding to it ; and now the perception is experience, and has value and truth, which it thus only receives through the relation to a conception (in diametrical opposition to my exposition, according to which the con ception only receives value and truth from the perception). It is then the proper function of the categories to add on in thought to the perception this directly non-perceptible object. " The object is given only through perception, and is afterwards thought in accordance with the category " (Critique of Pure Beason, first edition, p. 399). This is made specially clear by a passage on p. 125 of the fifth edition : " Now the question arises whether conceptions a priori do not also come first as conditions under which alone a thing can be, not perceived certainly, but yet thought as an object in general," which he answers in the affirmative. Here the source of the error and the con fusion in which it is involved shows itself distinctly. For the object as such exists always only for perception and in it ; it may now be completed through the senses, or, when it is absent, through the imagination. What is thought, on the contrary, is always an universal non-perceptible conception, which certainly can be the conception of an object in general ; but only indirectly by means of con ceptions does thought relate itself to objects, which always are and remain perceptible. For our thinking is not able to impart reality to perceptions ; this they have, so far as they are capable of it (empirical reality) of themselves; but it serves to bring together the common element and the results of perceptions, in order to preserve them, and to be able to use them more easily. But Kant ascribes the objects themselves to thought, in order to make expe- 40 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. rience and the objective world dependent upon under standing, yet without allowing understanding to be a faculty of perception. In this relation he certainly dis tinguishes perception from thought, but he makes par ticular things sometimes the object of perception and sometimes the object of thought. In reality, however, they are only the object of the former; our empirical perception is at once objective, just because it proceeds from the causal nexus. Things, not ideas different from them, are directly its object. Particular things as such are perceived in the understanding and through the senses; the one-sided impression upon the latter is at once com pleted by the imagination. But, on the contrary, as soon as we pass over to thought, we leave the particular things, and have to do with general conceptions, which cannot be presented in perception, although we afterwards apply the results of our thought to particular things. If we hold firmly to this, the inadmissibleness of the assumption becomes evident that the perception of things only obtains reality and becomes experience through the thought of these very things applying its twelve categories. Bather in perception itself the empirical reality, and consequently experience, is already given ; but the perception itself can only come into existence by the application to sensation of the ^knowledge of the causal nexus, which is the one function of the understanding. Perception is accordingly in reality intellectual, which is just what Kant denies. Besides in the passages quoted, the assumption of Kant here criticised will be found expressed with admirable clearness in the " Critique of Judgment," § 36, just at the beginning; also in the "Metaphysical Principles of Natural Science," in the note to the first explanation of " Phenomenology." But with a naivete which Kant ven tured upon least of all with reference to this doubtful point, it is to be found most distinctly laid down in the book of a Kantian, Kiesewetter's " Grundriss einer alge- meinen Logik" third edition, part i., p. 434 of the exposi- CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 41 tion, and part ii., § 52 and 53 of the exposition; similarly in Tieftrunk's " Denldehrc in rein Dcutschem Gewande" (1825). It there appears so clearly how those disciples who do not themselves think become a magnifying mirror of the errors of every thinker. Once having determined his doctrine of the categories, Kant was always cautious when expounding it, but his disciples on the contrary were quite bold, and thus exposed its falseness. According to what has been said, the object of the cate gories is for Kant, not indeed the thing in itself, but yet most closely akin to it. It is the object in itself ; it is an object that requires no subject; it is a particular thing, and yet not in space and time, because not perceptible ; it is an object of thought, and yet not an abstract conception. Accordingly Kant really makes a triple division: (i.) the idea ; (2.) the object of the idea ; (3.) the thing in itself. The first belongs to the sensibility, which in its case, as in that of sensation, includes the pure forms of perception, space and time. The second belongs to the understand ing, which thinks it through its twelve categories. The third lies beyond the possibility of all knowledge. (In support of this, cf. Critique of Pure Reason, first edition, p. 1 08 and 109.) The distinction of the idea from the object of the idea is however unfounded ; this had already been proved by Berkeley, and it appears from my whole exposition in the first book, especially chap. i. of the sup plements; nay, even from Kant's own completely idea listic point of view in the first edition. But if we should not wish to count the object of the idea as belonging to the idea and identify it with the idea, it would be neces sary to attribute it to the thing in itself : this ultimately depends on the sense which is attached to the word object. This, however, always remains certain, that, when we think clearly, nothing more can be found than idea and thing in itself. The illicit introduction of that hybrid, the object of the idea, is the source of Kant's errors ; yet when it is taken away, the doctrine of the categories as concep- 42 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. tions a priori also falls to the ground; for they bring nothing to the perception, and are not supposed to hold good of the thing in itself, but by means of them we only think those " objects of the ideas," and thereby change ideas into experience. For every empirical perception is already experience; but every perception which proceeds from sensation is empirical: this sensation is related by the understanding, by means of its sole function (knowledge a priori of the law of causality), to its cause, which just on this account presents itself in space and time (forms of pure perception) as object of experience, material object, enduring in space through all time, yet as such always remains idea, as do space and time themselves. If we desire to go beyond this idea, then we arrive at the ques tion as to the thing in itself, the answer to which is the theme of my whole work, as of all metaphysics in general. Kant's error here explained is connected with his mistake, which we condemned before, that he gives no theory of the origin of empirical perception, but, without saying more, treats it as given, identifying it with the mere sen sation, to which he only adds the forms of intuition or per ception, space and time, comprehending both under the name sensibility. But from these materials no objective idea arises : this absolutely demands the relation of the idea to its cause, thus the application of the law of causality, and thus understanding; for without this the sensation still remains always subjective, and does not take the form of an object in space, even if space is given with it. But according to Kant, the understanding must not be assigned to perception ; it is supposed merely to think, so as to remain within the transcendental logic. "With this again is connected another mistake of Kant's : that he left it to me to adduce the only valid proof of the a priori nature of the law of causality which he rightly recognised, the proof from the possibility of objective empirical per ception itself, and instead of it gives a palpably false one, as I have already shown in my essay on the principle of CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 43 sufficient reason, § 23. From the above it is clear that Kant's "object of the idea" (2) is made up of what he has stolen partly from the idea (i), and partly from the thing in itself (3 ). If, in reality, experience were only brought about by the understanding applying its twelve different functions in order to think through as many conceptions a priori, the objects which were pre viously merely perceived, then every real thing would necessarily as such have a number of determinations, which, as given a priori, absolutely could not be thought away, just like space and time, but would belong quite essentially to the existence of the thing, and yet could not be deduced from the properties of space and time. But only one such determination is to be found — that of causality. Upon this rests materiality, for the essence of matter consists in action, and it is through and through causality (cf. Bk. II. ch. iv.) But it is materiality alone that distinguishes the real thing from the picture of the imagination, which is then only idea. For matter, as per manent, gives to the thing permanence through all time, in respect of its matter, while the forms change in con formity with causality. Everything else in the thing consists either of determinations of space or of time, or of its empirical properties, which are all referable to its activity, and are thus fuller determinations of causality. But causality enters already as a condition into the em pirical perception, and this is accordingly a thing of the understanding, which makes even perception possible, and yet apart from the law of causality contributes nothing to experience and its possibilty. What fills the old ontolo gies is, with the exception of what is given here, nothing more than relations of things to each other, or to our re flection, and a farrago of nonsense. The language in which the doctrine of the categories is expressed affords an evidence of its baselessness. What a difference in this respect between the Transcenden tal Esthetic and the Transcendental Analytic ! IQ the 44 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. former, what clearness, definiteness, certainty, firm con viction which is freely expressed and infallibly com municates itself ! All is full of light, no dark lurking- places are left : Kant knows what he wants and knows that he is right. In the latter, on the other hand, all is obscure, confused, indefinite, wavering, uncertain, the language anxious, full of excuses and appeals to what is coming, or indeed of suppression. Moreover, the whole second and third sections of the Deduction of the Pure Conceptions of the Understanding are completely changed in the second edition, because they did not satisfy Kant himself, and they have become quite different from the first edition, though not clearer. We actually see Kant in conflict with the truth in order to carry out his hypothe sis which he has once fixed upon. In the Transcenden tal .^Esthetic all his propositions are really proved from undeniable facts of consciousness ; in the Transcenden tal Analytic, on the contrary, we find, if we consider it closely, mere assertions that thus it is and must be. Here, then, as everywhere, the language bears the stamp of the thought from which it has proceeded, for style is the physiognomy of the mind. We have still to remark, that whenever Kant wishes to give an example for the purpose of fuller explanation, he almost always takes for this end the category of causality, and then what he has said turns out correct ; for the law of causality is indeed the real form of the understanding, but it is also its only form, and the remaining eleven categories are merely blind windows. The deduction of the categories is simpler and less involved in the first edition than in the second. He labours to explain how, according to the perception given by sensibility, the understanding produces experi ence by means of thinking the categories. In doing so, the wrords recognition, reproduction, association, appre hension, transcendental unity of apperception, are re peated to weariness, and yet no distinctness is attained. It is well worth noticing, however, that in this explana- CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 45 tion he does not once touch upon what must nevertheless first occur to every one — the relation of the sensation to its external cause. If he did not intend this relation to hold good, he ought to have expressly denied it ; but neither does he do this. Thus in this way he evades the point, and all the Kantians have in like manner evaded it. The secret motive of this is, that he reserves the causal nexus, under the name "ground of the phenome non," for his false deduction of the thing in itself ; and also that perception would become intellectual through the relation to the cause, which he dare not admit. Besides this, he seems to have been afraid that if the causal nexus were allowed to hold good between sensation and object, the latter would at once become the thing in itself, and introduce the empiricism of Locke. But this difficulty is removed by reflection, which shows us that the law of causality is of subjective origin, as well as the sensation itself ; and besides this, our own body also, inasmuch as it appears in space, already belongs to ideas. But Kant was hindered from confessing this by his fear of the Berkeleian idealism. " The combination of the manifold of perception " is repeatedly given as the essential operation of the under standing, by means of its twelve categories. Yet this is never adequately explained, nor is it shown what this manifold of perception is before it is combined by the understanding. But time and space, the latter in all its three dimensions, are contimia, i.e., all their parts are originally not separate but combined. Thus, then, every thing that exhibits itself in them (is given) appears origi nally as a continuum, i.e., its parts appear already com bined and require no adventitious combination of a manifold. If, however, some one should seek to interpret that combining of the manifold of perception by saying that I refer the different sense-impressions of one object to this one only — thus, for example, perceiving a bell, I recognise that what affects my eye as yellow, my hand as 46 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. smooth and hard, my ear as sounding, is yet only one and the same body, — then I reply that this is rather a conse quence of the knowledge a priori of the causal nexus (this actual and only function of the understanding), by virtue of which all those different effects upon my different organs of sense yet lead me only to one common cause of them, the nature of the body standing before me, so that my understanding, in spite of the difference and multi plicity of the effects, still apprehends the unity of the cause as a single object, which just on that account ex hibits itself in perception. In the beautiful recapitulation of his doctrine which Kant gives at p. 719-726 or V. 747-754 of the " Critique of Pure Eeason," he explains the categories, perhaps more distinctly than anywhere else, as " the mere rule of the synthesis of that which empirical apprehension has given a posteriori." It seems as if here he had something in his mind, such as that, in the construc tion of the triangle, the angles give the rule for the com position of the lines ; at least by this image one can best explain to oneself what he says of the function of the cate gories. The preface to the " Metaphysical First Principles of Natural Science " contains a long note which likewise gives an explanation of the categories, and says that they " differ in no respect from the formal acts of the under standing in judging," except that in the latter subject and predicate can always change places ; then the judgment in general is defined in the same passage as "an act through which given ideas first become knowledge of an object." According to this, the brutes, since they do not judge, must also have no knowledge of objects. In general, according to Kant, there are only conceptions of objects, no perceptions. I, on the contrary, say : Objects exist primarily only for perception, and conceptions are always abstractions from this perception. Therefore ab stract thinking must be conducted exactly according to the world present in perception, for it is only their rela tion to this that gives content to conceptions ; and we must CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 47 assume for the conceptions no other a priori determined form than the faculty of reflection in general, the nature of which is the construction of conceptions, i.e., of abstract non-perceptible ideas, which constitutes the sole function of the reason, as I have shown in the first book. I therefore require that we should reject eleven of the categories, and only retain that of causality, and yet that we should see clearly that its activity is indeed the condition of empirical perception, which accordingly is not merely sensuous but intellectual, and that the object so per ceived, the object of experience, is one with the idea, from which there remains nothing to distinguish except the thing in itself. After repeated study of the " Critique of Pure Eeason " at different periods of my life, a conviction has forced itself upon me with regard to the origin of the Transcen dental Logic, which I now impart as very helpful to an understanding of it. Kant's only discovery, which is based upon objective comprehension and the highest human thought, is the appcr^u that time and space are known by us a priori. Gratified by this happy hit, he wished to pursue the same vein further, and his love of architectonic symmetry afforded him the clue. As he had found that a pure intuition or perception a priori underlay the empirical perception as its condition, he thought that in the same way certain pure conceptions as presuppositions in our faculty of knowledge must lie at the foundation of the empirically obtained conceptions, and that real empirical thought must be only possible through a pure thought a priori, which, however, would have no objects in itself, but would be obliged to take them from perception. So that as the Transcendental ^Esthetic estab lishes an a priori basis of mathematics, there must, he supposed, also be a similar basis for logic ; and thus, then for the sake of symmetry, the former received a pendant in a Transcendental Logic. From this point onwards Kant was no more free, no more in the position of purely, 48 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. investigating and observing what is present in conscious ness; but he was guided by an assumption and pursued a purpose — the purpose of finding what he assumed, in order to add to the Transcendental ^Esthetic so happily discovered a Transcendental Logic analogous to it, and thus symmetrically corresponding to it, as a second storey. Now for this purpose he hit upon the table of judgments, out of which he constructed, as well as he could, the table of categories, the doctrine of twelve pure a priori con ceptions, which are supposed to be the conditions of our thinking those very things the perception of which is con ditioned by the two a priori forms of sensibility : thus a pure understanding now corresponded symmetrically to a pure sensibility. Then another consideration occurred to him, which offered a means of increasing the plausi bility of the thing, by the assumption of the schematism of the pure conceptions of the understanding. But just through this the way in which his procedure had, uncon sciously indeed, originated betrayed itself most distinctly. For because he aimed at finding something a priori analogous to every empirical function of the faculty of knowledge, he remarked that between our empirical per ception and our empirical thinking, conducted in abstract non-perceptible conceptions, a connection very frequently, though not always, takes place, because every now and then we try to go back from abstract thinking to percep tion ; but try to do so merely in order really to convince ourselves that our abstract thought has not strayed far from the safe ground of perception, and perhaps become exaggeration, or, it may be, mere empty talk ; much in the same way as, when we are walking in the dark, we stretch out our hand every now and then to the guiding wall. We go back, then, to the perception only tentatively and for the moment, by calling up in imagination a perception corresponding to the conceptions which are occupying us at the time — a perception which can yet never be quite adequate to the conception, but is merely a temporary CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 49 representative of it. I have already adduced what is needful on this point in my essay on the principle of sufficient reason, § 28. Kant calls a fleeting phantasy of this kind a schema, in opposition to the perfected picture of the imagination. He says it is like a mono gram of the imagination, and asserts that just as such a schema stands midway between our abstract thinking of empirically obtained conceptions, and our clear percep tion which comes to us through the senses, so there are a priori schemata of the pure conceptions of the under standing between the faculty of perception a priori of pure sensibility and the faculty of thinking a priori of the pure understanding (thus the categories). These schemata, as monograms of the pure imagination a priori, he describes one by one, and assigns to each of them its corresponding category, in the wonderful " Chapter on the Schematism of the Pure Conceptions of the Under standing," which is noted as exceedingly obscure, because no man has ever been able to make anything out of it. Its obscurity, however, vanishes if it is considered from the point of view here indicated, but there also comes out more clearly in it than anywhere else the intentional nature of Kant's procedure, and of the determination formed beforehand of finding what would correspond to the analogy, and could assist the architectonic symmetry ; indeed this is here the case to such a degree as to be almost comical. For when he assumes schemata of the pure (empty) a priori conceptions of the understanding (categories) analogous to the empirical schemata (or re presentatives through the fancy of our actual conceptions), he overlooks the fact that the end of such schemata is here entirely wanting. For the end of the schemata in the case of empirical (real) thinking is entirely connected with the material content of such conceptions. For since these conceptions are drawn from empirical perception, we assist and guide ourselves when engaged in abstract thinking by now and then casting a momentary glance back at VOL. II. 1> 50 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. the perception out of which the conceptions are framed, in order to assure ourselves that our thought has still real content. This, however, necessarily presupposes that the conceptions which occupy us are sprung from perception, and it is merely a glance back at their material content, indeed a mere aid to our weakness. But in the case of a priori conceptions which as yet have no content at all, clearly this is necessarily omitted. For these conceptions are not sprung from perception, but come to it from within, in order to receive a content first from it. Thus they have as yet nothing on which they could look back. I speak fully upon this point, because it is just this that throws light upon the secret origin of the Kantian philo sophising, which accordingly consists in this, that Kant, after the happy discovery of the two forms of intuition or perception a priori, exerted himself, under the guidance of the analogy, to prove that for every determination of our empirical knowledge there is an a priori analogue, and this finally extended, in the schemata, even to a mere psychological fact. Here the apparent depth and the difficulty of the exposition just serve to conceal from the reader that its content remains a wholly undemon- strable and merely arbitrary assumption. But he who has penetrated at last to the meaning of such an ex position is then easily induced to mistake this under standing so painfully attained for a conviction of the truth of the matter. If, on the contrary, Kant had kept himself here as unprejudiced and purely observant as in the discovery of a priori intuition or perception, he must have found that what is added to the pure intuition or perception of space and time, if an empirical perception arises from it, is on the one hand the sensation, and on the other hand the knowledge of causality, which changes the mere sensation into objective empirical perception, but just on this account is not first derived and learned from sensation, but exists a priori, and is indeed the form and function of the pure understanding. It is also, however, CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 51 its sole form and function, yet one so rich in results that all our empirical knowledge rests upon it. If, as has often been said, the refutation of an error is only complete when the way it originated has been psychologically demonstrated, I believe I have achieved this, with regard to Kant's doctrine of the categories and their schemata, in what I have said above. After Kant had thus introduced such great errors into the first simple outlines of a theory of the faculty of per ception, he adopted a variety of very complicated assump tions. To these belongs first of all the synthetic unity of apperception : a very strange thing, very strangely explained. "The / think must be able to accompany all my ideas." Must — be able : this is a problem atic- apodictic enunciation; in plain English, a proposition which takes with one hand what it gives with the other. And what is the meaning of this carefully balanced .proposition ? That all knowledge of ideas is thinking ? That is not the case : and it would be dreadful ; there would then be nothing but abstract conceptions, or at any rate a pure perception free from reflection and will, such as that of the beautiful, the deepest comprehension of the true nature of things, i.e., of their Platonic Ideas. And besides, the brutes would then either think also, or else they would not even have ideas. Or is the proposition perhaps intended to mean: no object without a subject? That would be very badly expressed by it, and would come too late. If we collect Kant's utterances on the subject, we shall find that what he understands by the synthetic unity of apperception is, as it were, the exten- sionless centre of the sphere of all our ideas, whose radii converge to it. It is what I call the subject of knowing, the correlative of all ideas, and it is also that which I have fully described and explained in the 22d chapter of the Supplements, as the focus in which the rays of the activity 52 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. of the brain converge. Therefore, to avoid repetition, I now refer to that chapter. That I reject the whole doctrine of the categories, and reckon it among the groundless assumptions with which Kant burdened the theory of knowledge, results from the criticism given above ; and also from the proof of the con tradictions in the Transcendental Logic, which had their ground in the confusion of perception and abstract know ledge ; also further from the proof of the want of a distinct and definite conception of the nature of the understanding and of the reason, instead of which we found in Kant's writ ings only incoherent, inconsistent, insufficient, and incorrect utterances with regard to these two faculties of the mind. Finally, it results from the explanations which I myself have given of these faculties of the mind in the first book and its Supplements, and more fully in the essay on the principle of sufficient reason, § 21, 26, and 34, — explana tions which are very definite and distinct, which clearly follow from the consideration of the nature of our know ledge, and which completely agree with the conceptions of those two faculties of knowledge that appear in the language and writings of all ages and all nations, but were not brought to distinctness. Their defence against the very different exposition of Kant has, for the most part, been given already along with the exposure of the errors of that exposition. Since, however, the table of judgments, which Kant makes the foundation of his theory of thinking, and indeed of^his whole philosophy, has, in itself, as a whole, its correctness, it is still incumbent upon me to show how these universal forms of all judgment arise in our faculty of knowledge, and to reconcile them with my exposition of it. In this discussion I shall always- attach to the concepts understanding and reason the sense given them in my explanation, which I therefore assume- the reader is familiar with. CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 53 An essential difference between Kant's method and that which I follow lies in this, that he starts from indirect, reflected knowledge, while I start from direct or intuitive knowledge. He may be compared to a man who measures the height of a tower by its shadow, while I am like him who applies the measuring-rule directly to the tower itself. Therefore, for him philosophy is a science of con ceptions, but for me it is a science in conceptions, drawn from knowledge of perception, the one source of all evi dence, and comprehended and made permanent in general conceptions. He passes over this whole world of perception which surrounds us, so multifarious and rich in signi ficance, and confines himself to the forms of abstract thinking ; and, although he never expressly says so, this procedure is founded on the assumption that reflection is the ectype of all perception, that, therefore, all that is essential in perception must be expressed in reflection, and expressed in very contracted forms and outlines, which are thus easily surveyed. According to this, what is essential and conformable to law in abstract know ledge would, as it were, place in our hands all the threads by which the varied puppet-show of the world of per ception is set in motion before our eyes. If Kant had only distinctly expressed this first principle of his method, and then followed it consistently, he would at least have been obliged to separate clearly the intuitive from the abstract, and we would not have had to contend with inextricable contradictions and confusions. But from the way in which he solves his problem we see that that fundamental principle of his method was only very in distinctly present to his mind, and thus we have still to arrive at it by conjecture even after a thorough study of his philosophy. Now as concerns the specified method and fundamental maxim itself, there is much to be said for it, and it is a brilliant thought. The nature of all science indeed con sists in this, that we comprehend the endless manifold of 54 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. perceptible phenomena under comparatively few abstract conceptions, and out of these construct a system by means of which we have all those phenomena completely in the power of our knowledge, can explain the past and deter mine the future. The sciences, however, divide the wide sphere of phenomena among them according to the special and manifold classes of the latter. Now it was a bold and happy thought to isolate what is absolutely essential to the conceptions as such and apart from their content, in order to discover from these forms of all thought found in this way what is essential to all intuitive knowledge also, and consequently to the world as phenomenon in general ; and because this would be found a priori on account of the necessity of those forms of thought, it would be of subjective origin, and would just lead to the ends Kant had in view. Here, however, before going further, the relation of reflection to knowledge of perception ought to have been investigated (which certainly presupposes the clear separation of the two, which was neglected by Kant). He ought to have inquired in what way the former really repeats and represents the latter, whether quite pure, or changed and to some extent disguised by being taken up into its special forms (forms of reflection) ; whether the form of abstract reflective knowledge becomes more determined through the form of knowledge of percep tion, or through the nature or constitution which unalter ably belongs to itself, i.e., to reflective knowledge, so that even what is very heterogeneous in intuitive knowledge can no longer be distinguished when it has entered reflective knowledge, and conversely many distinctions of which we are conscious in the reflective method of knowledge have also sprung from this knowledge itself, and by no means point to corresponding differences in intuitive knowledge. As the result of this investigation, however, it would have appeared that knowledge of perception suffers very nearly as much change when it is taken up into reflection as food when it is taken into the animal organism whose CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 55 forms and compounds are determined by itself, so that the nature of the food can no longer be recognised from the result they produce. Or (for this is going a little too far) at least it would have appeared that reflection is by no means related to knowledge of perception as the reflection in water is related to the reflected objects, but scarcely even as the mere shadow of these objects stands to the objects themselves ; which shadow repeats only a few external outlines, but also unites the most manifold in the same form and presents the most diverse through the same outline ; so that it is by no means possible, starting from it, to construe the forms of things with completeness and certainty. The whole of reflective knowledge, or the reason, has only one chief form, and that is the abstract conception. It is proper to the reason itself, and has no direct necessary connection with the world of perception, which therefore exists for the brutes entirely without conceptions, and in deed, even if it were quite another world from what it is, that form of reflection would suit it just as well. But the combination of conceptions for the purpose of judging has certain definite and normal forms, which have been found by induction, and constitute the table of judgments. These forms are for the most part deducible from the nature of reflective knowledge itself, thus directly from the reason, because they spring from the four laws of thought (called by me metalogical truths) and the dictum de omni et nullo. Certain others of these forms, however, have their ground in the nature of knowledge of percep tion, thus in the understanding ; yet they by no means point to a like number of special forms of the under standing, but can all be fully deduced from the sole function which the understanding has — the direct know ledge of cause and effect. Lastly, still others of these forms have sprung from the concurrence and combination of the reflective and intuitive modes of knowledge, or more properly from the assumption of the latter into the 56 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. former. I shall now go through the moments of the judgment one by one, and point out the origin of each of them in the sources referred to ; and from this it follows of itself that a deduction of categories from them is want ing, and the assumption of this is just as groundless as its exposition was found to be entangled and self- con flicting. i. The so-called Quantity of judgments springs from the nature of concepts as such. It thus has its ground in the reason alone, and has absolutely no direct connection with the understanding and with knowledge of perception. It is indeed, as is explained at length in the first book, essential to concepts, as such, that they should have an extent, a sphere, and the wider, less determined concept includes the narrower and more determined. The latter can therefore be separated from the former, and this may happen in two ways, — either the narrower concept may be indicated as an indefinite part of the wider concept in general, or it may be defined and completely separated by means of the addition of a special name. The judgment which carries out this operation is in the first case called a particular, and in the second case an universal judg ment. For example, one and the same part of the sphere of the concept tree may be isolated through a particular and through an universal judgment, thus — " Some trees bear gall-nuts," or "All oaks bear gall-nuts." One sees that the difference of the two operations is very slight ; indeed, that the possibility of it depends upon the rich ness of the language. Nevertheless, Kant has explained this difference as disclosing two fundamentally different actions, functions, categories of the pure understanding, which determines experience a priori through them. Finally, a concept may also be used in order to arrive by means of it at a definite particular idea of perception, from which, as well as from many others, this concept itself is drawn; this happens in the singular judgment. Such a judgment merely indicates the boundary -line CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 57 between abstract knowledge and knowledge of perception, and passes directly to the latter, "This tree here bears gall-nuts." Kant has made of this also a special cate gory. After all that has been said there is no need of further polemic here. 2. In the same way the Quality of the judgment lies entirely within the province of reason, and is not an adumbration of any law of that understanding which makes perception possible, i.e., it does not point to it. The nature of abstract concepts, which is just the nature of the reason itself objectively comprehended, carries with it the possibility of uniting and separating their spheres, as was already explained in the first book, and upon this possibility, as their presupposition, rest the universal laws of thought of identity and contradiction, to which I have given the name of mctalogical truths, because they spring purely from the reason, and cannot be further explained. They determine that what is united must remain united, and what is separated must remain separate, thus that what is established cannot at the same time be also abolished, and thus they presuppose the possibility of the combination and separation of spheres, i.e., of judgment. This, however, lies, according to its form, simply and solely in the reason, and this form has not, like the content of th^e judgments, been brought over from the perceptible knowledge of the understanding, and therefore there is no correlative or analogue of it to be looked for there. After the perception has been brought about through the under standing and for the understanding, it exists complete, subject to no doubt nor error, and therefore knows neither assertion nor denial ; for it expresses itself, and has not, like the abstract knowledge of the reason, its value and content in its mere relation to something outside of it, according to the principle of the ground of knowing. It is, therefore, pure reality; all negation is foreign to its nature, can only be added on through reflection, and just 58 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. on this account remains always in the province of abstract thought. To the affirmative and negative Kant adds the infinite judgment, making use of a crotchet of the old scholastics, an ingeniously invented stop-gap, which does not even require to be explained, a blind window, such as many others he made for the sake of his architectonic sym metry. 3. Under the very wide conception of Relation Kant has brought three entirely different properties of judgments, which we must, therefore, examine singly, in order to recognise their origin. (a.) The hypothetical judgment in general is the abstract expression of that most universal form of all our know ledge, the principle of sufficient reason. In my essay on this principle, I already showed in 1813 that it has four entirely different meanings, and in each of these originally originates in a different faculty of knowledge, and also concerns a different class of ideas. It clearly follows from this, that the source of the hypothetical judgment in general, of that universal form of thought, cannot be, as Kant wishes to make it, merely the understanding and its category of causality ; but that the law of causality which, according to my exposition, is the one form of knowledge of the pure understanding, is only one of the forms of that principle which embraces all pure or a priori knowledge — the principle of sufficient reason — which, on the other hand, in each of its meanings has this hypothetical form of judg ment as its expression. We see here, however, very dis tinctly how kinds of knowledge which are quite different in their origin and significance yet appear, if thought in abstracto by the reason, in one and the same form of com bination of concepts and judgments, and then in this form can no longer be distinguished, but, in order to distinguish them, we must go back to knowledge of perception, leaving abstract knowledge altogether. Therefore the path which was followed by Kant, starting from the point of view of CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 59 abstract knowledge, to find the elements and the inmost spring of intuitive knowledge also, was quite a wrong one. For the rest, my whole introductory essay on the principle of sufficient reason is, to a certain extent, to be regarded merely as a thorough exposition of the significance of the hypothetical form of judgment ; therefore I do not dwell upon it longer here. (I.) The form of the categorical judgment is nothing but the form of judgment in general, in its strictest sense. Tor, strictly speaking, judging merely means thinking, the combination of, or the impossibility of combining, the spheres of the concepts. Therefore the hypothetical and the disjunctive combination are properly no special forms of the judgment; for they are only applied to already completed judgments, in which the combination of the concepts remains unchanged the categorical. But they again connect these judgments, for the hypothetical form expresses their dependence upon each other, and the dis junctive their incompatibility. Mere concepts, however, have only one class of relations to each other, those which are expressed in the categorical judgment. The fuller determination, or the sub-species of this relation, are the intersection and the complete separateness of the concept-spheres, i.e., thus affirmation and negation ; out of which Kant has made special categories, under quite a different title, that of quality. Intersection and separate- ness have again sub-species, according as the spheres He within each other entirely, or only in part, a deter mination which constitutes the quantity of the judg ments ; out of which Kant has again made a quite special class of categories. Thus he separates what is very closely related, and even identical, the easily surveyed modifica tions of the one possible relation of mere concepts to each other, and, on the other hand, unites what is very different under this title of relation. Categorical judgments have as their metalogical prin ciple the laws of thought of identity and contradiction. 60 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. But the ground of the connection of the concept-spheres which gives truth to the judgment, which is nothing but this connection, may be of very different kinds; and, according to this, the truth of the judgment is either logical, or empirical, or metaphysical, or metalogical, as is explained in the introductory essay. § 30-33, and does not require to be repeated here. But it is apparent from this how very various the direct cognitions may be, all of which exhibit themselves in the abstract, through the combination of the spheres of two concepts, as subject and predicate, and that we can by no means set up the sole function of the understanding as corresponding to them and producing them. For example, the judgments, "Water boils, the sine measures the angle, the will resolves, busi ness distracts, distinction is difficult," express through the same logical form the most different kinds of relations ; but from this we obtain the right, however irregular the beginning may be, of placing ourselves at the standpoint of abstract knowledge to analyse direct intuitive know ledge. For the rest, the categorical judgment springs from knowledge of the understanding proper, in my sense, only when causation is expressed by it ; this is, however, the case in all judgments which refer to a physical quality. For if I say, " This body is heavy, hard, fluid, green, sour, alkaline, organic, &c., &c.," this always refers to its effect, and thus is knowledge which is only possible through the pure understanding. Now, after this, like much which is quite different from it (for example, the subordination of very abstract concepts), has been expressed in the abstract through subject and predicate, these mere relations of concepts have been transferred back to knowledge of per ception, and it has been supposed that the subject and predicate of the judgment must have a peculiar and special correlative in perception, substance and accident. But I shall show clearly further on that the conception substance has no other true content than that of the conception matter. Accidents, however, are quite ^ synonymous with CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 61 kinds of effects, so that the supposed knowledge of sub stance and accident is never anything more than the knowledge of cause and effect by the understanding. But the special manner in which the idea of matter arises is explained partly in § 4 of the first book, and still more clearly in the essay on the principle of sufficient reason at the end of § 21, p. 77 (3d ed., p. 82), and in some respects we shall see it still more closely when we in vestigate the principle of the permanence of substance. (c.) Disjunctive judgments spring from the law of thought of excluded third, which is a metalogical truth ; they are, therefore, entirely the property of the reason, and have not their origin in the understanding. The deduction of the category of community or reciprocity from them is, however, a glaring example of the violence which Kant sometimes allowed to be done to truth, merely in order to satisfy his love of architectonic sym metry. The illegitimacy of that deduction has already often been justly condemned and proved upon various grounds, especially by G. E. Schulze in his " Kritik der theoretischen Philosophic" and by Berg in his " Epikritik der Philosophic." What real analogy is there, indeed, between the problematical determination of a concept by disjunctive predicates and the thought of reciprocity? The two are indeed absolutely opposed, for in the dis junctive judgment the actual affirmation of one of the two alternative propositions is also necessarily the negation of the other ; if, on the other hand, we think two things in the relation of reciprocity, the affirmation of one is also necessarily the affirmation of the other, and vice versa. Therefore, unquestionably, the real logical analogue of reciprocity is the vicious circle, for in it, as nominally in the case of reciprocity, what is proved is also the proof, and conversely. And just as logic rejects the vicious circle, so the conception of reciprocity ought to be ban ished from metaphysics. For I now intend, quite seri ously, to prove that there is no reciprocity in the strict 62 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. sense, and this conception, which people are so fond of using, just on account of the indefiniteness of the thought, is seen, if more closely considered, to be empty, false, and invalid. First of all, the reader must call to mind what causality really is, and to assist my exposition, see upon this subject § 20 of the introductory essay, also my prize-essay on the freedom of the will, chap. iii. p. 27 scq., and lastly the fourth chapter of the second book of this work. Causality is the law according to which the con ditions or states of matter which appear determine their position in time. Causality has to do merely with con ditions or states, indeed, properly, only with changes, and neither with matter as such, nor with permanence with out change. Matter, as such, does not come under the law of causality, for it neither comes into being nor passes away; thus neither does the whole thing, as we commonly express ourselves, come under this law, but only the conditions or states of matter. Further, the law of causality has nothing to do with permanence, for where nothing changes there is no producing of effects and no causality, but a continuing quiet condition or state. But if, now, such a state is changed, then the new state is either again permanent or it is not, but immediately intro duces a third state, and the necessity with which this happens is just the law of causality, which is a form of the principle of sufficient reason, and therefore cannot be further explained, because the principle of sufficient reason is the principle of all explanation and of all neces sity. From this it is clear that cause and effect stand in intimate connection with, and necessary relation to, the course of time. Only because the state A. precedes in time the state B., and their succession is necessary and not accidental, i.e., no mere sequence but a consequence — only because of this is the state A. cause and the state B. effect. The conception reciprocity, however, contains this, that both are cause and both are effect of each other; but this really amounts to saying that each of the two is the CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 63 earlier and also the later ; thus it is an absurdity. For that both states are simultaneous, and indeed necessarily simultaneous, cannot be admitted ; because, as necessarily belonging to each other and existing at the same time, they constitute only one state. For the permanence of this state there is. certainly required the continued exis tence of all its determinations, but we are then no longer concerned with change and causality, but with duration and rest, and nothing further is said than that if one determination of the whole state be changed, the new state which then appears cannot continue, but becomes the cause of the change of all the other determinations of the first state, so that a new third state appears ; which all happens merely in accordance with the simple law of causality, and does not establish a new law, that of reci procity. I also definitely assert that the conception reciprocity cannot be supported by a single example. Everything that one seeks to pass off as such is either a state of rest, to which the conception of causality, which has only sig nificance with reference to changes, finds no application at all, or else it is an alternating succession of states of the same name which condition each other, for the explanation of which simple causality is quite sufficient. An example of the first class is afforded by a pair of scales brought to rest by equal weights. Here there is no effect produced, for there is no change; it is a state of rest; gravity acts, equally divided, as in every body which is supported at its centre of gravity, but it cannot show its force by any effect. That the taking away of one weight produces a second state, which at once be comes the cause of the third, the sinking of the other scale, happens according to the simple law of cause and effect, and requires no special category of the under standing, and not even a special name. An example of the second class is the continuous burning of a fire. The combination of oxygen with the combustible body is the 64 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. cause of heat, and heat, again, is the cause of the renewed occurrence of the chemical combination. But this is nothing more than a chain of causes and effects, the links of which have alternately the same name. The burning, A., produces free heat, B., this produces new burning, C. (i.e., a new effect which has the same name as the cause A., but is not individually identical with it), this pro duces new heat, D. (which is not really identical with the effect B., but only according to the concept, i.e., it has the same name), and so on indefinitely. A good example of what in ordinary life is called reciprocity is afforded by a theory about deserts given by Humboldt (Ansichten dcr Natur, 2d ed., vol. ii. p. 79). In the sandy deserts it does not rain, but it rains upon the wooded mountains surrounding them. The cause is not the attraction of the clouds by the mountains ; but it is the column of heated air rising from the sandy plain which prevents the par ticles of vapour from condensing, and drives the clouds high into the heavens. On the mountains the perpen dicular rising stream of air is weaker, the clouds descend, and the rainfall ensues in the cooler air. Thus, want of rain and the absence of plants in the desert stand in the relation of reciprocity ; it does not rain because the heated sand-plain sends out more heat ; the desert does not be come a steppe or prairie because it does not rain. But clearly we have here again, as in the example given above, only a succession of causes and effects -of the same names, and throughout nothing essentially different from simple causality. This is also the case with the swinging of the pendulum, and indeed also with the self-conserva tion of the organised body, in which case likewise every state introduces a new one, which is of the same kind as that by which it was itself brought about, but indivi dually is new. Only here the matter is complicated, because the chain no longer consists of links of two kinds, but of many kinds, so that a link of the same name only recurs after several others have intervened. Bui we CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 65 always see before us only an application of the single and simple law of causality which gives the rule to the sequence of states, but never anything which must be comprehended by means of a new and special function of the understanding. Or is it perhaps advanced in support of the conception of reciprocity that action and reaction are equal ? But the reason of this is what I urge so strongly and have fully explained in the essay on the principle of sufficient reason, that the cause and the effect are not two bodies, but two successive states of bodies, consequently each of the two states implicates all bodies concerned ; thus the effect, i.e., the newly appearing state, for example, in the case of an impulse, extends to both bodies in the same proportion ; therefore the body impelled produces just as great a change in the body impelling as it itself sustains (each in proportion to its mass and velocity). If one pleases to call this reciprocity, then absolutely every effect is a reciprocal effect, and no new conception is introduced on this account, still less does it require a new function of the understanding, but we only have a superfluous synonym for causality. But Kant himself, in a moment of thought lessness, exactly expressed this view in the " Metaphysical First Principles of Natural Science," at the beginning of the proof of the fourth principle of mechanics : " All external effect in the world is reciprocal effect." How then should different functions lie a priori in the understanding for simple causality and for reciprocity, and, indeed, how should the real succession of things only be possible and knowable by means of the first, and their co-existence by means of the second ? According to this, if all effect is reciprocal effect, succession and simultaneity would be the same thing, and therefore everything in the world would take place at the same moment. If there were true reciprocity, then perpetual motion would also be possible, and indeed a priori certain ; but it is rather the case that the a priori conviction that there is no true reciprocity, VOL. ir. E 66 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. and no corresponding form of the understanding, is the ground of the assertion that perpetual motion is impossible. Aristotle also denies reciprocity in the strict sense ; for lie remarks that two things may certainly be reciprocal causes of each other, but only if this is understood in a different sense of each of them; for example, that one acts upon the other as the motive, but the latter acts iipon the former as the cause of its movement. We find in two passages the same words : Physic., lib. ii. c. 3, and Metaph., lib. v. c. 2. Eari Se rtva tcai aXX^Xcyy atria' olov TO Troveiv ainov XT;? eye^ta?, teat avrr) TOV iroveiv aXX' ov TOV aurov rpoirov, aXXa TO fjbev &>? TeXo?, TO Se &>? ap%Tj Kivrja-ecos. (Sunt prceterea qucc sibi sunt mutuo causes, ut exercitium bonce lidbitudinis, et hccc exercitii : at non eodem modo, sed hcec ut finis, aliud ut principium motus.) If, besides this, he had accepted a reciprocity proper, he would have introduced it here, for in both passages he is concerned with enumerating all the possible kinds of causes. In the Analyt. post., lib. ii. c. 1 1, he speaks of a circle of causes and effects, but not of reciprocity. 4. The categories of Modality have this advantage over all others, that what is expressed through each of them really corresponds to the form of judgment from which it is derived; which with the other categories is scarcely ever the case, because for the most part they are deduced from the forms of judgment with the most capricious violence. Thus that it is the conceptions of the possible, the actual, and the necessary which occasion the problematic, asserta- tory, and apodictic forms of judgment, is perfectly true ; but that those conceptions are special, original forms of knowledge of the understanding which cannot be further deduced is not true. On the contrary, they spring from the single original form of all knowledge, which is, there fore, known to us a priori, the principle of sufficient rea son; and indeed out of this the knowledge of necessity CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 67 springs directly. On the other hand, it is only because reflection is applied to this that the conceptions of con tingency, possibility, impossibility, and actuality arise. Therefore all these do not by any means spring from one faculty of the mind, the understanding, but arise through the conflict of abstract and intuitive knowledge, as will be seen directly. I hold that to be necessary and to be the consequent of a given reason are absolutely interchangeable notions, and completely identical. We can never know, nor even think, anything as necessary, except so far as \ve regard it as the consequent of a given reason ; and the concep tion of necessity contains absolutely nothing more than this dependence, this being established through something else, and this inevitable following from it. Thus it arises and exists simply and solely [through the application of the principle of sufficient reason. Therefore, there is, according to the different forms of this principle, a physical necessity (the effect from the cause), a logical (through the ground of knowing, in analytical judgments, syllogisms, Ac.), a mathematical (according to the ground of being in time and space), and finally a practical necessity, by which we intend to signify not determination through a pre tended categorical imperative, but the necessary occurrence of an action according to the motives presented, in the case of a given empirical character. But everything necessary is only so relatively, that is, under the pre supposition of the reason from which it follows; there fore absolute necessity is a contradiction. With regard to the rest, I refer to § 49 of the essay on the principle of sufficient reason. The contradictory opposite, i.e., the denial of necessity, is contingency. The content of this conception is, therefore, negative — nothing more than this : absence of the con nection expressed by the principle of sufficient reason. Consequently the contingent is also always merely rela tive. It is contingent in relation to something which is 68 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. not its reason. Every object, of whatever kind it may be — for example, every event in the actual world — is always at once necessary and contingent ; necessary in relation to the one condition which is its cause : contingent in relation to everything else. For its contact in time and space with everything else is a mere coincidence without neces sary connection : hence also the words chance, crvfj.Trrco/jLa, contingens. Therefore an absolute contingency is just as inconceivable as an absolute necessity. For the former would be simply an object which stood to no other in the relation of consequent to its reason. But the incon ceivability of such a thing is just the content of the principle of sufficient reason negatively expressed, and therefore this principle must first be upset before we can think an absolute contingency; and even then it itself would have lost all significance, for the conception of con tingency has meaning only in relation to that principle, and signifies that two objects do not stand to each other in the relation of reason and consequent. In nature, which consists of ideas of perception, every thing that happens is necessary ; for it proceeds from its cause. If, however, we consider this individual with re ference to everything else which is not its cause, we know it as contingent ; but this is already an abstract reflection. Now, further, let us abstract entirely from a natural object its causal relation to everything else, thus its necessity and its contingency ; then this kind of know ledge comprehends the conception of the actual, in which one only considers the effect, without looking for the cause,, in relation to which one would otherwise have to call it necessary, and in relation to everything else contingent. All this rests ultimately upon the fact that the modality of the judgment does not indicate so much the objective nature of things as the relation of our knowledge to them. Since, however, in nature everything proceeds from a cause, everything actual is also necessary, yet only so far as it is at this time, in this place; for only so far does CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 69 determination by the law of causality extend. Let us leave, however, concrete nature and pass over to abstract thinking; then we can present to ourselves in reflection all the natural laws which are known to us partly a priori, partly only a posteriori, and this abstract idea contains all that is in nature at any time, in any place, but with abstraction from every definite time and place ; and just in this way, through such reflection, we have entered the wide kingdom of the, possible. But what finds no place even here is the impossible. It is clear that possibility and impossibility exist only for reflection, for abstract knowledge of the reason, not for knowledge of perception ; although it is the pure forms of perception which supply the reason with the determination of the possible and impossible. According as the laws of nature, from which we start in the thought of the possible and impossible, are known a priori or a posteriori, is the pos sibility or impossibility metaphysical or physical. From this exposition, which requires no proof because it rests directly upon the knowledge of the principle of sufficient reason and upon the development of the concep tions of the necessary, the actual, and the possible, it is sufficiently evident how entirely groundless is Kant's assumption of three special functions of the understanding for these three conceptions, and that here again he has allowed himself to be disturbed by no reflection in the carrying out of his architectonic symmetry. To this, however, we have to add the other great mistake, that, certainly according to the procedure of earlier philo sophy, he has confounded the conceptions of necessity and contingency with each other. That earlier philosophy lias applied abstraction to the following mistaken use. It was clear that that of which the reason is given inevitably follows, i.e., cannot not be, and thus necessarily is. But that philosophy held to this last determination alone, and said that is necessary which cannot be otherwise, or the opposite of which is impossible. It left, however, the 70 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. ground and root of such necessity out of account, over looked the relativity of all necessity which follows from it, and thereby made the quite unthinkable fiction of an absolute necessity, i.e., of something the existence of which would be as inevitable as the consequent of a reason, but which yet was not the consequent of a reason, and therefore depended upon nothing; an addition which is an absurd petitio, for it conflicts with the principle of sufficient reason. Now, starting from this fiction, it ex plained, in diametrical opposition to the truth, all that is established by a reason as contingent, because it looked at the relative nature of its necessity and compared this with that entirely imaginary absolute necessity, which is self-contradictory in its conception.1 Now Kant ad heres to this fundamentally perverse definition of the contingent and gives it as explanation. (Critique of Pure Eeason, V. p. 289-291 ; 243. V. 301 ; 419. V. 447, 486, 488.) He falls indeed into the most evident contra diction with himself upon this point, for on p. 301 he says : " Everything contingent has a cause," and adds, " That is contingent which might possibly not be." But whatever has a cause cannot possibly not be : thus it is necessary. For the rest, the source of the whole of this false explanation of the necessary and the contingent is to be found in Aristotle in "De Generatione et Corrupt-zone," lib. ii. c. 9 et n, where the necessary is explained as that which cannot possibly not be : there stands in opposi- 1 Cf. Christian Wolf's "Vcrniin- matical truths. The reason he as- ftige Gcdanken von Gott, Welt und signs for this is, that only the law Seele" § 577~579- It is strange of causality gives infinite series, that he only explains as contingent while the other kinds of grounds what is necessary according to the give only finite series. Yet this is principle of sufficient reason of be- by no means the case with the forms coming, i.e., what takes place from of the principle of sufficient reason causes, and on the contrary recog- in pure space and time, but only nises as necessary that which is so holds good of the logical ground of according to the other forms of the knowledge ; but he held mathe- principle of sufficient reason ; for matical necessity to be such also, example, what follows from the Compare the essay on the principle essentia (definition), thus analytical of sufficient reason, § 50. judgments, and further also mathe- CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 71 tion to it that which caiinot possibly be, and between these two lies that which can both be and not be, — thus that which comes into being and passes away, and this would then be the contingent. In accordance with what has been said above, it is clear that this explanation, like so many of Aristotle's, has resulted from sticking to abstract conceptions without going back to the concrete and per ceptible, in which, however, the source of all abstract conceptions lies, and by which therefore they must al ways be controlled. " Something which cannot possibly not be " can certainly be thought in the abstract, but if we go with it to the concrete, the real, the perceptible we find nothing to support the thought, even as possible, — as even merely the asserted consequent of a given reason, whose necessity is yet relative and conditioned. I take this opportunity of adding a few further remarks on these conceptions of modality. Since all necessity rests upon the principle of sufficient reason, and is on this account relative, all apodictic judgments are originally, and according to their ultimate significance, hypothetical. They become categorical only through the addition of an assertatory minor, thus in the conclusion. If this minor is still undecided, and this indecision is expressed, this gives the problematical judgment. What in general (as a rule) is apodictic (a law of nature), is in reference to a particular case only problematical, because the condition must actually appear which brings the case under the rule. And conversely, what in the particular as such is necessary (apodictic) (every particular change necessary through the cause), is again in general, and predicated universally, only problematical ; because the causes which appear only concern the particular case, and the apodictic, always hypothetical judgment, always expresses merely the general law, not the particular case directly. All this has its ground in the fact that possi bility exists only in the province of reflection and for the reason ; the actual, in the province of perception and for 72 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. the understanding ; the necessary, for both. Indeed, the distinction between necessary, actual, and possible really exists only in the abstract and according to the concep tion ; in the real world, on the other hand, all three fall into one. For all that happens, happens necessarily, be cause it happens from causes ; but these themselves have again causes, so that the whole of the events of the world, great and small, are a strict concatenation of necessary occurrences. Accordingly everything actual is also neces sary, and in the real world there is no difference between actuality and necessity, and in the same way no difference between actuality and possibility ; for what has not hap pened, i.e., has not become actual, was also not possible, because the causes without which it could never appear not themselves appeared, nor could appear, in the great concatenation of causes ; thus it was an impossibility. Every event is therefore either necessary or impossible. All this holds good only of the empirically real world, i.e., the complex of individual things, thus of the whole particular as such. If, on the other hand, we consider things generally, comprehending them in abstracto, neces sity, actuality, and possibility are again separated; we then know everything which is in accordance with the a priori laws which belong to our intellect as possible in general ; that which corresponds to the empirical laws of nature as possible in this world, even if it has never become actual; thus we distinguish clearly the possible from the actual. The actual is in itself always also necessary, but is only comprehended as such by him who knows its cause ; regarded apart from this, it is and is called contingent. This consideration also gives us the key to that contentio irept, Swarwu between the Megaric Diodorus and Chry- sippus the Stoic which Cicero refers to in his book De Fato. Diodorus says : " Only what becomes actual was possible, and all that is actual is also necessary." Chry- sippus on the other hand says: "Much that is possible never becomes actual; for only the necessary becomes CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 73 actual." We may explain this thus : Actuality is the conclusion of a syllogism to which possibility gives the premises. But for this is required not only the major but also the minor; only the two give complete possibility. The major gives a merely theoretical, general possibility in abstracto, but this of itself does not make anything possible, i.e., capable of becoming actual. For this the minor also is needed, which gives the possibility for the particular case, because it brings it under the rule, and thereby it becomes at once actual. For example : MaJ. All houses (consequently also my house) can be destroyed by fire. Min. My house is on fire. Concl. My house is being destroyed by fire. For every general proposition, thus every major, always determines things with reference to actuality only under a presupposition, therefore hypothetically ; for example, the capability of being burnt down has as a presupposition the catching fire. This presupposition is produced in the minor. The major always loads the cannon, but only if the minor brings the match does the shot, i.e., the con clusion, follow. This holds good throughout of the rela tion of possibility to actuality. Since now the conclusion, which is the assertion of actuality, always follows neces sarily, it is evident from this that all that is actual is also necessary, which can also be seen from the fact that necessity only means being the consequent of a given reason : this is in the case of the actual a cause : thus everything actual is necessary. Accordingly, we see here the conceptions of the possible, the actual, and the neces sary unite, and not merely the last presuppose the first, but also the converse. What keeps them apart is the limi tation of our intellect through the form of time ; for time is the mediator between possibility and actuality. The neces sity of the particular event may be fully seen from the knowledge of all its causes ; but the concurrence of the whole of these different and independent causes seems to 74 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. us contingent ; indeed their independence of each other is just the conception of contingency. Since, however, each of them was the necessary effect of its causes, the chain of which has no beginning, it is evident that contingency is merely a subjective phenomenon, arising from the limita tion of the horizon of our understanding, and just as sub jective as the optical horizon at which the heavens touch the earth. Since necessity is the same thing as following from given grounds, it must appear in a special way in the case of every form of the principle of sufficient reason, and also have its opposite in the possibility and impossibility which always arises only through the application of the abstract reflection of the reason to the object. Therefore the four kinds of necessity mentioned above stand opposed to as many kinds of impossibility, physical, logical, mathe matical, and practical. It may further be remarked that if one remains entirely within the province of abstract concepts, possibility is always connected with the more general, and necessity with the more limited concept ; for example, " An animal may be a bird, a fish, an amphibious creature, &c." " A nightingale must be a bird, a bird must be an animal, an animal must be an organism, an organism must be a body." This is because logical necessity, the expression of which is the syllogism, proceeds from the general to the particular, and never conversely. In the concrete world of nature (ideas of the first class), on the contrary, everything is really necessary through the law of causality ; only added reflection can conceive it as also con tingent, comparing it with that which is not its cause, and also as merely and purely actual, by disregarding all causal connection. Only in this class of ideas does the concep tion of the actual properly occur, as is also shown by the derivation of the word from the conception of causality. In the third class of ideas, that of pure mathematical per ception or intuition, if we confine ourselves strictly to it, there is only necessity. Possibility occurs here also only CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 75 through relation to the concepts of reflection : for example, " A triangle may be right-angled, obtuse-angled, or equi angular ; its three angles must be equal to two right-angles." Thus here we only arrive at the possible through the tran sition from the perceptible to the abstract. After this exposition, which presupposes the recollec tion of what was said both in the essay on the principle of sufficient reason and in the first book of the present work, there will, it is hoped, be no further doubt as to the true and very heterogeneous source of those forms which the table of judgments lays before us, nor as to the inadmissibility and utter groundlessness of the assump tion of twelve special functions of the understanding for the explanation of them. The latter point is also sup ported by a number of special circumstances very easily noted. Thus, for example, it requires great love of sym metry and much trust in a clue derived from it, to lead one to assume that an affirmative, a categorical, and an assertatory judgment are three such different things that they justify the assumption of an entirely special function of the understanding for each of them. Kant himself betrays his consciousness of the unten able nature of his doctrine of the categories by the fact that in the third chapter of the Analytic of Principles (phenomena et noumena) several long passages of the first edition (p. 241, 242, 244-246, 248-253) are omitted in the second — passages which displayed the weakness of that doctrine too openly. So, for example, he says there (p. 241) that he has not denned the individual categories, because he could not define them even if he had wished to do so, inasmuch as they were susceptible of no defini tion. In saying this he forgot that at p. 82 of the same first edition he had said : " I purposely dispense with the definition of the categories although I may be in possession of it." This then was, sit venia verbo, wind. But this last passage he has allowed to stand. And so all those passages wisely omitted afterwards betray the fact that 76 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. nothing distinct can be thought in connection with the categories, and this whole doctrine stands upon a weak foundation. This table of the categories is now made the guiding clue according to which every metaphysical, and indeed every scientific inquiry is to be conducted (Prolegomena, § 39). And, in fact, it is not only the foundation of the whole Kantian philosophy and the type according to which its symmetry is everywhere carried out, as I have already shown above, but it has also really become the procrustean bed into which Kant forces every possible inquiry, by means of a violence which I shall now consider somewhat more closely. But with such an opportunity what must not the imitatores servumpecus have done ! We have seen. That violence then is applied in this way. The meaning of the expressions denoted by the titles, forms of judgment and categories, is entirely set aside and forgotten, and the expressions alone are retained. These have their source partly in Aristotle's Analyt. priora, i. 23 (irepi TrotoT^ro? Kai TTOCTOT^TO? T(av Tov av\\ojtcr/j,ov opwv '. de qualitatc ct quantitate terminorum syllogismi), but are arbitrarily chosen ; for the extent of the concepts might certainly have been otherwise expressed than through the word quantity, though this word is more suited to its object than the rest of the titles of the categories. Even the word quality has obviously been chosen on account of the custom of opposing quality to quantity ; for the name quality is certainly taken arbitrarily enough for affirmation and negation. But now in every inquiry instituted by Kant, every quantity in time and space, and every possible quality of things, physical, moral, &c., is brought by him under those category titles, although between these things and those titles of the forms of judgment and of thought there is absolutely nothing in common except the acci dental and arbitrary nomenclature. It is needful to keep in mind all the respect which in other regards is due to Kant to enable one to refrain from expressing in hard CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 77 terms one's repugnance to this procedure. The nearest example is afforded us at once by the pure physiological table of the general principles of natural science. What in all the world has the quantity of judgments to do with the fact that every perception has nn extensive magni tude ? What has the quality of judgments to do with the fact that every sensation has a degree ? The former rests rather on the fact that space is the form of our external perception, and the latter is nothing more than an empirical, and, moreover, entirely subjective feeling, drawn merely from the consideration of the nature of our organs of sense. Further, in the table which gives the basis of rational psychology (Critique of Pure Eeason, p. 344 ; V. 402), the simplicity of the soul is cited under quality ; but this is just a quantitative property, and has absolutely no relation to the affirmation or negation in the judgment. But quantity had to be completed by the unity of the soul, which is, however, already included in its simplicity. Then modality is forced in in an absurd way ; the soul stands in connection with possible objects ; but connection belongs to relation, only this is already taken possession of by substance. Then the four cosmo- logical Ideas, which are the material of the antinomies, are referred to the titles of the categories ; but of this we shall speak more fully further on, when we come to the examination of these antinomies. Several, if possible, still more glaring examples are to be found in the table of the Categories of Freedom ! in the " Critique of Practical Reason ; " also in the first book of the " Critique of Judgment," which goes through the judgment of taste O ' O O v O according to the four titles of the categories ; and, finally, in the " Metaphysical First Principles of Natural Science," which are entirely adapted to the table of the categories, whereby the false that is mingled here and there with what is true and excellent in this important work is for the most part introduced. See, for example, at the end of the first chapter how the unity, the multiplicity, and the 78 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. totality of the directions of lines are supposed to corre spond to the categories, which are so named according to the quantity of judgments. The principle of the Permanence of Substance is deduced from the category of subsistence and inherence. This, however, we know only from the form of the categorical judgment, i.e., from the connection of two concepts as subject and predicate. With what violence then is that great metaphysical principle made dependent upon this simple, purely logical form ! Yet this is only done pro forma, and for the sake of symmetry. The proof of this principle, which is given here, sets entirely aside its sup posed origin in the understanding and in the category, and is based upon the pure intuition or perception of time. But this proof also is quite incorrect. It is false that in mere time there is simultaneity and duration; these ideas only arise from the union of space with time, as I have already shown in the essay on the principle of sufficient reason, § 18, and worked out more fully in § 4 of the present work. I must assume a knowledge of both these expositions for the understanding of what follows. It is false that time remains the same through all change ; on the contrary, it is just time itself that is fleeting; a permanent time is a contradiction. Kant's proof is un tenable, strenuously as he has supported it with sophisms; indeed, he falls into the most palpable contradictions. Thus, after he has falsely set up co-existence as a mode of time (p. 177; V. 219), he says, quite rightly (p. 183; V. 226), " Co-existence is not a mode of time, for in time there are absolutely no parts together, but all in succession." In truth, space is quite as much implicated in co-existence as time. For if two things are co-existent and yet not one, they are different in respect of space ; if two states of one thing are co-existent (e.g., the glow and the heat of iron), then they are two contemporaneous effects of one thing, CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 79 therefore presuppose matter, and matter presupposes space. Strictly speaking, co-existence is a negative determination, which merely signifies that two things or states are not different in respect of time ; thus their difference is to be sought for elsewhere. But in any case, our knowledge of the permanence of substance, i.e., of matter, must be based upon insight a priori; for it is raised above all doubt, and therefore cannot be drawn from experience. I deduce it from the fact that the principle of all becoming and passing away, the law of causality, of which we are con scious a priori, is essentially concerned only with the changes, i.e., the successive states of matter, is thus limited to the form, and leaves the matter untouched, which therefore exists in our consciousness as the foundation of all things, which is not subject to becoming or passing away, which has therefore always been and will always continue to be. A deeper proof of the permanence of substance, drawn from the analysis of our perception of the empirical world in general, is to be found in the first book of this work, § 4, where it is shown that the nature of matter consists in the absolute union of space and time, a union which is only possible by means of the idea of causality, consequently only for the understanding, which is nothing but the subjective correlative of causality. Hence, also, matter is never known otherwise than as producing effects, i.e., as through and through causality ; to be and to act are with it one, which is indeed signified by the word actuality. Intimate union of space and time — causality, matter, actuality — are thus one, and the subjective correlative of this one is the understanding. Matter must bear in itself the conflicting properties of both factors from which it proceeds, and it is the idea of causality which abolishes what is contradictory in both, and makes their co-existence conceivable by the under standing, through which and for which alone matter is, and whose whole faculty consists in the knowledge of cause and effect. Thus for the understanding there is So CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. united in matter the inconstant flux of time, appearing as change of the accidents, with the rigid immobility of space, which exhibits itself as the permanence of substance. For if the substance passed away like the accidents, the pheno menon would be torn away from space altogether, and would only belong to time ; the world of experience would be destroyed by the abolition of matter, annihilation. Thus from the share which space has in matter, i.e., in all phenomena of the actual — in that it is the opposite and counterpart of time, and therefore in itself and apart from the union with the latter knows absolutely no change — the principle of the permanence of substance, which recognises everything as a priori certain, had to be deduced and ex plained ; but not from mere time, to which for this purpose and quite erroneously Kant has attributed permanence. In the essay on the principle of sufficient reason, § 23, I have fully explained the incorrectness of the following proof of the a priori nature and of the necessity of the law of causality from the mere succession of events in time ; I must, therefore, content myself here by referring to that passage.1 This is precisely the case with the proof of reciprocity also, the concept of which I was obliged to explain above as invalid. What is necessary has also been said of modality, the working out of the principles of which now follows. There are still a few points in the further course of the transcendental analytic which I should have to refute were it not that I am afraid of trying the patience of the reader; I therefore leave them to his own reflection. But ever anew in the " Critique of Pure Eeason " we meet that prin cipal and fundamental error of Kant's, which I have copiously denounced above, the complete failure to dis tinguish abstract, discursive knowledge from intuitive. It is this that throws a constant obscurity over Kant's whole _ * With my refutation of the Kan- Zcit, Raum und Kausalitcit, § 28 ; and tian proof may be compared the ear- by G. E. Schulze, Kritik der thcoret- lier attacks upon it by Feder, Ueber ischen Philosophic, Bd. ii. S. 422-442 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. Si theory of the faculty of knowledge, and never allows the reader to know what he is really speaking about at any time, so that instead of understanding, he always merely conjectures, for he alternately tries to understand what is said as referring to thought and to perception, and remains always in suspense. In the chapter " On the Division of all Objects into Phenomena and ISToumena," Kant carries that incredible want of reflection as to the nature of the idea of perception and the abstract idea, as I shall explain more fully immediately, so far as to make the monstrous assertion that without thought, that is, without abstract conceptions, there is no knowledge of an object ; and that perception, because it is not thought, is also not know ledge, and, in general, is nothing but a mere affection of sensibility, mere sensation ! Nay, more, that perception without conception is absolutely void ; but conception without perception is yet always something (p. 253; V. 309). Now this is exactly the opposite of the truth ; for concepts obtain all significance, all content, only from their relation to ideas of perception, from which they have been abstracted, derived, that is, constructed through the omission of all that is unessential : therefore if the foundation of perception is taken away from them, they are empty and void. Perceptions, on the contrary, have in themselves immediate and very great significance (in them, indeed, the thing in itself objectifies itself); they represent themselves, express themselves, have no mere borrowed content like concepts. For the principle of suf ficient reason governs them only as the law of causality, and determines as such only their position in space and time ; it does not, however, condition their content and their significance, as is the case with concepts, in which it appears as the principle of the ground of knowing. For the rest, it looks as if Kant really wished here to set about distinguishing the idea of perception and the abstract idea. He objects to Leibnitz and Locke that the former reduced everything to abstract ideas, and the latter every - VOL. II. F 82 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. thing to ideas of perception. But yet he arrives at no distinction ; and although Locke and Leibnitz really com mitted these errors, Kant himself is burdened with a third error which includes them both — the error of having so mixed up knowledge of perception and abstract knowledge that a monstrous hybrid of the two resulted, a chimera of which no distinct idea is possible, and which therefore necessarily only confused and stupefied students, and set them at variance. Certainly thought and perception are separated more in the chapter referred to " On the Division of all Objects into Phenomena and Noumena " than anywhere else, but the nature of this distinction is here a fundamentally false one. On p. 253; V. 309, it is said: "If I take away all thought (through the categories) from empirical know ledge, there remains absolutely no knowledge of an object, for through mere perception nothing at all is thought, and that this affection of sensibility is in me establishes really no relation of such ideas to any object." This sentence contains, in some degree, all the errors of Kant in a nut shell ; for it brings out clearly that he has falsely con ceived the relation between sensation, perception, and thought, and accordingly identifies the perception, whose form he yet supposes to be space, and indeed space in all its three dimensions, with the mere subjective sensation in the organs of sense, but only allows the knowledge of an object to be given through thought, which is different from perception. I, on the contrary, say : Objects are first of all objects of perception, not of thought, and all knowledge of objects is originally and in itself perception. Perception, however, is by no means mere sensation, but the understanding is already active in it. The thought, which is added only in the case of men, not in the case of the brutes, is mere abstraction from perception, gives no fundamentally new knowledge, does not itself establish objects which were not before, but merely changes the form of the knowledge already won through perception, CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 83 makes it abstract knowledge in concepts, whereby its con crete or perceptible character is lost, but, on the other hand, combination of it becomes possible, which immeasur ably extends the range of its applicability. The material of our thought is, on the other hand, nothing else than our perceptions themselves, and not something which the per ceptions did not contain, and which was added by the thought ; therefore the material of everything that appears in our thought must be capable of verification in our per ception, for otherwise it would be an empty thought. Although this material is variously manipulated and transformed by thought, it must yet be capable of being reduced to perception, and the thought traced back to this — just as a piece of gold can be reduced from all its solutions, oxides, sublimates, and combinations, and presented pure and undiminished. This could not happen if thought itself had added something, and, indeed, the principal thing, to the object. The whole of the chapter on the Amphiboly, which fol lows this, is merely a criticism of the Leibnitzian philo sophy, and as such is on the whole correct, though the form or pattern on which it is constructed is chosen merely for the sake of architectonic symmetry, which here also is the guiding clue. Thus, to carry out the analogy with the Aristotelian Organon, a transcendental Topic is set up, which consists in this, that every conception is to be con sidered from four points of view, in order to make out to which faculty of knowledge it belongs. But these four points of view are quite arbitrarily selected, and ten others might be added to them with just as much right ; but their fourfold number corresponds to the titles of the categories, and therefore the chief doctrine of Leibnitz is divided among them as best it may be. By this critique, also, to some extent, certain errors are stamped as natural to the reason, whereas they were merely false abstractions of Leibnitz's, who, rather than learn from his great philo sophical contemporaries, Spinoza and Locke, preferred to 84 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. serve up his own strange inventions. In the chapter on the Amphiboly of Eeflection it is finally said that there may possibly be a kind of perception entirely different from ours, to which, however, our categories are appli cable ; therefore the objects of that supposed perception would be noumena, things which can only be thought by us ; but since the perception which would give that thought meaning is wanting to us, and indeed is altogether quite problematical, the object of that thought would also merely be a wholly indefinite possibility. I have shown above by quotations that Kant, in utter contradiction with himself, sets up the categories now as the condition of knowledge of perception, now as the function of merely abstract thought. Here they appear exclusively in the latter sense, and it seems quite as if he wished to attribute them merely to discursive thought. But if this is really his opinion, then necessarily at the beginning of the Transcendental Logic, before specifying the different functions of thought at such length, he was necessarily bound to characterise thought in general, and consequently to distinguish it from per ception ; he ought to have shown what knowledge is given by mere perception, and what that is new is added by thought. Then we would have known what he was really speaking about ; or rather, he would then have spoken quite differently, first of perception, and then of thought ; instead of which, as it is, he is always dealing with some thing between the two, which is a mere delusion. There would not then be that great gap between the transcen dental ^Esthetic and the transcendental Logic, where, after the exposition of the mere form of perception, he simply dismisses its content, all that is empirically apprehended* with the phrase " It is given," and does not ask how it came about, ivhether with or without understanding ; but, with one spring, passes over to abstract thought ; and not even to thought in general, but at once to certain forms of thought, and does not say a word about what thought is, what the concept is, what is the relation of abstract and CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 85 discursive to concrete and intuitive, what is the difference between the knowledge of men and that of brutes, and what is reason. Yet it was just this distinction between abstract know ledge and knowledge of perception, entirely overlooked by Kant, which the ancients denoted by fyaivopeva and voovpeva,1 and whose opposition and incommensurability occupied them so much in the philosophemes of the Eleatics, in Plato's doctrine of Ideas, in the dialectic of the Megarics, and later the Scholastics in the controversy between Nominalism and Realism, the seed of which, so late in developing, was already contained in the opposite mental tendencies of Plato and Aristotle. But Kant, who, in an inexcusable manner, entirely neglected the thing to denote which the words otyp., lib. i. c. 13, vooviJ.(.va. ifiaivcfj.:- apparcntibus Ojijiosuit Amixagoras. 86 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. just on account of their exceeding generality (transcen dentalism) have their expression not in single words, but in whole classes of words, because one of them is thought along with every word whatever it may be, whose de signation would therefore have to be looked for, not in the lexicon but in the grammar ? In fact, should they not be those distinctions of conceptions on account of which the word which expresses them is either a substantive or an adjective, a verb or an adverb, a pronoun, a preposition, or some other particle — in short, the parts of speech ? For undoubtedly these denote the forms which all thought primarily assumes, and in which it directly moves; ac cordingly they are the essential forms of speech, the fundamental constituent elements of every language, so that we cannot imagine any language which would not consist of at least substantives, adjectives, and verbs. These fundamental forms would then have subordinated to them those forms of thought which are expressed through their inflections, that is, through declension and conjugation, and it is unessential to the chief concern whether in denoting them we call in the assistance of the article and the pronoun. We will examine the thing, however, somewhat more closely, and ask the question anew : What are the forms of thought ? (l.) Thought consists throughout of judging ; judgments are the threads of its whole web, for without making use of a verb our thought does not move, and as often as we use a verb we judge. (2.) Every judgment consists in the recognition of the relation between subject and predicate, which it separates or unites with various restrictions. It unites them from the recognition of the actual identity of the two, which can only happen in the case of synonyms; then in the recognition that the one is always thought along with the other, though the converse does not hold — in the universal affirmative proposition; up to the recognition that the one is sometimes thought along with the other, in the CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 87 particular affirmative proposition. The negative propo sitions take the opposite course. Accordingly in every judgment the subject, the predicate, and the copula, the latter affirmative or negative, must be to be found ; even although each of these is not denoted by a word of its own, as is however generally the case. The predicate and the copula are often denoted by one word, as " Caius ages ; " sometimes one word denotes all three, as con- curritur, i.e., "the armies engage." From this it is evi dent that the forms of thought are not to be sought for precisely and directly in words, nor even in the parts of speech, for even in the same language the same judgment may be expressed in different words, and indeed in different parts of speech, yet the thought remains the same, and consequently also its form ; for the thought could not be the same if the form of thought itself were different. But with the same thought and the same form of thought the form of words may very well be different, for it is merely the outward clothing of the thought, which, on the other hand, is inseparable from its form. Thus grammar only explains the clothing of the forms of thought. The parts of speech can therefore be deduced from the original forms of thought themselves which are independent of all language ; their work is to express these forms of thought in all their modifications. They are the instrument and the clothing of the forms of thought, and must be accurately adapted to the structure of the latter, so that it may be recognised in them. (3.) These real, unalterable, original forms of thought are certainly those of Kant's logical table of judgments ; only that in this table are to be found blind windows for the sake of symmetry and the table of the categories ; these must all be omitted, and also a false arrangement. Thus : — (a.) Quality : affirmation and negation, i.e., combination and separation of concepts : two forms. It depends on the copula. (6.) Quantity : the subject-concept is taken either in 88 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. whole or in part : totality or multiplicity. To the first belong also individual subjects : Socrates means " all Socrateses." Thus two forms. It depends on the subject. (c.) Modality : has really three forms. It determines the quality as necessary, actual, or contingent. It con sequently depends also on the copula. These three forms of thought spring from the laws of thought of contradiction and identity. But from the principle of sufficient reason and the law of excluded middle springs — (d.) Edation. It only appears if we judge concerning completed judgments, and can only consist in this, that it either asserts the dependence of one judgment upon another (also in the plurality of both), and therefore combines them in the hypothetical proposition ; or else asserts that judgments exclude each other, and therefore separates them in the disjunctive proposition. It depends on the copula, which here separates or combines the completed judgments. The parts of speech and grammatical forms are ways of expressing the three constituent parts of the judgment, the subject, the predicate, and the copula, and also of the possible relations of these ; thus of the forms of thought just enumerated, and the fuller determinations and modi fications of these. Substantive, adjective, and verb are therefore essential fundamental constituent elements of language in general ; therefore they must be found in all languages. Yet it is possible to conceive a language in which adjective and verb would always be fused together, us is sometimes the case in all languages. Provisionally it may be said, for the expression of the subject are intended the substantive, the article, and the pronoun ; for the expression of the predicate, the adjective, the ad verb, and the preposition ; for the expression of the copula, the verb, which, however, with the exception of the verb to be, also contains the predicate. It is the task of the philosophy of grammar to teach the precise mechanism of CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 89 the expression of the forms of thought, as it is the task of logic to teach the operations with the forms of thought themselves. Note. — As a warning against a false path and to illus trate the above, I mention S. Stern's " Vorlaufige Grund- laye zur Sprachpliilosopliie" 1835, which is an utterly abortive attempt to construct the categories out of the grammatical forms. He has entirely confused thought with perception, and therefore, instead of the categories of thought, he has tried to deduce the supposed categories of perception from the grammatical forms, and conse quently has placed the grammatical forms in direct rela tion to perception. He is involved in the great error that language is immediately related to perception, instead of being directly related only to thought as such, thus to the abstract concepts, and only by means of these to per ception, to which they, however, have a relation which introduces an entire change of the form. What exists in perception, thus also the relations which proceed from time and space, certainly becomes an object of thought; thus there must also be forms of speech to express it, yet always merely in the abstract, as concepts. Concepts are always the primary material of thought, and the forms of logic are always related to these, never directly to perception. Perception always determines only the material, never the formal truth of the proposition, for the formal truth is determined according to the logical rules alone. I return to the Kantian philosophy, and come now to the Transcendental Dialectic. Kant opens it with the explanation of reason, the faculty which is to play the principal part in it, for hitherto only sensibility and understanding were on the scene. When considering his different explanations of reason, I have already spoken above of the explanation he gives here that "it is the 90 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. faculty of principles." It is now taught here that all the a priori knowledge hitherto considered, which makes pure mathematics and pure natural science possible, affords only rules, and no principles; because it proceeds from perceptions and forms of knowledge, and not from mere conceptions, which is demanded if it is to be called a principle. Such a principle must accordingly be know ledge from pure conceptions and yet synthetical. But this is absolutely impossible. From pure conceptions nothing but analytical propositions can ever proceed. If concep tions are to be synthetically and yet a priori combined, this combination must necessarily be accomplished by some third thing, through a pure perception of the formal possibility of experience, just as synthetic judgments a posteriori are brought about through empirical percep tion ; consequently a synthetic proposition a priori can never proceed from pure conceptions. In general, how ever, we are a priori conscious of nothing more than the principle of sufficient reason in its different forms, and therefore no other synthetic judgments a priori are pos sible than those which proceed from that which receives its content from that principle. However, Kant finally comes forward with a pretended principle of the reason answering to his demand, yet only with this one, from which others afterwards follow as corollaries. It is the principle which Chr. Wolf set up and explained in his " Cosmologia" sect. i. c. 2, § 93, and in his " Ontologia," § 178. As now above, under the title of the Amphiboly, mere Leibnitzian philosophemes were taken for natural and necessary aberrations of the reason, and were criticised as such, so here precisely the same thing happens with the philosophemes of Wolf. Kant still presents this principle of the reason in an obscure light, through indistinctness, indefiniteness, and breaking of it up (p. 307; V. 361, and 322; V. 379). Clearly ex pressed, however, it is as follows : " If the conditioned is given, the totality of its conditions must also be given, CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 91 and therefore also the unconditioned, through which alone that totality becomes complete." We become most vividly aware of the apparent truth of this proposition if we imagine the conditions and the conditioned as the links of a suspended chain, the upper end of which, however, is not visible, so that it might extend ad infinitum; since, how ever, the chain does not fall, but hangs, there must be above one link which is the first, and in some way is fixed. Or, more briefly : the reason desires to have a point of attach ment for the causal chain which reaches back to infinity ; it would be convenient for it. But we will examine the proposition, not in figures, but in itself. Synthetic it cer tainly is ; for, analytically, nothing more follows from the conception of the conditioned than that of the condition. It has not, however, a priori truth, nor even a posteriori, but it surreptitiously obtains its appearance of truth in a very subtle way, which I must now point out. Immediately, and a priori, we have the knowledge which the principle of sufficient reason in its four forms expresses. From this immediate knowledge all abstract expressions of the principle of sufficient reason are derived, and they are thus indirect ; still more, however, is this the case with inferences or corollaries from them. I have already ex plained above how abstract knowledge often unites a variety of intuitive cognitions in one form or one concept in such a way that they can no longer be distinguished ; therefore abstract knowledge stands to intuitive knowledge as the shadow to the real objects, the great multiplicity of which it presents through one outline comprehending them all. Now the pretended principle of the reason makes use of this shadow. In order to deduce from the principle of sufficient reason the unconditioned, which directly contra dicts it, it prudently abandons the immediate concrete knowledge of the content of the principle of sufficient reason in its particular forms, and only makes use of abstract concepts which are derived from it, and have value and significance only through it, in order to smuggle 92 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. its unconditioned somehow or other into the wide sphere of those concepts. Its procedure becomes most distinct when clothed in dialectical form ; for example, thus : " If the conditioned exists, its condition must also be given, and indeed all given, thus completely, thus the totality of its conditions ; consequently, if they constitute a series, the M'hole series, consequently also its first beginning, thus the unconditioned." Here it is false that the conditions of a conditioned can constitute a series. Bather must the totality of the conditions of everything conditioned be contained in its nearest ground or reason from which it directly proceeds, and which is only thus a sufficient ground or reason. For example, the different determinations of the state which is the cause, all of which must be present together before the effect can take place. But the series, for example, the chain of causes, arises merely from the fact that we regard what immediately before was the con dition as now a conditioned ; but then at once the whole operation begins again from the beginning, and the prin ciple of sufficient reason appears anew with its claim. But there can never be for a conditioned a properly suc cessive scries of conditions, which exist merely as such, and on account of that which is at last conditioned ; it is always an alternating series of conditioneds and condi tions ; as each link is laid aside the chain is broken, and the claim of the principle of sufficient reason entirely satisfied, it arises anew because the condition becomes the conditioned. Thus the principle of sufficient reason always demands only the completeness of the immediate or next condition, never the completeness of a series. But just this conception of the completeness of the condition leaves it undetermined whether this completeness should be simultaneous or successive ; and since the latter is chosen, the demand now arises for a complete series of conditions following each other. Only through an arbi trary abstraction is a series of causes and effects regarded as a series of causes alone, which exists merely on account CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 93 of the last effect, and is therefore demanded as its sufficient reason. From closer and more intelligent consideration, and by rising from the indefinite generality of abstraction to the particular definite reality, it appears, on the con trary, that the demand for a sufficient reason extends only to the completeness of the determinations of the immediate cause, not to the completeness of a series. The demand of the principle of sufficient reason is completely extin guished in each sufficient reason given. It arises, however, immediately anew, because this reason is again regarded as a consequent ; but it never demands directly a series of reasons. If, on the other hand, instead of going to the thing itself, we confine ourselves to the abstract concepts, these distinctions vanish. Then a chain of alternating causes and effects, or of alternating logical reasons and consequents, is given out as simply a chain of causes of the last effect, or reasons of the last consequent, and the completeness of the conditions, through which alone a reason becomes sufficient, appears as the completeness of that as sumed series of reasons alone, which only exist on account of the last consequent. There then appears the abstract principle of the reason very boldly with its demand for the unconditioned. But, in order to recognise the in validity of this claim, there is no need of a critique of reason by means of antinomies and their solution, but only of a critique of reason understood in my sense, an examination of the relation of abstract knowledge to direct intuitive knowledge, by means of ascending from the indefinite generality of the former to the fixed de- finiteness of the latter. From such a critique, then, it here appears that the nature of the reason by no means consists in the demand for an unconditioned ; for, when ever it proceeds with full deliberation, it must itself find that an unconditioned is an absurdity. The reason as a faculty of knowledge can always have to do only with objects ; but every object for the subject is necessarily and irrevocably subordinated to the principle of sufficient 94 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. reason, both a parte ante and a parte post. The validity of the principle of sufficient reason is so involved in the form of consciousness that we absolutely cannot imagine anything objective of which no why could further be de manded ; thus we cannot imagine an absolute absolute, like a blind wall in front of us. That his convenience should lead this or that person to stop at some point, and assume such an absolute at pleasure, is of no avail against that incontestable certainty a priori, even if he should put on an air of great importance in doing so. In fact, the whole talk about the absolute, almost the sole theme of philosophies since Kant, is nothing but the cosmological proof incognito. This proof, in consequence of the case brought against it by Kant, deprived of all right and declared outlawed, dare no longer show itself in its true form, and therefore appears in all kinds of disguises — now in distinguished form, concealed under intellectual intui tion or pure thought ; now as a suspicious vagabond, half begging, half demanding what it wants in more unpre tending philosophemes. If an absolute must absolutely be had, then I will give one which is far better fitted to meet all the demands which are made on such a thing than these visionary phantoms ; it is matter. It has no beginning, and it is imperishable ; thus it is really inde pendent, and quod per se est et per se concipitur ; from its womb all proceeds, and to it all returns ; what more can be desired of an absolute ? But to those with whom no critique of reason has succeeded, we should rather say — " Are not ye like unto women, who ever Return to the point from which they set out, Though reason should have been talked by the hour 1 " That the return to an unconditioned cause, to a first beginning, by no means lies in the nature of reason, is, moreover, practically proved by the fact that the primi tive religions of our race, which even yet have the greatest number of followers upon earth, Brahmanism and CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 95 Buddhaism, neither know nor admit such assumptions, but carry the series of phenomena conditioning each other into infinity. Upon this point, I refer to the note appended to the criticism of the first antinomy, which occurs further on ; and the reader may also see Upham's " Doctrine of Buddhaism" (p. 9), and in general all genuine accounts of the religions of Asia. Judaism and reason ought not to be identified. Kant, who by no means desires to maintain his pre tended principle of reason as objectively valid, but merely as subjectively necessary, deduces it even as such only by means of a shallow sophism, p. 307 ; V. 364. He says that because we seek to subsume every truth known to us under a more general truth, as far as this process can be carried, this is nothing else than the pursuit of the uncon ditioned, which we already presuppose. But, in truth, in this endeavour we do nothing more than apply reason, and intentionally make use of it to simplify our knowledge by enabling us to survey it — reason, which is that faculty of abstract, general knowledge that distinguishes the reflec tive, thinking man, endowed with speech, from the brute, which is the slave of the present. For the use of reason just consists in this, that we know the particular through the universal, the case through the rule, the rule through the more general rule ; thus that we seek the most general points of view. Through such survey or general view our knowledge is so facilitated and perfected that from it arises the great difference between the life of the brutes and that of men, and again between the life of educated and that of uneducated men. Now, certainly the series of grounds of knowledge, which exist only in the sphere of the abstract, thus of reason, always finds an end in what is indemonstrable, i.e., in an idea which is not further conditioned according to this form of the principle of sufficient reason, thus in the a priori or a posteriori directly perceptible ground of the first proposition of the train of reasoning. I have already shown in the essay on 96 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. the principle of sufficient reason, § 50, that here the series of grounds of knowledge really passes over into grounds of becoming or of being. But one can only desire to make this circumstance hold good as a proof of an unconditioned according to the law of causality, or even of the mere demand for such an unconditioned, if one has not yet dis tinguished the forms of the principle of sufficient reason at all, but, holding to the abstract expression, has con founded them all. Kant, however, seeks to establish that confusion, through a mere play upon words, with Univer- salitas and Universitas, p. 322 ; V. 379. Thus it is fun damentally false that our search for higher grounds of knowledge, more general truths, springs from the pre supposition of an object unconditioned in its being, or has anything whatever in common with this. Moreover, how should it be essential to the reason to presuppose something which it must know to be an absurdity as soon as it reflects ? The source of that conception of the un conditioned is rather to be found only in the indolence of the individual who wishes by means of it to get rid of all further questions, whether his own or of others, though entirely without justification. Now Kant himself denies objective validity to this pretended principle of reason ; he gives it, however, as a necessary subjective assumption, and thus introduces an irremediable split into our knowledge, which he soon allows to appear more clearly. With this purpose he unfolds that principle of reason further, p. 322; V, 379, in accordance with the method of architectonic symmetry of which he is so fond. From the three categories of relation spring three kinds of syllogisms, each of which gives the clue for the discovery of a special unconditioned, of which again there are three : the soul, the world (as an object in itself and absolute totality), and God. Now here we must at once note a great contradiction, of which Kant, however, takes no notice, because it would be very dangerous to the symmetry. Two of these unconditioneds CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 97 are themselves conditioned by the third, the soul and the world by God, who is the cause of their existence. Thus the two former have by no means the predicate of uncon- ditionedness in common with the latter, though this is really the point here, but only that of inferred being according to the principles of experience, beyond the sphere of the possibility of experience. Setting this aside, we recognise in the three uncon- ditioneds, to which, according to Kant, reason, following its essential laws, must come, the three principal subjects round which the whole of philosophy under the influence of Christianity, from the Scholastics down to Christian Wolf, has turned. Accessible and familiar as these con ceptions have become through all these philosophers, and now also through the philosophers of pure reason, this by no means shows that, without revelation, they would necessarily have proceeded from the development of all reason as a production peculiar to its very nature. In order to prove this it would be necessary to call in the aid of historical criticism, and to examine whether the ancient and non-European nations, especially the peoples of Hindostan and many of the oldest Greek philosophers, really attained to those conceptions, or whether it is only we who, by quite falsely translating the Brahma of the Hindus and the Tien of the Chinese as "God," good- naturedly attribute such conceptions to them, just as the Greeks recognised their gods everywhere ; whether it is not rather the case that theism proper is only to be found in the religion of the Jews, and in the two religions which have proceeded from it, whose followers just on this account comprise the adherents of all other religions on earth under the name of heathen, which, by the way, is a most absurd and crude expression, and ought to be banished at least from the writings of the learned, because it identifies and jumbles together Brahmanists, Buddhists, Egyptians, Greeks, Eomans, Germans, Gauls, Iroquois, Patagonians, Caribbeans, Otaheiteans, Australians, and VOL. II. G 98 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. many others. Such an expression is all very well for priests, but in the learned world it must at once be shown the door: it can go to England and take up its abode at Oxford. It is a thoroughly established fact that Buddhism, the religion which numbers more followers than any other on earth, contains absolutely no theism, indeed rejects it. As regards Plato, it is my opinion that he owes to the Jews the theism with which he is periodically seized. On this account Numenius (accord ing to Clem. Alex., Strom., i. c. 22, Euseb. prcep. cvang., xiii. 12, and Suidas under Numenius) called him the Moses grcccisans : Ti jap eari HXarwv, rj Ma)ar)$ arriKi^tov ; and he accuses him of having stolen (aTroa-vX.fjo-a^) his doctrine of God and the creation from the Mosaical writings. Clemens often repeats that Plato knew and made use of Moses, e.g., Strom., i. 25. — v. c. 14, § 90, &c., &c. ; Pccdarjog., ii. IO, and iii. n; also in the Cohortatio ad gentes, c. 6, where, after he has bitterly censured and derided the whole of the Greek philosophers in the pre ceding chapter because they were not Jews, he bestows on Plato nothing but praise, and breaks out into pure exultation that as Plato had learnt his geometry from the Egyptians, his astronomy from the Babylonians, magic from the Thracians, and much also from the Assyrians, so he had learnt his theism from the Jews : OiSa crov TOU? SiSaavcaAou?, /cav aTTOKpVTrreiv e0e\.f)$, . . . §o%av TIJV rov deov Trap' aviwv co^eXtjaet rcov Efipaiwv (Tuos Qiiayistros novi, licet cos celare velis, . . . ilia de Deo sentcntia wppeditata tibi est db Hebrcels). A pathetic scene of recognition. But I see a remarkable confirmation of the matter in what follows. According to Plutarch (in Mario), and, better, according to Lactantius (i. 3, 19), Plato thanked Nature that he had been born a human being and not a brute, a man and not a woman, a Greek and not a barbarian. Now in Isaac Euchel's " Prayers of the Jews," from the Hebrew, second edition, 1799, p. 7, there is a morning prayer in which God is thanked and praised CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 99 that the worshipper was born a Jew and not a heathen, a free man and not a slave, a man and not a woman. Such an historical investigation would have spared Kant an unfortunate necessity in which he now becomes involved, in that he makes these three conceptions spring necessarily from the nature of reason, and yet explains that they are untenable and unverifiable by the reason, and thus makes the reason itself a sophisticator ; for he says, p. 339; V. 397: "There are sophistications, not of man, but of pure reason itself, from which even the wisest cannot free himself, and although after much trouble he may be able to avoid error, yet he never can escape from the illusion which unceasingly torments and mocks him." Therefore these Kantian " Ideas of the Reason " might be compared to the focus in which the converging re flected rays from a concave mirror meet several inches before its surface, in consequence of which, by an inevit able process of the understanding, an object presents itself to us there which is a thing without reality. But the name " Idea " is very unfortunately chosen for these pretended necessary productions of the pure theo retical reason, and violently appropriated from Plato, who used it to denote the eternal forms which, multiplied through space and time, become partially visible in the innumerable individual fleeting things. Plato's " Ideas " are accordingly throughout perceptible, as indeed the word which he chose so definitely signifies, for it could only be adequately translated by means of perceptible or visible things; and Kant has appropriated it to denote that which lies so far from all possibility of perception that even abstract thought can only half attain to it. The word " Idea," which Plato first introduced, has, more over, since then, through two-and-t\venty centuries, always retained the significance in which he used it; for not only all ancient philosophers, but also all the Scholastics, and indeed the Church Fathers and the theologians of o the Middle Ages, used it only in that Platonic sense, the ioo CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. sense of the Latin word exemplar, as Suarez expressly mentions in his twenty-fifth Disputation, sect. i. That Englishmen and Frenchmen were later induced by the poverty of their languages to misuse this word is bad enough, but not of importance. Kant's misuse of the word idea, by the substitution of a new significance introduced by means of the slender clue of not being object of experience, which it has in common with Plato's ideas, but also in common with every possible chimera, is thus altogether unjustifiable. Now, since the misuse of a few years is not to be considered against the authority of many centuries, I have always used the word in its old, original, Platonic significance. The refutation of rational psychology is much fuller and more thorough in the first edition of the " Critique of Pure Pieason " than in the second and following editions, and therefore upon this point we must make use of the first edition exclusively. This refutation has as a whole very great merit and much truth. Yet I am clearly of opinion that it was merely from his love of symmetry that Kant deduced as necessary the conception of the soul from the paralogism of substantiality by applying the demand for the unconditioned to the conception substance, which is the first category of relation, and accordingly maintained that the conception of a soul arose in this way in every speculative reason. If this conception really had its origin in the presupposition of a final subject of all predicates of a thing, one would have assumed a soul not in men alone, but also just as neces sarily in every lifeless thing, for such a thing also requires a final subject of all its predicates. Speaking generally, however. Kant makes use of a quite inadmissible ex pression when he talks of something which can exist only as subject and not as predicate (e.g., Critique of Pure Reason, p. 323; V. 412; Prolegomena, § 4 and CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 101 47) ; though a precedent for this is to be found in Aristotle's " Metaphysics," iv. ch. 8. Nothing whatever exists as subject and predicate, for these expressions belong exclusively to logic, and denote the relations of abstract conceptions to each other. Now their correlative or representative in the world of perception must be substance and accident. But then we need not look further for that which exists always as substance and never as accident, but have it directly in matter. It is the substance corresponding to all properties of things which are their accidents. It is, in fact, if one wishes to retain the expression of Kant which has just been con demned, the final subject of all predicates of that empiri cally given thing, that which remains after the abstraction of all its properties of every kind. And this holds good of man as of a brute, a plant, or a stone, and is so evident, that in order not to see it a determined desire not to see is required. That it is really the prototype of the con ception substance, I will show soon. But subject and predicate are related to substance and accident rather as the principle of sufficient reason in logic to the law of causality in nature, and the substitution or identification of the former is just as inadmissible as that of the latter. Yet in the " Prolegomena," § 46, Kant carries this sub stitution and identification to its fullest extent in order to make the conception of the soul arise from that of the final subject of all predicates and from the form of the categorical syllogism. In order to discover the sophistical nature of this paragraph, one only needs to reflect that subject and predicate are purely logical determinations, which concern abstract conceptions solely and alone, and that according to their relation in the judgment. Sub stance and accident, on the other hand, belong to the world of perception and its apprehension in the under standing, and are even there only as identical with matter and form or quality. Of this more shortly. The antithesis which has given occasion for the assump- 102 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. tion of two fundamentally different substances, body and soul, is in truth that of objective and subjective. If a man apprehends himself objectively in external percep tion, he finds a being extended in space and in general merely corporeal ; but if, on the other hand, he apprehends himself in mere self-consciousness, thus purely subjectively, he finds himself a merely willing and perceiving being, free from all forms of perception, thus also without a single one of the properties which belong to bodies. Now he forms the conception of the soul, like all the trans cendental conceptions called by Kant Ideas, by applying the principle of sufficient reason, the form of all objects, to that which is not an object, and in this case indeed to the subject of knowing and willing. He treats, in fact, knowing, thinking, and willing as effects of which he seeks the cause, and as he cannot accept the body as their cause, he assumes a cause of them entirely different from the body. In this manner the first and the last of the dogmatists proves the existence of the soul : Plato in the " Phsedrus " and also Wolf : from thinking and willing as the effects which lead to that cause. Only after in this way, by hypostatising a cause corresponding to the effect, the conception of an immaterial, simple, indestructible being had arisen, the school developed and demonstrated this from the conception of substance. But this conception itself they had previously constructed specially for this purpose by the following artifice, which is worthy of notice. With the first class of ideas, i.e., the real world of per ception, the idea of matter is also given ; because the law governing this class of ideas, the law of causality, deter mines the change of the states or conditions, and these conditions themselves presuppose something permanent, whose changes they are. When speaking above of the principle of the permanence of substance, I showed, by reference to earlier passages, that this idea of matter arises because in the understanding, for which alone it CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 103 exists, time and space are intimately united, and the share of space in this product exhibits itself as the per manence of matter, while the share of time appears as the change of states. Purely in itself, matter can only be thought in dbstracto, and not perceived ; for to perception it always appears already in form and quality. From this conception of matter, substance is again an abstraction, consequently a higher genus, and arose in this way. Of the conception of matter, only the predicate of permanence was allowed to remain, while all its other essential pro perties, extension, impenetrability, divisibility, &c., were thought away. Like every higher genus, then, the concept substance contains less in itself than the concept matter, but, unlike every other higher genus, it does not contain more under it, because it does not include several lower genera besides matter ; but this remains the one true species of the concept substance, the only assignable thing by which its content is realised and receives a proof. Thus the aim with which in other cases the reason pro duces by abstraction a higher conception, in order that in it several subordinate species may be thought at once through common determinations, has here no place ; con sequently that abstraction is either undertaken idly and entirely without aim, or it has a secret secondary purpose. This secret purpose is now brought to light ; for under the conception substance, along with its true sub-species matter, a second species is co-ordinated — the immaterial, simple, indestructible substance, soul. But the surrep titious introduction of this last concept arose from the fact that the higher concept substance was framed illogi- cally, and in a manner contrary to law. In its legitimate procedure the reason always frames the concept of a higher genus by placing together the concepts of several species, and now comparing them, proceeds discursively, and by omitting their differences and retaining the qualities in which they agree, obtains the generic concept which includes them all but has a smaller content. From this 104 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. it follows that the concepts of the species must always precede the concept of the genus. But, in the present case, the converse is true. Only the concept matter existed before the generic concept substance. The latter was without occasion, and consequently without justifica tion, as it were aimlessly framed from the former by the arbitrary omission of all its determinations except one. Not till afterwards was the second ungenuine species placed beside the concept matter, and so foisted in. But for the framing of this second concept nothing more was now required than an express denial of what had already been tacitly omitted in the higher generic concept, exten sion, impenetrability, arid divisibility. Thus the concept substance was framed merely to be the vehicle for the sur reptitious introduction of the concept of the immaterial substance. Consequently, it is very far from being capable of holding good as a category or necessary function of the understanding ; rather is it an exceedingly superfluous concept, because its only true content lies already in the concept of matter, besides which it contains only a great void, which can be filled up by nothing but the illicitly introduced species immaterial substance ; and, indeed, it was solely for the purpose of containing this that it was framed. Accordingly, in strictness, the concept substance must be entirely rejected, and the concept matter every where put in its place. The categories were a procrustean bed for every possible thing, but the three kinds of syllogisms are so only for the three so-called Ideas. The Idea of the soul was compelled to find its origin in the form of the categorical syllogism. It is now the turn of the dogmatic ideas concerning the universe, so far as it is thought as an object in itself, be tween two limits — that of the smallest (atom), and that of the largest (limits of the universe in time and space). These must now proceed from the form of the hypothetical CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 105 syllogism. Nor for this in itself is any special violence necessary. For the hypothetical judgment has its form from the principle of sufficient reason, and not the cosmo- logical alone but all those so-called Ideas really have their origin in the inconsiderate and unrestricted applica tion of that principle, and the laying aside of it at pleasure. For, in accordance with that principle, the mere dependence of an object upon another is ever sought for, till finally the exhaustion of the imagination puts an end to the journey; and thus it is lost sight of that every object, and indeed the whole chain of objects and the principle of sufficient reason itself, stand in a far closer and greater dependence, the dependence upon the knowing subject, for whose objects alone, i.e., ideas, that principle is valid, for their mere position in space and time is determined by it. Thus, since the form of knowledge from which here merely the cosmological Ideas are derived, the principle of sufficient reason, is the source of all subtle hypostases, in this case no sophisms need be resorted to ; but so much the more is sophistry required in order to classify those Ideas according to the four titles of the categories. ( i .) The cosmological Ideas with regard to time and space, thus of the limits of the world in both, are boldly regarded as determined through the category of quantity, with which they clearly have nothing in common, except the accidental denotation in logic of the extent of the concept of the subject in the judgment by the word quantity, a pictorial expression instead of which some other might just as well have been chosen. But for Kant's love of symmetry this is enough. He takes advantage of the fortunate accident of this nomenclature, and links to it the transcendent dogmas of the world's extension. (2.) Yet more boldly does Kant link to quality, i.e., the affirmation or negation in a judgment, the transcendent Ideas concerning matter; a procedure which has not even an accidental similarity of words as a basis. For it is just io6 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. to the quantity, and not to the quality of matter that its mechanical (not chemical) divisibility is related. But, M'hat is more, this whole idea of divisibility by no means belongs to those inferences according to the principle of sufficient reason, from which, however, as the content of the hypothetical form, all cosmological Ideas ought to flow. For the assertion upon which Kant there relies, that the relation of the parts to the whole is that of the condition to the conditioned, thus a relation according to the principle of sufficient reason, is certainly an ingenious but yet a groundless sophism. That relation is rather based upon the principle of contradiction ; for the whole is not through the part, nor the parts through the whole, but both are necessarily together because they are one, and their separation is only an arbitrary act. It depends upon this, according to the principle of contradiction, that if the parts are thought away, the whole is also thought away, and conversely ; and by no means upon the fact that the parts as the reason conditioned the whole as the consequent, and that therefore, in accordance with the principle of suf ficient reason, we were necessarily led to seek the ultimate parts, in order, as its reason, to understand from them the whole. Such great difficulties are here overcome by the love of symmetry. (3.) The Idea of the first cause of the world would now quite properly come under the title of relation ; but Kant must reserve this for the fourth title, that of modality, for which otherwise nothing would remain, and under which he forces this idea to come by saying that the contingent (i.e., according to his explanation, which is diametrically opposed to the truth, every consequent of its reason) becomes the necessary through the first cause. Therefore, for the sake of symmetry, the conception vt freedom appears here as the third Idea. By this conception, however, as is distinctly stated in the observations on the thesis of the third conflict, what is really meant is only that Idea of the cause of the world which alone is admissible CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 107 here. The third and fourth conflicts are at bottom tauto logical. About all this, however, I find and assert that the whole antinomy is a mere delusion, a sham fight. Only the as sertions of the antitheses really rest upon the forms of our faculty of knowledge, i.e., if we express it objectively, on the necessary, a priori certain, most universal laws of nature. Their proofs alone are therefore drawn from objective grounds. On the other hand, the assertions and proofs of the theses have no other than a subjective ground, rest solely on the weakness of the reasoning individual ; for his imagination becomes tired with an endless regression, and therefore he puts an end to it by arbitrary assumptions, which he tries to smooth over as well as he can ; and his judgment, moreover, is in this case paralysed by early and deeply imprinted prejudices. On this account the proof of the thesis in all the four conflicts is throughout a mere sophism, while that of the antithesis is a necessary inference of the reason from the laws of the world as idea known to us a priori. It is, moreover, only with great pains and skill that Kant is able to sustain the thesis, and make it appear to attack its opponent, which is endowed with native power. Now in this regard his first and constant artifice is, that he does not render prominent the nervus argumentationis, and thus present it in as isolated, naked, and distinct a manner as he possibly can ; but rather introduces the same argu ment on both sides, concealed under and mixed up with a mass of superfluous and prolix sentences. The theses and antitheses which here appear in such conflict remind one of the SIKO.IOS and aSiKos \oyos which Socrates, in the " Clouds " of Aristophanes, brings forward as contending. Yet this resemblance extends only to the form and not to the content, though this would gladly be asserted by those who ascribe to these most speculative of all questions of theoretical philosophy an influence upon morality, and therefore seriously regard the thesis as the io8 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. &tfcaio<;, and the antithesis as the aSi«o? \oyos. I shall not, however, accommodate myself here with reference to such small, narrow, and perverse minds; and, giving honour not to them, but to the truth, I shall show that the proofs which Kant adduced of the individual theses are sophisms, while those of the antitheses are quite fairly and correctly drawn from objective grounds. I assume that in this examination the reader has always before him the Kantian antinomy itself. If the proof of the thesis in the first conflict is to be held as valid, then it proves too much, for it would be just as applicable to time itself as to change in time, and would therefore prove that time itself must have had a beginning, which is absurd. Besides, the sophism consists in this, that instead of the beginninglessness of the series of states, which was at first the question, suddenly the endlessness (infinity) of the series is substituted ; and now it is proved that this is logically contradicted by com pleteness, and yet every present is the end of the past, which no one doubted. The end of a beginningless series can, however, always be tJwught, without prejudice to the fact that it has no beginning ; just as, conversely, the be ginning of an endless series can also be thought. But against the real, true argument of the antithesis, that the changes of the world necessarily presuppose an infinite series of changes backwards, absolutely nothing is ad vanced. We can think the possibility that the causal chain will some day end in an absolute standstill, but we can by no means think the possibility of an absolute beginning.1 1 That the assumption of a limit this fleeting and baseless web of of the world in time is certainly not Maya, for they at once bring out a necessary thought of the reason very ingeniously the relativity of all may be also proved historically, for periods of time in the following my- the Hindus teach nothing of the thus (Polier, Mythologie des Jndous, kind, even in the religion of the vol. ii. p. 585). The four ages, in people, much less in the Vedas, but the last of which we live, embrace try to express mythologically by together 4,320,000 years. Each day means of a monstrous chronology the of the creating Brahma has looo infinity of this phenomenal world, such periods of four ages, and his CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 109 With reference to the spatial limits of the world, it is proved that, if it is to he regarded as a given whole, it must necessarily have limits. The reasoning is correct, only it was just the first link of it that was to be proved, and that remains unproved. Totality presupposes limits, and limits presuppose totality ; but here both together are arbitrarily presupposed. For this second point, however, the antithesis affords no such satisfactory proof as for the first, because the law of causality provides us with neces sary determinations only with reference to time, not to space, and affords us a priori the certainty that no occupied time can ever be bounded by a previous empty time, and that no change can be the first change, but not that an occupied space can have no empty space beside it. So far no a priori decision on the latter point would be possible ; yet the difficulty of conceiving the world in space as limited lies in the fact that space itself is neces sarily infinite, and therefore a limited finite world in space, however large it may be, becomes an infinitely small magnitude ; and in this incongruity the imagination finds an insuperable stumbling-block, because there remains for it only the choice of thinking the world either as infinitely large or infinitely small. This was already seen by the ancient philosophers : MyrpoScopos, 6 Ejrucovpov, (f>r]<7iv aroTrov etvai ev fj^e^aXw TreSib) e evepyeta etvai ro aireipov , . . a\X' abvvaTov TO evTe\€^eta ov cnreipov (infinitum non potest esse actu: . . . sed impossibile, actu esse infinitum), Metaph. K. i o. Further : KCUT evepyeiav pev yap ovbev ecrriv cnreipov, SvvctfMei Se eiri, TTJV Siaipeaiv (nihil cnim actu infinitum est, sed potentia tantum, nempe divisione ipsa). De generat, et corrupt., i., 3. He develops this fully in the "Physics," iii. 5 and 6, where to a certain extent he gives the perfectly correct solution of the whole of the antinomies. He expounds the antinomies in his short way, and then says, " A medi ator (SiaiTijTov) is required;" upon which he gives the solution that the infinite, both of the world in space and in time and in division, is never before the regressus, or progressus, but in it. Tiiis truth lies then in the rightly apprehended conception of the infinite. Thus one mis understands himself if he imagines that he can think the infinite, of whatever kind it may be, as something objec tively present and complete, and independent of the re gressus. Indeed if, reversing the procedure, we take as the ii6 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. starting-point what Kant gives as the solution of the conflict, the assertion of the antithesis follows exactly from it. Thus : if the world is not an unconditioned whole and does not exist absolutely but only in the idea, and if its series of reasons and consequents do not exist before the regressus of the ideas of them but only through this regressus, then the world cannot contain determined and finite series, because their determination and limita tion would necessarily be independent of the idea, which would then only come afterwards ; but all its series must be infinite, i.e., inexhaustible by any idea. On p. 506; V. 534, Kant tries to prove from the falseness of both sides the transcendental ideality of the phenomenon, and begins, " If the world is a whole existing by itself, it is either finite or infinite." But this is false ; a whole existing of itself cannot possibly be infinite. That ideality may rather be concluded from the infinity of the series in the world in the following manner : — If the series of reasons and consequents in the world are absolutely without end, the world cannot be a given whole independent of the idea ; for such a world always presupposes definite limits, just as on the contrary infinite series presuppose an infinite regressus. Therefore, the presupposed infinity of the series must be determined through the form of reason and consequent, and this again through the form of knowledge of the subject ; thus the world as it is known must exist only in the idea of the subject. Now whether Kant himself was aware or not that his critical solution of the problem is really a decision in favour of the antithesis, I am unable to decide. For it depends upon whether what Schelling has somewhere very happily called Kant's system of accommodation extended so far; or whether Kant's mind was here- already involved in an unconscious accommodation to the influence of his time and surroundings. CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 117 The solution of the third antinomy, the subject of which was the Idea of freedom, deserves a special con sideration, because it is for us very well worth notice that it is just here in connection with the Idea of freedom that Kant is obliged to speak more fully of the thing in itself, which was hitherto only seen in the background. This is very explicable to us since we have recognised the thing in itself as the will. Speaking generally, this is the point at which the Kantian philosophy leads to mine, or at which mine springs out of his as its parent stem. One will be convinced of this if one reads with attention pp. 536 and 537; V. 564 and 565, of the " Critique of Pure Reason," and, further, compares these passages with the introduction to the " Critique of Judg ment," pp. xviii. and xix. of the third edition, or p. 13 of liosenkranz's edition, where indeed it is said : " The conception of freedom can in its object (that is then the will) present to the mind a thing in itself, but not in perception ; the conception of nature, on the other hand, can present its object to the mind in perception, but not as a thing in itself." But specially let any one read con cerning the solution of the antinomies the fifty-third paragraph of the Prolegomena, and then honestly answer the question whether all that is said there does not sound like a riddle to which my doctrine is the answer. Kant never completed his thought ; I have merely carried out his work. Accordingly, what Kant says only of the human phenomenon I have extended to all phenomena in general, as differing from the human phenomenon only in degree, that their true being is something absolutely free, i.e., a will. It appears from my work how fruitful this insight is in connection with Kant's doctrine of the ideality of space, time, and causality. Kant has nowhere made the thing in itself the subject of a special exposition or distinct deduction ; but, when ever he wants it, he introduces it at once by means of the conclusion that the phenomenon, thus the visible world, ii8 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. must have a reason, an intelligible cause, which is not a phenomenon, and therefore belongs to no possible expe rience. He does this after having assiduously insisted that the categories, and thus causality also, had a use which was absolutely confined to possible experience ; that they were merely forms of the understanding, which, served to spell out the phenomena of the world of sense, beyond which, on the other hand, they had no signifi cance, &c., &c. Therefore, he denies in the most uncom promising manner their application to things beyond experience, and rightly explains and at once rejects all earlier dogmatism as based upon the neglect of this law. The incredible inconsistency which Kant here fell into was soon noticed, and used by his first opponents to make attacks on his philosophy to which it could offer no resistance. For certainly we apply the law of causality entirely a priori and before all experience to the changes felt in our organs of sense. But, on this very account, this law is just as much of subjective origin as these sensations themselves, and thus does not lead to a thing in itself. The truth is, that upon the path of the idea one can never get beyond the idea ; it is a rounded-off whole, and has in its own resources no clue leading to the nature of the thing in itself, which is toto genere different from it. If we were merely perceiving beings, the way to the thing in itself would be absolutely cut off from us. Only the other side of our own being can disclose to us the other side of the inner being of things. This path I have followed. But Kant's inference to the thing in itself, contrary as it is to his own teaching, obtains some excuse from the following circumstance. He does not say, as truth required, simply and absolutely that the object is conditioned by the subject, and conversely ; but only that the manner of the appearance of the object is conditioned by the forms of knowledge of the subject, which, there fore, also come a priori to consciousness. But that now which in opposition to this is only known a posteriori is CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 119 for him the immediate effect of the thing in itself, which becomes phenomenon only in its passage through these forms which are given a priori. From this point of view it is to some extent explicable how it could escape him that objectivity in general belongs to the form of the phenomenon, and is just as much conditioned by subjec tivity in general as the mode of appearing of the object is conditioned by the forms of knowledge of the subject ; that thus if a thing in itself must be assumed, it abso lutely cannot be an object, which however he always assumes it to be, but such a thing in itself must neces sarily lie in a sphere toto genere different from the idea (from knowing and being known), and therefore could least of all be arrived at through the laws of the com bination of objects among themselves. With the proof of the thing in itself it has happened to Kant precisely as with that of the a priori nature of the law of causality. Both doctrines are true, but their proof is false. They thus belong to the class of true conclu sions from false premises. I have retained them both, but have proved them in an entirely different way, and with certainty. The thing in itself I have neither introduced surrepti tiously nor inferred according to laws which exclude it, because they really belong to its phenomenal appearance ; nor, in general, have I arrived at it by roundabout ways. On the contrary, I have shown it directly, there where it lies immediately, in the will, which reveals itself to every one directly as the in-itself of his own phenomenal being. And it is also this immediate knowledge of his own will out of which in human consciousness the concep tion of freedom springs ; for certainly the will, as world- creating, as thing in itself, is free from the principle of sufficient reason, and therewith from all necessity, thus is completely independent, free, and indeed almighty. Yet, in truth, this only holds good of the will in itself, not of its manifestations, the individuals, who, just through the 120 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. will itself, are unalterably determined as its manifestations in time. But in the ordinary consciousness, unenlightened by philosophy, the will is at once confused with its mani festation, and what belongs only to the former is attributed to the latter, whence arises the illusion of the uncondi tioned freedom of the individual. Therefore Spinoza says rightly that if the projected stone had consciousness, it would believe that it flew of its own free will. For cer tainly the in-itself of the stone also is the will, which alone is free ; but, as in all its manifestations, here also, where it appears as a stone, it is already fully determined. But of all this enough has already been said in the text of this work. Kant fails to understand and overlooks this immediate origin of the conception of freedom in every human con sciousness, and therefore he now places (p. 533 ; V. 561) the source of that conception in a very subtle speculation, through which the unconditioned, to which the reason must always tend, leads us to hypostatise the conception of free dom, and it is only upon this transcendent Idea of freedom that the practical conception of it is supposed to be founded. In the " Critique of Practical Eeason," § 6, and p. 158 of the fourth and 235 of Rosenkranz's edition, he yet deduces this last conception differently by saying that the cate gorical imperative presupposes it. The speculative Idea is accordingly only the primary source of the conception of freedom for the sake of this presupposition, but here it obtains both significance and application. Neither, however, is the case. For the delusion of a perfect freedom of the individual in his particular actions is most lively in the conviction of the least cultivated man who has never reflected, and it is thus founded on no specula tion, although often assumed by speculation from without. Thus only philosophers, and indeed only the most profound of them, are free from it, and also the most thoughtful and enlightened of the writers of the Church. It follows, then, from all that has been said, that the CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 121 true source of the conception of freedom is in no way essentially an inference, either from the speculative Idea of an unconditioned cause, nor from the fact that it is presupposed by the categorical imperative. But it springs directly from the consciousness in which each one recog nises himself at once as the will, i.e., as that which, as the thing in itself, has not the principle of sufficient reason for its form, and which itself depends upon nothing, but on which everything else rather depends. Every one, how ever, does not recognise himself at once with the critical and reflective insight of philosophy as a determined mani festation of this will which has already entered time, as we might say, an act of will distinguished from that will to live itself ; and, therefore, instead of recognising his whole existence as an act of his freedom, he rather seeks for freedom in his individual actions. Upon this point I refer the reader to my prize-essay on the freedom of the will. Now if Kant, as he here pretends, and also apparently did in earlier cases, had merely inferred the thing in itself, and that with the great inconsistency of an inference absolutely forbidden by himself, what a remarkable acci dent would it then be that here, where for the first time he approaches the thing in itself more closely and explains it, he should recognise in it at once the will, the free will showing itself in the world only in temporal manifesta tions ! I therefore really assume, though it cannot be proved, that whenever Kant spoke of the thing in itself, in the obscure depths of his mind he already always in distinctly thought of the will. This receives support from a passage in the preface to the second edition of the " Critique of Pure Ixeason," pp. xxvii. and xxviii., in liosen- kranz's edition, p. 677 of the Supplement. For the rest, it is just this predetermined solution of the sham third conflict that affords Kant the opportunity of expressing very beautifully the deepest thoughts of his whole philosophy. This is the case in the whole of the 122 CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. " Sixth Section of the Antinomy of Pure Eeason ; " but, above all, in the exposition of the opposition between the empirical and the intelligible character, p. 534-550; V. 562-578, which I number among the most admirable things that have ever been said by man. (As a supple mental explanation of this passage, compare a parallel passage in the Critique of Practical Eeasou, p. 169-179 of the fourth edition, or p. 224-231 of Eosenkranz's edi tion.) It is yet all the more to be regretted that this is here not in its right place, partly because it is not found in the way which the exposition states, and therefore could be otherwise deduced than it is, partly because it does not fulfil the end for which it is there — the solution of the sham antinomy. The intelligible character, the thing in itself, is inferred from the phenomenon by the inconsistent use of the category of causality beyond the sphere of all phenomena, which has already been suffi ciently condemned. In this case the will of man (which Kant entitles reason, most improperly, and with an un pardonable breach of all use of language) is set up as the thing in itself, with an appeal to an unconditioned ought, the categorical imperative, which is postulated without more ado. Now, instead of all this, the plain open procedure would have been to start directly from the will, and prove it to be the in-itself of our own phenomenal being, recognised without any mediation ; and then to give that exposition of the empirical and the intelligible character to explain how all actions, although necessitated by motives, yet, both by their author and by the disinterested judge, are necessarily and absolutely ascribed to the former himself and alone, as depending solely upon him, to whom therefore guilt and merit are attributed in respect of them. This alone was the straight path to the knowledge of that which is not phenomenon, and therefore will not be found by the help of the laws of the phenomenon, but is that which reveals itself through the phenomenon, becomes knowable, objec- CRITICISM OF THE KANTIAN PHILOSOPHY. 123 tifies itself — the will to live. It would then have had to be exhibited merely by analogy as the inner nature of every phenomenon. Then, however, it certainly could not have been said that in lifeless or even animal nature no faculty can be thought except as sensuously conditioned (p. 546; V. 574), which in Kant's language is simply saying that the explanation, according to the law of causality, exhausts the inner nature of these phenomena, and thus in their case, very inconsistently, the thing in itself disappears. Through the false position and the roundabout deduction according with it which the exposi tion of the thing in itself has received from Kant, the whole conception of it has also become falsified. For the will or the thing in itself, found through the investigation of an unconditioned cause, appears here related to the phenomenon as cause to effect. But this relation exists only within the phenomenal world, therefore presupposes it, and cannot connect the phenomenal world itself with what lies outside it, and is toto gencre different from it. Further, the intended end, the solution of the third antinomy by the decision that both sides, each in a diffe rent sense, are right, is not reached at all. For neither the thesis nor the antithesis have anything to do with the thing in itself, but entirely with the phenomenon, the objective world, the world as idea. This it is, and abso lutely nothing else, of which the thesis tries to show, by means of the sophistry we have laid bare, that it contains unconditioned causes, and it is also this of which the antithesis rightly denies that it contains such causes. Therefore the whole exposition of the transcendental free dom of the will, so far as it is a thing in itself, which is given here in justification of the thesis, excellent as it is in itself, is yet here entirely a ^era/Sacri? eta a\\o Tffv KaXotcayaOiav ^i^veadav, icai Trjv (j)povr]- 378)- In England Thomas Eeid (On the First Principles of Contingent Truths, Essay IV. c. 5) already asserted that the knowledge of the causal relation has its ground in the nature of the faculty of knowledge it self. Quite recently Thomas Brown, in his very tediously composed book, " Inquiry into the Eelation of Cause and Effect," 4th edit, 1835, says much the same thing, that that knowledge springs from an innate, intuitive, and instinctive conviction ; thus he is at bottom upon the right path. Quite unpardonable, however, is the crass ignorance on account of which in this book of 476 pages, of which 130 are devoted to the refutation of Hume, absolutely no mention is made of Kant, who cleared up the question more than seventy years ago. If Latin had remained the exclusive language of science such a thing would not have occurred. In spite of Brown's exposition, which in the main is correct, a modification of the doctrine set up by Maine de Biran, of the empirical origin of the fundamental knowledge of the causal relation, has yet found acceptance in England ; for it is not without a certain degree of plausibility. It is this, that we abstract the law of causality from the perceived effect of our own body upon other bodies. This was already refuted by Hume. I, however, have shown that it is untenable in my work, " Ueber den Willen in dcr Natur" (p. 75 of the second edition, p. 82 of the third), from the fact that since we apprehend both our own and other bodies objectively in spatial perception, the knowledge of causality must 208 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER IV. already be there, because it is a condition of such percep tion. The one genuine proof that we are conscious of the law of causalty before all experience lies in the neces sity of making a transition from the sensation, which is only empirically given, to its cause, in order that it may become perception of the external world. Therefore I have substituted this proof for the Kantian, the incorrect ness of which I have shown. A most full and thorough exposition of the whole of this important subject, which is only touched on here, the a priori nature of the law of causality and the intellectual nature of empirical percep tion, will be found in my essay on the principle of suffi cient reason, § 21, to which I refer, in order to avoid the necessity of repeating here what is said there. I have also shown there the enormous difference between the mere sensation of the senses and the perception of an objective world, and discovered the wide gulf that lies between the two. The law of causality alone can bridge across this gulf, and it presupposes for its application the two other forms which are related to it, space and time. Only by means of these three combined is the objective idea attained to. Now whether the sensation from which we start to arrive at apprehension arises through the resistance which is suffered by our muscular exertion, or through the impression of light upon the retina, or of sound upon the nerves of the brain, &c. &c., is really a matter of indifference. The sensation always remains a mere datum for the understanding, which alone is capable of apprehending it as the effect of a cause different from itself, which the understanding now perceives as external, i.e., as something occupying and filling space, which is also a form inherent in the intellect prior to all experi ence. Without this intellectual operation, for which the forms must lie ready in us, the perception of an objective, external world could never arise from a mere sensation within our skin. How can it ever be supposed that the mere feeling of being hindered in intended motion, which ON KNOWLEDGE A PRIORI. 209 occurs also in lameness, could be sufficient for this ? We may add to this that before I attempt to affect external things they must necessarily have affected me as motives. But this almost presupposes the apprehension of the ex ternal world. According to the theory in question (as I have remarked in the place referred to above), a man born without arms and legs could never attain to the idea of causality, and consequently could never arrive at the apprehension of the external world. But that this is not the case is proved by a fact communicated in Froriep's Notizen, July 1838, No. 133 — the detailed account, accompanied by a likeness, of an Esthonian girl, Eva Lauk, then fourteen years old, who was born entirely without arms or legs. The account concludes with these words : " According to the evidence of her mother, her mental development had been quite as quick as that of her brothers and sisters ; she attained just as soon as they did to a correct judgment of size and distance, yet without the assistance of hands. — Dorpat, ist March 1838, Dr. A. Hueck." Hume's doctrine also, that the conception of causality arises from the custom of seeing two states constantly following each other, finds a practical refutation in the oldest of all successions, that of day and night, which no one has ever held to be cause and effect of each other. And the same succession also refutes Kant's false asser tion that the objective reality of a succession is only known when we apprehend the two succeeding events as standing in the relation of cause and effect to each other. Indeed the converse of this doctrine of Kant's is true. We know which of the two connected events is the cause and which the effect, empirically, only in the succession. Again, on the other hand, the absurd assertion of several professors of philosophy in our own day that cause and effect are simultaneous can be refuted by the fact that in cases in which the succession cannot be perceived on account of its great rapidity, we yet assume it with VOL. II. 0 210 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER IV. certainty a priori, and with it the lapse of a certain time. Thus, for example, we know that a certain time must elapse between the falling of the flint and the projection of the bullet, although we cannot perceive it, and that this time must further be divided between several events that occur in a strictly determined succession — the fall ing of the flint, the striking of the spark, ignition, the spread of the fire, the explosion, and the projection of the bullet. No man ever perceived this succession of events ; but because we know which is the cause of the others, we thereby also know which must precede the others in time, and consequently also that during the course of the whole series a certain time must elapse, although it is so short that it escapes our empirical apprehension ; for no one will assert that the projection of the bullet is actually simultaneous with the falling of the flint. Thus not only the law of causality, but also its relation to time, and the necessity of the succession of cause and effect, is known to us a priori. If we know which of two events is the cause and which is the effect, we also know which precedes the other in time ; if, on the contrary, we do not know which is cause and which effect, but only know in general that they are causally connected, we seek to discover the suc cession empirically, and according to that we determine which is the cause and which the effect. The falseness of the assertion that cause and effect are simultaneous further appears from the following consideration. An unbroken chain of causes and effects fills the whole of time. (For if this chain were broken the world would stand still, or in order to set it in motion again an effect without a cause would have to appear.) Now if every effect were simul taneous with its cause, then every effect would be moved up into the time of its cause, and a chain of causes and effects containing as many links as before would fill no time at all, still less an infinite time, but would be all together in one moment. Thus, under the assumption that cause and effect are simultaneous, the course of the world ON KNOWLEDGE A PRIORI. 211 shrinks up into an affair of a moment. This proof is analogous to the proof that every sheet of paper must have a certain thickness, because otherwise the whole book would have none. To say when the cause ceases and the effect begins is in almost all cases difficult, and often impossible. For the changes (i.e., the succession of states) are continuous, like the time which they fill, and therefore also, like it, they are infinitely divisible. But their succession is as necessarily determined and as un mistakable as that of the moments of time itself, and each of them is called, writh reference to the one which precedes it, " effect," and with reference to the one which follows it, " cause." Every change in the material world can only take place be cause another has immediately preceded it: this is the true and the whole content of the law of causality. But no concep tion has been more misused in philosophy than that of cause, by means of the favourite trick or blunder of conceiving it too widely, taking it too generally, through abstract think ing. Since Scholasticism, indeed properly since Plato and Aristotle, philosophy has been for the most part a systematic misuse of general conceptions. Such, for example, are sub stance, ground, cause, the good, perfection, necessity, and very many others. A tendency of the mind to work with such abstract and too widely comprehended conceptions has shown itself almost at all times. It may ultimately rest upon a certain indolence of the intellect, which finds it too difficult a task to be constantly controlling thought by perception. By degrees such unduly wide conceptions come to be used almost like algebraical symbols, and tossed about like them, and thus philosophy is reduced to a mere process of combination, a kind of reckoning which (like all calculations) employs and demands only the lower facul ties. Indeed there finally results from this a mere juggling with words, of which the most shocking example is afforded us by the mind-destroying Hegelism, in which it is carried to the extent of pure nonsense. But Scholasticism also 212 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER IV. often degenerated into word-juggling. Nay, even the " Topi " of Aristotle — very abstract principles, conceived with absolute generality, which one could apply to the most different kinds of subjects, and always bring into the field in arguing either pro or contra — have also their origin in this misuse of general conceptions. We find innumer able examples of the way the Schoolmen worked with such abstractions in their writings, especially in those of Thomas Aquinas. But philosophy really pursued the path which was entered on by the Schoolmen down to the time of Locke and Kant, who at last bethought themselves as to the origin of conceptions. Indeed we find Kant himself, in his earlier years, still upon that path, in his " Proof of the Existence of God" (p. 191 of the first volume of Eosenkranz's edition), where the conceptions substance, ground, reality, are used in such a way as would never have been possible if he had gone back to the source of these conceptions and to their true content which is deter mined thereby. For then he would have found as the source and content of substance simply matter, of ground (if things of the real world are in question) simply cause, that is, the prior change which brings about the later change, &c. It is true that in this case such an investi gation would not have led to the intended result. But everywhere, as here, such unduly wide conceptions, under which, therefore, more was subsumed than their true con tent would have justified, there have arisen false principles, and from these false systems. Spinoza's whole method of demonstration rests upon such uninvestigated and too widely comprehended conceptions. Now here lies the great merit of Locke, who, in order to counteract all that dogmatic unreality, insisted upon the investigation of the origin of the conceptions, and thus led back to perception and experience. Bacon had worked in a similar frame of mind, yet more with reference to Physics than to Meta physics. Kant followed the path entered upon by Locke, but in a higher sense and much further, as has already been ON KNOWLEDGE A PRIORI. 213 mentioned above. To the men of mere show who succeeded in diverting the attention of the public from Kant to themselves the results obtained by Locke and Kant were inconvenient. But in such a case they know how to ignore both the dead and the living. Thus without hesitation they forsook the only right path which had at last been found by those wise men, and philosophised at random with all kinds of indiscriminately collected conceptions, unconcerned as to their origin and content, till at last the substance of the Hegelian philosophy, wise beyond measure, was that the conceptions had no origin at all, but were rather themselves the origin and source of things. But Kant has erred in this respect. He has too much neglected empirical perception for the sake of pure perception — a point which I have fully discussed in my criticism of his philosophy. With me perception is through out the source of all knowledge. I early recognised the misleading and insidious nature of abstractions, and in 1813, in my essay on the principle of sufficient reason, I pointed out the difference of the relations which are thought under this conception. General conceptions must indeed be the material in which philosophy deposits and stores up its knowledge, but not the source from which it draws it ; the terminus ad quern, not a quo. It is not, as Kant defines it, a science drawn from conceptions, but a science in conceptions. Thus the conception of causality also, with which we are here concerned, has always been taken far too widely by philosophers for the furtherance of their dogmatic ends, and much was imported into it which does not belong to it at all. Hence arose propositions such as the following : " All that is has its cause " — " the effect cannot contain more than the cause, thus nothing that was not also in the cause " — " causa est ndbilior suo effectu" and many others just as unwarranted. The following subtilty of that insipid gossip Proclus affords an elaborate and specially lucid example of this. It occurs in his " Institutio Thcologica," § 76 : " Hav ro airo aKivr^rov ycyvo- 214 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER IV. ama?, a^era^Krjrov e^ei TIJV vTrapfyv' irav Se TO CLTCO , fj,6ra(3\r)Tr)v' ei jap a/avrjTOV e eivai Trapayei TO SevTepov a eavTov." (Quidquid db immobili causa manat, immutdbilem habet essentiam [substantiam"]. Quidquid vero a mobili causa manat, essentiam habet mutdbilem. Si enim illud, quod aliquid facit, est prorsus immobile, non per inotum, sed per ipsum Esse producit ipsum secundum ex se ipso.~) Excellent ! But just show me a cause which is not itself set in motion : it is simply impossible. But here, as in so many cases, abstraction has thought away all determinations down to that one which it is desired to make use of without regard to the fact that the latter cannot exist without the former. The only correct ex pression of the law of causality is this : Every change has its cause in another change which immediately precedes it. If something happens, i.e., if a new state of things appears, i.e., if something is changed, then something else must have changed immediately before, and something else again before this, and so on ad infinitum, for a first cause is as impossible to conceive as a beginning of time or a limit of space. More than this the law of causality does not assert. Thus its claims only arise in the case of changes. So long as nothing changes there can be no question of a cause. For there is no a priori ground for inferring from the existence of given things, i.e., states of matter, their previous non-existence, and from this again their coming into being, that is to say, there is no a priori ground for inferring a change. Therefore the mere exist ence of a thing does not justify us in inferring that it has a cause. Yet there may be a posteriori reasons, that is, reasons drawn from previous experience, for the assumption that the present state or condition did not always exist, but has only come into existence in con sequence of another state, and therefore by means of a change, the cause of which is then to be sought, and also the cause of this cause. Here then we are involved in ON KNOWLEDGE A PRIORI. 215 the infinite regressus to which the application of the law of causality always leads. We said above : " Things, i.e., states or conditions of matter" for change and causality have only to do with states or conditions. It is these states which we understand by form, in the wider sense ; and only the forms change, the matter is permanent. Thus it is only the form which is subject to the law of causality. But the form constitutes the thing, i.e., it is the ground of the difference of things ; while matter must be thought as the same in all. Therefore the School men said, "Forma dat esse rei;" more accurately this proposition would run : Forma dat rei essentiam, materia existentiam. Therefore the question as to the cause of a thing always concerns merely its form, i.e., its state or quality, and not its matter, and indeed only the former so far as we have grounds for assuming that it has not always existed, but has come into being by means of a change. The union of form and matter, or of essentia and existentia, gives the concrete, which is always particular ; thus, the thing. And it is the forms whose union with matter, i.e., whose appearance in matter by means of a change, are subject to the law of causality. By taking the conception too widely in the abstract the mistake slipped in of extending causality to the thing absolutely, that is, to its whole inner nature and existence, thus also to matter, and ultimately it was thought justifiable to ask for a cause of the world itself. This is the origin of the cosmological proof. This proof begins by inferring from the existence of the world its non-existence, which preceded its existence, and such an inference is quite unjustifiable ; it ends, however, with the most fearful inconsistency, for it does away altogether with the law of causality, from which alone it derives all its evidencing power, for it stops at a first cause, and will not go further ; thus ends, as it were, by committing parricide, as the bees kill the drones after they have served their end. All the talk about the absolute is referable to a shaniefast, and therefore disguised cosmological proof, 216 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER IV. which, in the face of the " Critique of Pure Reason," has passed for philosophy in Germany for the last sixty years. What does the absolute mean ? Something that is, and of which (under pain of punishment) we dare not ask further whence and why it is. A precious rarity for professors of philosophy ! In the case, however, of the honestly ex pressed cosmological proof, through the assumption of a first cause, and therefore of a first beginning in a time which has absolutely no beginning, this beginning is always pushed further back by the question : Why not earlier ? And so far back indeed that one never gets down from it to the present, but is always marvelling that the present itself did not occur already millions of years ago. In general, then, the law of causality applies to all things in the world, but not to the world itself, for it is immanent in the world, not transcendent ; with it it comes into action, and with it it is abolished. This depends ultimately upon the fact that it belongs to the mere form of our understanding, like the whole of the objective world, which accordingly is merely phenomenal, and is con ditioned by the understanding. Thus the law of causality has full application, without any exception, to all things in the world, of course in respect of their form, to the variation of these forms, and thus to their changes. It is valid for the actions of men as for the impact of a stone, yet, as we have said always, merely with regard to events, to changes. But if we abstract from its origin in the understanding and try to look at it as purely objective, it will be found in ultimate analysis to depend upon the fact that every thing that acts does so by virtue of its original, and therefore eternal or timeless, power ; therefore its present effect would necessarily have occurred infinitely earlier, that is, before all conceivable time, but that it lacked the temporal condition. This temporal condition is the occa sion, i.e., the cause, on account of which alone the effect only takes place now, but now takes place necessarily ; the cause assigns it its place in time. ON KNOWLEDGE A PRIORI. 217 But in consequence of that unduly wide view in abstract thought of the conception cause, which was considered above, it has been confounded with the conception offeree. This is something completely different from the cause, but yet is that which imparts to every cause its causality, i.e., the capability of producing au effect. I have ex plained this fully and thoroughly in the second book of the first volume, also in " The Will in Nature," and finally also in the second edition of the essay on the prin ciple of sufficient reason, § 20, p. 44 (third edition, p. 45). This confusion is to be found in its most aggravated form in Maine de Biran's book mentioned above, and this is dealt with more fully in the place last referred to ; but apart from this it is also very common ; for example, when people seek for the cause of any original force, such as gravitation. Kant himself (Uber den Einzig Moglichen Beweisgrund, vol. i. p. 211-215 of Eosenkranz's edition) calls the forces of nature "efficient causes," and says " gravity is a cause." Yet it is impossible to see to the bottom of his thought so long as force and cause are not distinctly recognised as completely different. But the use of abstract conceptions leads very easily to their con fusion if the consideration of their origin is set aside. The knowledge of causes and effects, always perceptive, which rests on the form of the understanding, is neglected in order to stick to the abstraction cause. In this way alone is the conception of causality, with all its simplicity, so very frequently wrongly apprehended. Therefore even in Aristotle (" Metaph.," iv. 2) we find causes divided into four classes which are utterly falsely, and indeed crudely conceived. Compare with it my classification of causes as set forth for the first time in my essay on sight and colour, chap. I , and touched upon briefly in the sixth para graph of the first volume of the present work, but ex pounded at full length in my prize essay on the freedom of the will, p. 30-33. Two things in nature remain un touched by that chain of causality which stretches into 218 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER IV. infinity in both directions ; these are matter and the forces of nature. They are both conditions of causality, while everything else is conditioned by it. For the one (matter) is that in which the states and their changes appear ; the other (forces of nature) is that by virtue of which alone they can appear at all. Here, however, one must remem ber that in the second book, and later and more thoroughly in " The Will in Nature," the natural forces are shown to be identical with the will in us; but matter appears as the mere visibility of the will ; so that ultimately it also may in a certain sense be regarded as identical with the will. On the other hand, not less true and correct is what is ex plained in § 4 of the first book, and still better in the second edition of the essay on the principle of sufficient reason at the end of § 21, p. 77 (third edition, p. 82), that matter is causality itself objectively comprehended, for its entire nature consists in acting in general, so that it itself is thus the activity (evepyeut = reality) of things generally, as it were the abstraction of all their different kinds of acting. Accordingly, since the essence, essentia, of matter consists in action in general, and the reality, existentia, of things consists in their materiality, which thus again is one with action in general, it may be asserted of matter that in it existentia and essentia unite and are one, for it has no other attribute than existence itself in general and inde pendent of all fuller definitions of it. On the other hand, all empirically given matter, thus all material or matter in the special sense (which our ignorant materialists at the present day confound with matter), has already entered the framework of the forms and manifests itself onlv v */ through their qualities and accidents, because in experience every action is of quite a definite and special kind, and is never merely general. Therefore pure matter is an object of thought alone, not of perception, which led Plotinus (Enneas II., lib. iv., c. 8 & 9) and Giordano Bruno (Delia Causa, dial. 4) to make the paradoxical assertion that ON KNOWLEDGE A PRIORI. 219 matter has no extension, for extension is inseparable from the form, and that therefore it is incorporeal. Yet Aristotle had already taught that it is not a body although it is corporeal : "crcof^a /j,ev OVK av eirj, aco/nart/cr] Se" (Stob. Ed., lib. i., c. 12, § 5). In reality we think under pure matter only action, in the abstract, quite independent of the kind of action, thus pure causality itself; and as such it is not an object but a condition of experience, just like space and time. This is the reason why in the accompanying table of our pure a priori knowledge matter is able to take the place of causality, and therefore appears along with space and time as the third pure form, and therefore as de pendent on our intellect. This table contains all the fundamental truths which are rooted in our perceptive or intuitive knowledge a priori, expressed as first principles independent of each other. What is special, however, what forms the content of arithmetic and geometry, is not given here, nor yet what only results from the union and application of those formal principles of knowledge. This is the subject of the "Metaphysical First Principles of Natural Science" expounded by Kant, to which this table in some measure forms the propsedutic and introduction, and with which it therefore stands in direct connection. In this table I have primarily had in view the very remarkable parallelism of those a priori principles of knowledge which form the framework of all experience, but specially also the fact that, as I have explained in § 4 of the first volume, matter (and also causality) is to be regarded as a combination, or if it is preferred, an amalgamation, of space and time. In agreement with this, we find that what geometry is for the pure perception or intuition of space, and arithmetic for that of time, Kant's plwronomy is for the pure perception or intuition of the two united. For matter is primarily that which is movable in space. The mathematical point cannot even be conceived as movable, as Aristotle has shown ("Physics," vi. 10). This philosopher also himself 220 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER IV. provided the first example of such a science, for in the fifth and sixth books of his " Physics " he determined a priori the laws of rest and motion. Now this table may be regarded at pleasure either as a collection of the eternal laws of the world, and therefore as the basis of our ontology, or as a chapter of the physio logy of the brain, according as one assumes the realistic or the idealistic point of view ; but the second is in the last instance right. On this point, indeed, we have already come to an understanding in the first chapter ; yet I wish further to illustrate it specially by an example. Aristotle's book "De Xenophane" &c., commences with these weighty words of Xenophanes : " A'iSiov eivai tyrja-iv, ei TI ea-nv, enrep //,?; evBe-^erai yeveadai jjurj^ev etc fjujSevos" (Sternum esse, inquit, quicquid est, siquidem fieri non potest, ut ex nihilo quippiam existat.) Here, then, Xenophanes judges as to the origin of things, as regards its possibility, and of this origin he can have had no experience, even by analogy; nor indeed does he appeal to experience, but judges apodictically, and therefore a priori. How can he do this if as a stranger he looks from without into a world that exists purely objectively, that is, independently of his knowledge ? How can he, an ephemeral being hurrying past, to whom only a hasty glance into such a world is permitted, judge apodictically, a priori and without experience concerning that world, the possibility of its existence and origin ? The solution of this riddle is that the man has only to do with his own ideas, which as such are the work of his brain, and the constitution of which is merely the manner or mode in which alone the function of his brain can be fulfilled, i.e., the form of his perception. He thus judges only as to the pheno mena of his own brain, and declares what enters into its forms, time, space, and causality, and what does not. In this he is perfectly at home and speaks apodictically. In a like sense, then, the following table of the Prcedica- liilia a priori of time, space, and matter is to be taken : — ON KNOWLEDGE A PRIORI. 221 PPwEDICABILIA A PRIORI. Of Time. Of Space. Of Matter. (i) There is only one (i) There is only one (i) There is only one Mat Time, and all different Space, and all different ter, and all different mate times are parts of it. spaces are parts of it. rials are different states of matter ; as such it is called Substance. (2) Different times (2) Different spaces (2) Different matters (ma are not simultaneous are not successive but terials) are not so through but successive. simultaneous. substance but through acci dents. (3) Time cannot be (3) Space cannot be (3) Annihilation of matter thought away, but ihought away, but is inconceivable, but anni everything can be everything can be hilation of all its forms and thought away from it. thought away from it. qualities is conceivable. (4) Time has three (4) Space has three (4) Matter exists, i.e., acts divisions, the past, the dimensions — height, in all the dimensions of present, and the future, breadth, and length. space and throughout the which constitute two whole length of time, and directions and a centre thus these two are united of indifference. and thereby filled. In this consists the true nature of matter : thus it is through and through causality. (5) Time is infinitely (5) Space is infinitely (5) Matter is infinitely di divisible. divisible. visible. (6) Time is homogene (6) Space is homo (6) Matter is homogeneous ous and a Continuum, geneous and a Continu and a Continuum, i.e., it i.e., no one of its parts um, i.e., no one of its does not consist of originally is different from the parts is different from different (homoiomeria) or rest, nor separated from the rest, nor separated originally separated parts it by anything that is from it by anything (atoms) ; it is therefore not not time. that is not space. composed of parts, which would necessarily be sepa rated by something that was not matter. (7) Time has no be (7) Space has no lim (7) Matter has no origin ginning and no end, but its, but all limits are and no end, but all coming all beginning and end in it. into being and passing away is in it. are in it. (8) By reason of time (8) By reason of space (8) 15y reason of matter •we count. we measure. we weigh. (9) Rhythm is only (9) Symmetry is only (9) Equilibrium is only in in time. in space. matter. (10) We know the (10) We know the (10) We know the laws of laws of time a priori. laws of space a priori. the substance of all acci dents a priori. 222 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER IV. Of Time. Of Space. Of Matter. (n) Time can be per (n) Space is imme (n) Matter can only be ceived a priori, al diately perceptible a thought a priori. though only in the priori. form of a line. (12) Time has no per (12) Space can never (12) The accidents change; manence, but passes pass away, but endures the substance remains. away as soon as it is through all time. there. (13) Time never rests. (13) Space is immov (13) Matter is indifferent able. to rest and motion ; i. e. , it is originally disposed to wards neither of the two. (14) Everything that (14) Everything that (14) Everything material exists in time has dura exists in space has a has the capacity for action. tion. position. (15) Time has no dura (15) Space has no mo (15) Matter is what is per tion, but all duration tion, but all motion is manent in time and mov is in it, and is the in it, and it is the able in space ; by the com persistence of what is change of position of parison of what rests with permanent in contrast what is moved, in con what is moved we measure with its restless course. trast with its unbroken duration. rest. (16) All motion is (16) All motion is (16) All motion is only only possible in time. only possible in space. possible to matter. (17) Velocity is, in (17) Velocity is, in (17) The magnitude of the equal spaces, in inverse equal times, in direct motion, the velocity being proportion to the time. proportion to the space. equal, is in direct geometri cal proportion to the matter (mass). (18) Time is not meas (18) Space is measur (18) Matter as such (mass) urable directly through able directly through is measurable, i.e., deter- itself, but only indirect itself, and indirectly minable as regards its quan ly through motion, through motion, which tity only indirectly, only which is in space and is in time and space through the amount of the time together : thus together : hence, for motion which it receives the motion of the sun example, an hour's and imparts when it is re and of the clock meas journey, and the dis pelled or attracted. ure time. tance of the fixed stars expressed as the tra velling of light for so many years. (19) Time is omni (19) Space is eternal. (19) Matter is absolute. present. Every part Every part of it exists That is, it neither comes of time is everywhere, always. into being nor passes away, i.e., in all space, at and thus its quantity can once. neither be increased nor diminished. ON KNOWLEDGE A PRIORI. 223 Of Time. Of Space. Of Matter. (20) In time taken (20) In space taken (20, 21) Matter unites the by itself everything by itself everything ceaseless flight of time with would be in succession. would be simultane the rigid immobility of ous. space ; therefore it is the (21) Time makes the (21) Space makes the permanent substance of the change of accidents pos permanence of sub changing accidents. Causa sible. stance possible. lity determines this change for every place at every time, and thereby combines time and space, and consti tutes the whole nature of matter. (22) Every part of (22) No part of space (22) For matter is both time contains all parts contains the same mat permanent and impene of matter. ter as another. trable. (23) Time is the prin- (23) Space is the prin- (23) Individuals are ma cipium individuationis. cipiumindii'iduationis. terial. (24) The now has no (24) The point has no (24) The atom has no duration. extension. reality. (25) Time in itself is (25) Space in itself is (25) Matter in itself is empty and without pro empty and without pro without form and quality, perties. perties. and likewise inert, i.e., in different to rest or motion, thus without properties. (26) Every moment (26) By the position (26) Every change in mat is conditioned by the of every limit in space ter can take place only on preceding moment, and with reference to any account of another change is only because the lat other limit, its position which preceded it ; and ter has ceased to be. with reference to every therefore a first change, (Principle of sufficient possible limit is pre and thus also a first state reason of existence in cisely determined. of matter, is just as incon time. — See my essay on (Principle of sufficient ceivable as a beginning of the principle of suffi reason of existence in time or a limit of space. cient reason. ) space. ) (Principle of sufficient reason of becoming.) (27) Time makes ar (27) Space makes geo (27) Matter, as that which ithmetic possible. metry possible. is movable in space, makes phoronomy possible. (28) The simple ele (28) The simple ele (28) The simple element ment in arithmetic is ment in geometry is in phoronomy is the atom. unity. the point. 224 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER IV. NOTES TO THE ANNEXED TABLE. (i) To No. 4 of Matter. The essence of matter is acting, it is acting itself, in the abstract, thus acting in general apart from all difference of the kind of action : it is through and through causality. On this account it is itself, as regards its existence, not subject to the law of causality, and thus has neither come into being nor passes away, for otherwise the law of causality would be applied to itself. Since now causality is known to us a priori, the conception of matter, as the indestructible basis of all that exists, can so far take its place in the knowledge we possess a priori, inasmuch as it is only the realisation of an a priori form of our knowledge. For as soon as we see anything that acts or is causally efficient it presents itself eo ipso as material, and con versely anything material presents itself as necessarily active or causally efficient. They are in fact interchangeable conceptions. Therefore the word "actual " is used as synonymous with "material ; " and also the Greek KCIT' evepyeiav, in opposition to Kara Svvafuv, reveals the same source, for evepyeia signifies action in general ; so also with actu in opposition to po- tentia, and the English "actually " for " wirklich." What is called space- occupation, or impenetrability, and regarded as the essential predicate of body (i.e. of what is material), is merely that kind of action which belongs to all bodies without exception, the mechanical. It is this universality alone, by virtue of which it belongs to the conception of body, and follows a priori from this conception, and therefore cannot be thought away from it without doing away with the conception itself — it is this, I say, that distinguishes it from any other kind of action, such as that of electricity or chemistry, or light or heat. Kant has very accurately analysed this space-occupation of the mechanical mode of activity into repulsive and attractive force, just as a given mechanical force is analysed into two others by means of the parallelo gram of forces. But this is really only the thoughtful analysis of the phe nomenon into its two constituent parts. The two forces in conjunction exhibit the body within its own limits, that is, in a definite volume, while the one alone would diffuse it into infinity, and the other alone would con tract it to a point. Notwithstanding this reciprocal balancing or neutralisa tion, the body still acts upon other bodies which contest its space with the first force, repelling them, and with the other force, in gravitation, attracting all bodies in general. So that the two forces are not extinguished in their product, as, for instance, two equal forces acting in different directions, or + E and — E, or oxygen and hydrogen in water. That impenetrability and gravity really exactly coincide is shown by their empirical inseparableness, in that the one never appears without the other, although we can separate them in thought. I must not, however, omit to mention that the doctrine of Kant referred to, which forms the fundamental thought of the second part of his "Meta physical First Principles of Natural Science," thus of the Dynamics, was distinctly and fully expounded before Kant by Priestley, in his excellent "Disquisitions on Matter and Spirit,'' § i and 2, a book which appeared ON KNOWLEDGE A PRIORI. 225 in 1777, and the second edition in 1782, while Kant's work was published in 1786. Unconscious recollection may certainly be assumed in the case of subsidiary thoughts, flashes of wit, comparisons, &c., but not in the case of the principal and fundamental thought. Shall we then believe that Kant silently appropriated such important thoughts of another man? and this from a book which at that time was new? Or that this book was unknown to him, and that the same thoughts sprang up in two minds within a short time? The explanation, also, which Kant gives, in the "Metaphysical First Principles of Natural Science " (first edition, p. 88 ; Rosenkranz's edition, p. 384), of the real difference between fluids and solids, is in substance already to be found in Kaspar Freidr. "Wolffs "Theory of Generation," Berlin 1764, p. 132. But what are we to say if we find Kant's most important and brilliant doctrine, that of the ideality of space and the merely phenomenal existence of the corporeal world, already expressed by Maupertuis thirty years earlier ? This will be found more fully referred to in Frauenstiidt's letters on my philosophy, Letter 14. Maupertuis expresses this paradoxical doctrine so decidedly, and yet without adducing any proof of it, that one must suppose that he also took it from somewhere else. It is very desirable that the matter should be further investigated, and as this would demand tiresome and extensive researches, some German Academy might very well make the question the subject of a prize essay. Now in the same relation as that in which Kant here stands to Priestley, and perhaps also to Kaspar Wolff, and Maupertuis or his predecessor, Laplace stands to Kant. For the principal and fundamental thought of Laplace's admirable and certainly correct theory of the origin of the planetary system, which is set forth in his "Exposition du Systeme du Monde," liv. v. c. 2, was expressed by Kant nearly fifty years before, in 1755, in his " Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels," and more fully in 1763 in his " Einzig moglichen Beiccisgrund des Daseyns Gottes" ch. 7. Moreover, in the later work he gives us to under stand that Lambert in his " Kosmologischcn Briefen," 1761, tacitly adopted that doctrine from him, and these letters at the same time also appeared in French (Lettres sur la Constitution de VUntiers}. We are therefore obliged to assume that Laplace knew that Kantian doctrine. Certainly he expounds the matter more thoroughly, strikingly, and full}', and at the same time more simply than Kant, as is natural from his more profound astronomical knowledge ; yet in the main it is to be found clearly expressed in Kant, and on account of the importance of the matter, would alone have been sufficient to make his name immortal. It cannot but disturb us very much if we find minds of the first order under suspicion of dishonesty, which would be a scandal to those of the lowest order. For we feel that theft is even more inexcusable in a rich man than in a poor one. We dare not, however, be silent ; for here we are posterity, and must be just, as we hope that posterity will some day be just to us. Therefore, as a third example, I will add to these cases, that the fundamental thoughts of the "Metamorphosis of Plants," by Goethe, were already expressed by Kaspar Wolff in 1764 in his "Theory of Generation," p. 148, 229, 243, &c. Indeed, is it otherwise with the system of gravitation ? the discovery of which is on the Continent of Europe always ascribed to Newton, while in England the learned at least know very well that it belongs to Robert Hooke, who in the year 1666, in a "Communication to the Royal Society," expounds it quite distinctly, although only as an hypothesis and without proof. The VOL. II. P 226 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER IV. principal passage of this communication is quoted in Dugalcl Stewart's ' ' Philosophy of the Human Mind, " and is probably taken from Robert Hooke's Posthumous Works. The history of the matter, and how Newton got into difficulty by it, is also to be found in the "Biographic UniverseUe," article Newton. Hooke's priority is treated as an established fact in a short history of astronomy, Quarterly Review, August 1828. Further details on this subject are to be found in my " Parerga," vol. ii., § 86 (second edition, § 88). The story of the fall of an apple is a fable as groundless as it is popular, and is quite without authority. (2) To No. 1 8 of Matter. The quantity of a motion (quantitas motus, already in Descartes) is the product of the mass into the velocity. This law is the basis not only of the doctrine of impact in mechanics, but also of that of equilibrium in statics. From the force of impact which two bodies with the same velocity exert the relation of their masses to each other may be determined. Thus of two hammers striking with the same velocity, the one which has the greater mass will drive the nail deeper into the wall or the post deeper into the earth. For example, a hammer weigh ing six pounds with a velocity = 6 effects as much as a hammer weighing three pounds with a velocity = 12, for in both cases the quantity of motion or the momentum = 36. Of two balls rolling at the same pace, the one which has the greater mass will impel a third ball at rest to a greater distance than the ball of less mass can. For the mass of the first multiplied by the same velocity gives a greater quantity of motion, or a greater momen tum. The cannon carries further than the gun, because an equal velocity communicated to a much greater mass gives a much greater quantity of motion, which resists longer the retarding effect of gravity. For the same reason, the same arm will throw a lead bullet further than a stone one of equal magnitude, or a large stone further than quite a small one. And therefore also a case-shot does not carry so far as a ball-shot. The same law lies at the foundation of the theory of the lever and of the balance. For here also the smaller mass, on the longer arm of the lever or beam of the balance, has a greater velocity in falling ; and multiplied by this it may be equal to, or indeed exceed, the quantity of motion or the momentum of the greater mass at the shorter arm of the lever. In the state of rest brought about by equilibrium this velocity exists merely in intention or virtually, potentid, not actu ; but it acts just as well as actu, which is very remarkable. The following explanation will be more easily understood now that these truths have been called to mind. The quantity of a given matter can only be estimated in general according to its force, and its force can only be known in its expression. Now when we are considering matter only as regards its quantity, not its quality, this expression can only be mechanical, i.e., it can only consist in motion which it imparts to other matter. For only in motion does the force of matter become, so to speak, alive ; hence the expression vis viva for the manifesta tion of force of matter in motion. Accordingly the only measure of the quantity of a given matter is the quantity of its motion, or its momentum. In this, however, if it is given, the quantity of matter still appears in cou- ON KNOWLEDGE A PRIORI. 227 junction and amalgamated with its other factor, velocity. Therefore if we waut to know the quantity of matter (the mass) this other factor must be C1 eliminated. Now the velocity is known directly ; for it is y. But the other factor, which remains when this is eliminated, can always be known only relatively in comparison with other masses, which again can only be known themselves by means of the quantity of their motion, or their momentum, thus in their combination with velocity. "We must therefore compare one quantity of motion with the other, and then subtract the velocity from both, in order to see how much each of them owed to its mass. This is done by weighing the masses against each other, in which that quantity of motion is compared which, in each of the two masses, calls forth the attractive power of the earth that acts upon both only in proportion to their quantity. Therefore there are two kinds of weighing. Either we impart to the two masses to be compared equal velocity, in order to find out which of the two now communicates motion to the other, thus itself has a greater quantity of motion, which, since the velocity is the same on both sides, is to be ascribed to the other factor of the quantity of motion or the momentum, thus to the mass (common balance). Or we weigh, by investigating how much more velocity the one mass must receive than the other has, in order to be equal to the latter in quantity of motion or momentum, and therefore allow no more motion to be communicated to itself by the other ; for then in propor tion as its velocity must exceed that of the other, its mass, i.e. , the quantity of its matter, is less than that of the other (steelyard). This estimation of masses by weighing depends upon the favourable circumstance that the moving force, in itself, acts upon both quite equally, and each of the two is in a position to communicate to the other directly its surplus quantity of motion or momentum, so that it becomes visible. The substance of these doctrines has long ago been expressed by Newton and Kant, but through the connection and the clearness of this exposition I believe I have made it more intelligible, so that that insight is possible for all which I regarded as necessary for the justification of proposition No. 18. ( 228 ), ScconU f&aif. THE DOCTRINE OF THE ABSTRACT IDEA, OR THINKING. CHAPTER V.1 ON THE IRKATIONAL INTELLECT. IT must be possible to arrive at a complete knowledge of the consciousness of tlie brutes, for we can construct it by abstracting certain properties of our own consciousness. On the other hand, there enters into the consciousness of the brute instinct, which is much more developed in all of them than in man, and in some of them extends to what we call mechanical instinct. The brutes have understanding without having reason, and therefore they have knowledge of perception but no abstract knowledge. They apprehend correctly, and also grasp the immediate causal connection, in the case of the higher species even through several links of its chain, but they do not, properly speaking, think. For they lack con ceptions, that is, abstract ideas. The first consequence of this, however, is the want of a proper memory, which applies even to the most sagacious of the brutes, and it is just this which constitutes the principal difference be tween their consciousness and that of men. Perfect in telligence depends upon the distinct consciousness of the 1 This chapter, along with the one which follows it, is connected with § 8 and 9 of the first book. ON THE IRRATIONAL INTELLECT. 229 past and of the eventual future, as such, and in connection with the present. The special memory which this de mands is therefore an orderly, connected, and thinking retrospective recollection. This, however, is only possible by means of general conceptions, the assistance of which is required by what is entirely individual, in order that it may be recalled in its order and connection. For the boundless multitude of things and events of the same and similar kinds, in the course of our life, does not admit directly of a perceptible and individual recollection of each particular, for which neither the powers of the most comprehensive memory nor our time would be sufficient. Therefore all this can only be preserved by subsuming it under general conceptions, and the consequent reference to relatively few principles, by means of which we then have always at command an orderly and adequate survey of our past. We can only present to ourselves in perception particular scenes of the past, but the time that has passed since then and its content we are conscious of only in the abstract by means of conceptions of things and numbers which now represent days and years, together with their content. The memory of the brutes, on the contrary, like their whole intellect, is confined to what they perceive, and primarily consists merely in the fact that a recurring im pression presents itself as having already been experienced, for the present perception revivifies the traces of an earlier one. Their memory is therefore always dependent upon what is now actually present. Just on this account, how ever, this excites anew the sensation and the mood which the earlier phenomenon produced. Thus the dog recog nises acquaintances, distinguishes friends from enemies, easily finds again the path it has once travelled, the houses it has once visited, and at the sight of a plate or a stick is at once put into the mood associated with them. All kinds of training depend upon the use of this perceptive memory and on the force of habit, which in the case of animals is specially strong. It is therefore just as diffe- 250 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER V. rent from human education as perception is from thinking. We ourselves are in certain cases, in which memory proper refuses us its service, confined to that merely perceptive recollection, and thus we can measure the difference be tween the two from our own experience. For example, at the sight of a person whom it appears to us we know, although we are not able to remember when or where we saw him ; or again, when we visit a place where we once were in early childhood, that is, while our reason was yet undeveloped, and which we have therefore entirely forgotten, and yet feel that the present impres sion is one which we have already experienced. This is the nature of all the recollections of the brutes. We have only to add that in the case of the most saga cious this merely perceptive memory rises to a certain degree of phantasy, which again assists it, and by virtue of which, for example, the image of its absent master floats before the mind of the dog and excites a longing after him, so that when he remains away long it seeks for him everywhere. Its dreams also depend upon this phan tasy. The consciousness of the brutes is accordingly a mere succession of presents, none of which, however, exist as future before they appear, nor as past after they have vanished; which is the specific difference of human con sciousness. Hence the brutes have infinitely less to suffer than we have, because they know no other pains but those which the present directly brings. But the present is with out extension, while the future and the past, which contain most of the causes of our suffering, are widely extended, and to their actual content there is added that which is merely possible, which opens up an unlimited field for desire and aversion. The brutes, on the contrary, undis turbed by these, enjoy quietly and peacefully each present moment, even if it is only bearable. Human beings of very limited capacity perhaps approach them in this. Further, the sufferings which belong purely to the present can only be physical. Indeed the brutes do not properly OiV THE IRRATIONAL INTELLECT. 231 speaking feel death : they can only know it when it ap pears, and then they are already no more. Thus then the life of the brute is a continuous present. It lives on without reflection, and exists wholly in the present ; even the great majority of men live with very little reflection. Another consequence of the special nature of the intellect of the brutes, which we have explained is the perfect accordance of their consciousness with their environment. Between the brute and the external world there is nothing, but between us and the external world there is always our thought about it, which makes us often inap proachable to it, and it to us. Only in the case of children and very primitive men is this wall of partition so thin that in order to see what goes on in them we only need to see what goes on round about them. Therefore the brutes are incapable alike of purpose and dissimulation ; they reserve nothing. In this respect the dog stands to the man in the same relation as a glass goblet to a metal one, and this helps greatly to endear the dog so much to us, for it affords us great pleasure to see all those inclinations and emotions which we so often conceal displayed simply and openly in him. In general, the brutes always play, as it were, with their hand exposed ; and therefore we con template with so much pleasure their behaviour towards each other, both when they belong to the same and to different species. It is characterised by a certain stamp of innocence, in contrast to the conduct of men, which is withdrawn from the innocence of nature by the entrance of reason, and with it of prudence or deliberation. Hence human conduct has throughout the stamp of intention or deliberate purpose, the absence of which, and the conse quent determination by the impulse of the moment, is the fundamental characteristic of all the action of the brutes. No brute is capable of a purpose properly so-called. To conceive and follow out a purpose is the prerogative of man, and it is a prerogative which is rich in consequences. Certainly an instinct like that of the bird of passage or the 232 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER V. bee, still more a permanent, persistent desire, a longing like that of the dog for its absent master, may present the appearance of a purpose, with which, however, it must not be confounded. Now all this has its ultimate ground in the relation between the human and the brute in tellect, which may also be thus expressed : The brutes have only direct knowledge, while we, in addition to this, have indirect knowledge ; and the advantage which in many things — for example, in trigonometry and analysis, in machine work instead of hand work, &c. — indirect has over direct knowledge appears here also. Thus again we may say : The brutes have only a single intellect, we a double intellect, both perceptive and thinking, and the operation of the two often go on independently of each other. We perceive one thing, and we think another. Often, again, they act upon each other. This way of put ting the matter enables us specially to understand that natural openness and naivete of the brutes, referred to above, as contrasted with the concealment of man. However, the law natura nonfacit saltus is not entirely suspended even with regard to the intellect of the brutes, though certainly the step from the brute to the human intelligence is the greatest which nature has made in the production of her creatures. In the most favoured indi viduals of the highest species of the brutes there certainly sometimes appears, always to our astonishment, a faint trace of reflection, reason, the comprehension of words, of thought, purpose, and deliberation. The most striking indications of this kind are afforded by the elephant, whose highly developed intelligence is heightened and supported by an experience of a lifetime which sometimes extends to two hundred years. He has often given unmistakable signs, recorded in well-known anecdotes, of premeditation, which, in the case of brutes, always astonishes us more than anything else. Such, for instance, is the story of the tailor on whom an elephant revenged himself for pricking him with a needle. I wish, however, to rescue from ON THE IRRATIONAL INTELLECT. 233 oblivion a parallel case to this, because it has the advan tage of being authenticated by judicial investigation. On the 2/th of August 1830 there was held at Morpeth, in England, a coroner's inquest on the keeper, Baptist Bern- hard, who was killed by his elephant. It appeared from the evidence that two years before he had offended the elephant grossly, and now, without any occasion, but on a favourable opportunity, the elephant had seized him and crushed him. (See the Spectator and other English papers of that day.) For special information on the intelligence of brutes I recommend Leroy's excellent book, " Sur V Intelligence des Animaux" nouv. ed. 1802. CHAPTER VI. ON THE DOCTRINE OF ABSTKACT OR RATIONAL KNOWLEDGE. THE outward impression upon the senses, together with the mood which it alone awakens in us, vanishes with the presence of the thing. Therefore these two cannot of themselves constitute experience proper, whose teaching is to guide our conduct for the future. The image of that impression which the imagination preserves is originally weaker than the impression itself, and becomes weaker and weaker daily, until in time it disappears altogether. There is only one thing which is not subject either to the instantaneous vanishing of the impression or to the gradual disappearance of its image, and is therefore free from the power of time. This is the conception. In it, then, the teach ing of experience must be stored up, and it alone is suited to be a safe guide to our steps in life. Therefore Seneca says rightly, "Si vis tibi omnia siibjicere, te subjice rationi" (Ep. 37). And I add to this that the essential condition of surpassing others in actual life is that we should reflect or deliberate. Such an important tool of the intellect as the concept evidently cannot be identical with the word, this mere sound, which as an impression of sense passes with the moment, or as a phantasm of hearing dies away with time. Yet the concept is an idea, the distinct con sciousness and preservation of which are bound up with the word. Hence the Greeks called word, concept, rela tion, thought, and reason by the name of the first, 6 \oyos. Yet the concept is perfectly different both from the word, ON ABSTRACT OR RATIONAL KNOWLEDGE. 235 to which it is joined, and from the perceptions, from which it has originated. It is of an entirely different nature from these impressions of the senses. Yet it is able to take up into itself all the results of perception, and give them back again unchanged and undiminished after the longest period of time ; thus alone does experience arise. But the concept preserves, not what is perceived nor what is then felt, but only what is essential in these, in an entirely altered form, and yet as an adequate representa tive of them. Just as flowers cannot be preserved, but their ethereal oil, their essence, with the same smell and the same virtues, can be. The action that has been guided by correct conceptions will, in the result, coincide with the real object aimed at. We may judge of the inestimable i value of conceptions, and consequently of the reason, if we i glance for a moment at the infinite multitude and variety of the things and conditions that coexist and succeed each other, and then consider that speech and writing (the signs of conceptions) are capable of affording us accurate information as to everything and every relation when and wherever it may have been ; for comparatively few conceptions can contain and represent an infinite number of things and conditions. In our own reflection abstrac tion is a throwing off of useless baggage for the sake of more easily handling the knowledge which is to be compared, and has therefore to be turned about in all directions. We allow much that is unessential, and therefore only confusing, to fall away from the real things, and work with few but essential determinations thought in the abstract. But just because general con ceptions are only formed by thinking away and leaving out existing qualities, and are therefore the emptier the more general they are, the use of this procedure is confined to the working iip of knowledge which we have already acquired. This working up includes the drawing of con clusions from premisses contained in our knowledge. New insight, on the contrary, can only be obtained by the help 236 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VI. of the faculty of judgment, from perception, which alone is complete and rich knowledge. Further, because the content and the extent of the concepts stand in inverse relation to each other, and thus the more is thought un der a concept, the less is thought in it, concepts form a graduated series, a hierarchy, from the most special to the most general, at the lower end of which scholastic realism is almost right, and at the upper end nominalism. For the most special conception is almost the individual, thus almost real ; and the most general conception, e.g., being (i.e., the infinitive of the copula), is scarcely anything but a word. Therefore philosophical systems which confine themselves to such very general conceptions, without going down to the real, are little more than mere jug gling with words. For since all abstraction consists in thinking away, the further we push it the less we have left over. Therefore, if I read those modern philoso- phemes which move constantly in the widest abstrac tions, I am soon quite unable, in spite of all attention, to think almost anything more in connection with them ; for I receive no material for thought, but am supposed to work with mere empty shells, which gives me a feeling like that which we experience when we try to throw very light bodies; the strength and also the exertion are there, but there is no object to receive them, so as to supply the other moment of motion. If any one wants to experience this let him read the writings of the disciples of Schelling, or still better of the Hegelians. .ffLffljifc -iwtircj^rV??" would necessarily be such as could not be broken up. Accordingly they could never be the subject of an analytical judgment. This I hold to be impossible, for if we think a conception we must also be able to give its content. What are com monly adduced as examples of simple conceptions are really not conceptions at all, but partly mere sensations — as, for instance, those of some special colour ; partly the forms of perception which are known to us a priori, thus pro perly the ultimate elements of perceptive knowledge. But ON ABSTRACT OR RATIONAL KNOWLEDGE. 237 this itself is for the whole system of our thought what granite is for geology, the ultimate firm basis which sup ports all, and beyond which we cannot go. The distinct ness of a conception demands not only that we should be able to separate its predicates, but also that we should be able to analyse these even if they are abstractions, and so on until we reach knowledge of perception, and thus refer to concrete things through the distinct perception of which the final abstractions are verffiecT and reality guaran teed to them, as well as to all the higher abstractions which rest upon them. Therefore the ordinary explana tion that the conception is distinct as soon as we can give its predicates is not sufficient. For the separating of these predicates may lead perhaps to more concep tions ; and so on again without there being that ultimate basis of perceptions which imparts reality to all those conceptions. Take, for example, the conception " spirit," and analyse it into its predicates : " A thinking, will ing, immaterial, simple, indestructible being that does not occupy space." Nothing is yet distinctly thought about it, because the elements of these conceptions cannot be verified by means of perceptions, for a thinking being without a brain is like a digesting being without a stomach. Only perceptions are, properly speaking, clear, not conceptions ; these at the most can only be distinct. Hence also, absurd as it was, " clear and con fused" were coupled together and used as synonymous when knowledge of perception was explained as merely a confused abstract knowledge, because the latter kind of knowledge alone was distinct. This was first done by Duns Scotus, but Leibnitz has substantially the same view, upon which his "Identitas Indiscernibilium" depends. (See Kant's refutation of this, p. 275 of the first edition of the Critique of Pure Eeason.) The close connection of the conception with the word, thus of speech with reason, which was touched on above rests ultimately upon the following ground. Time is throughout the form of our whole consciousness, with its 238 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VI. inward and outward apprehension. Conceptions, on the other hand, which originate through abstraction and are perfectly general ideas, different from all particular things, have in this property indeed a certain measure of objec tive existence, which does not, however, belong to any series of events in time. Therefore in order to enter the immediate present of an individual consciousness, and thus to admit of being introduced into a series of events in time, they must to a certain extent be reduced again to the nature of individual things, individualised, and therefore linked to an idea of sense. Such an idea is the word. It is accordingly the sensible sign of the concep tion, and as such the necessary means of fixing it, that is, of presenting it to the consciousness, which is bound up with the form of time, and thus establishing a connection between the reason, whose objects are merely general universals, knowing neither place nor time, and con sciousness, which is bound up with time, is sensuous, and so far purely animal. Only by this means is the repro duction at pleasure, thus the recollection and preserva tion, of conceptions possible and open to us ; and only by means of this, again, are the operations which are undertaken with conceptions possible — judgment, infer ence, comparison, limitation, &c. It is true it sometimes happens that conceptions occupy consciousness without their signs, as when we run through a train of reasoning so rapidly that we could not think the words in the time. But such cases are exceptions, which presuppose great exercise of the reason, which it could only have obtained by means of language. How much the use of reason is bound up with speech we see in the case of the deaf and dumb, who, if they have learnt no kind of language, show scarcely more intelligence than the ourang-outang or the elephant. For their reason is almost entirely potential, not actual. "Words and speech are thus the indispensable means of distinct thought. But as every means, every machine, ON ABSTRACT OR RATIONAL KNOWLEDGE. 239 at once burdens and hinders, so also does language ; for it forces the fluid and modifiable thoughts, with their infinitely fine distinctions of difference, into certain rigid, permanent forms, and thus in fixing also fetters them. This hindrance is to some extent got rid of by learning several languages. For in these the thought is poured from one mould into another, and somewhat alters its form in each, so that it becomes more and more freed from all form and clothing, and thus its own proper nature comes more distinctly into consciousness, and it recovers again its original capacity for modification. The ancient languages render this service very much better than the modern, because, on account of their great dif ference from the latter, the same thoughts are expressed in them in quite another way, and must thus assume a very different form ; besides which the more perfect grammar of the ancient languages renders a more artistic and more perfect construction of the thoughts and their connection possible. Thus a Greek or a Roman might perhaps content himself with his own language, but he who understands nothing but some single modern patois will soon betray this poverty in writing and speaking ; for his thoughts, firmly bound to such narrow stereotyped forms, must appear awkward and monotonous. Genius certainly makes up for this as for everything else, for example in Shakespeare. Burke, in his " Inquiry into the Sublime and Beautiful," p. 5, § 4 and 5, has given a perfectly correct and very elaborate exposition of what I laid down in § 9 of the first volume, that the words of a speech are perfectly under stood without calling up ideas of perception, pictures in our heads. But he draws from this the entirely false con clusion that we hear, apprehend, and make use of words without connecting with them any idea whatever; whereas he ought to have drawn the conclusion that all ideas are not perceptible images, but that precisely those ideas which must be expressed by means of words are abstract notions 240 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VI. or conceptions, and these from their very nature are not perceptible. Just because words impart only general conceptions, which are perfectly different from ideas of perception, when, for example, an event is recounted all the hearers will receive the same conceptions ; but if after wards they wish to make the incident clear to themselves, each of them will call up in his imagination a different image of it, which differs considerably from the correct image that is possessed only by the eye-witness. This is the primary reason (which, however, is accompanied by others) why every fact is necessarily distorted by being repeatedly told. The second recounter communicates con ceptions which he has abstracted from the image of his own imagination, and from these conceptions the third now forms another image differing still more widely from the truth, and this again he translates into conceptions, and so the process goes on. Whoever is sufficiently matter of fact to stick to the conceptions imparted to him, and repeat them, will prove the most truthful reporter. The best and most intelligent exposition of the essence and nature of conceptions which I have been able to find is in Thomas Keid's " Essays on the Powers of Human Mind," vol. ii., Essay 5, ch. 6. This was afterwards con demned by Dugald Stewart in his " Philosophy of the Human Mind." Not to waste paper I will only briefly remark with regard to the latter that he belongs to that large class who have obtained an undeserved repu tation through favour and friends, and therefore I can only advise that not an hour should be wasted over the scribbling of this shallow writer. The princely scholastic Pico de Mirandula already saw that reason is the faculty of abstract ideas, and under standing the faculty of ideas of perception. For in his book, " De Imaginatione," ch. u, he carefully distinguishes understanding and reason, and explains the latter as the discursive faculty peculiar to man, and the former as the intuitive faculty, allied to the kind of knowledge which is ON ABSTRACT OR RATIONAL KNOWLEDGE. 241 proper to the angels, and indeed to God. Spinoza also characterises reason quite correctly as the faculty of framing general conceptions (Eth., ii. prop. 40, schol. 2). Such facts would not need to be mentioned if it were not for the tricks that have been played in the last fifty years by the whole of the philosophasters of Germany with the conception reason. For they have tried, with shameless audacity, to smuggle in under this name an entirely spurious faculty of immediate, metaphysical, so-called super-sensuous knowledge. The reason proper, on the other hand, they call understanding, and the understand ing proper, as something quite strange to them, they over look altogether, and ascribe its intuitive functions to sensibility. In the case of all things in this world new drawbacks or disadvantages cleave to every source of aid, to every gain, to every advantage ; and thus reason also, which gives to man such great advantages over the brutes, carries with it its special disadvantages, and opens for Mm paths of error into which the brutes can never stray. Through it a new species of motives, to which the brute is not accessible, obtains power over his will. These are the abstract motives, the mere thoughts, which are by no means always drawn from his own experience, but often come to him only through the talk and example of others, through tradition and literature. Having become accessible to thought, he is at once exposed to error. But every error must sooner or later do harm, and the greater the error the greater the harm it will do. The individual error must be atoned for by him who cherishes it, and often he has to pay dearly for it. And the same thing holds good on a large scale of the common errors of whole nations. Therefore it cannot too often be repeated that every error wherever we meet it, is to be pursued and rooted out as an enemy of mankind, and that there can be no such thing as privileged or sanctioned error. The thinker ought to attack it, even if humanity should cry out with VOL. II. Q 242 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VI. pain, like a sick man whose ulcer the physician touches. The brute can never stray far from the path of nature ; for its motives lie only in the world of perception, where only the possible, indeed only the actual, finds room. On the other hand, all that is only imaginable, and therefore also the false, the impossible, the absurd, and senseless, enters into abstract conceptions, into thoughts and words. Since now all partake of reason, but few of judgment, the consequence is that man is exposed to delusion, for he is abandoned to every conceivable chimera which any one talks him into, and which, acting on his will as a motive, may influence him to perversities and follies of every kind, to the most unheard-of extravagances, and also to actions most contrary to his animal nature. True culture, in which knowledge and judgment go hand in hand, can only be brought to bear on a few ; and still fewer are capable of receiving it. For the great mass of men a kind of training everywhere takes its place. It is effected by example, custom, and the very early and firm impression of certain conceptions, before any experience, understanding, or judgment were there to disturb the work. Thus thoughts are implanted, which afterward cling as firmly, and are as incapable of being shaken by any instruction as if they were inborn; and indeed they have often been regarded, even by philosophers, as such. In this way we can, with the same trouble, imbue men with what is right and rational, or with what is most absurd. For example, we can accustom them to approach this or that idol with holy dread, and at the mention of its name to prostrate in the dust not only their bodies but their whole spirit ; to sacrifice their pro perty and their lives willingly to words, to names, to the defence of the strangest whims ; to attach arbitrarily the greatest honour or the deepest disgrace to this or that, and to prize highly or disdain everything accordingly with full inward conviction ; to renounce all animal food, as in Hindustan, or to devour still warm and quivering pieces, ON THE DOCTRINE OF KNOWLEDGE. 243 cut from the living animal, as in Abyssinia ; to eat men, as in New Zealand, or to sacrifice their children to Moloch ; to castrate themselves, to fling themselves voluntarily on the funeral piles of the dead — in a word, to do anything we please. Hence the Crusades, the extravagances of fanatical sects ; hence Chiliasts and Flagellants, persecu tions, autos da fe, and all that is offered by the long register of human perversities. Lest it should be thought that only the dark ages afford such examples, I shall add a couple of more modern instances. In the year 1818 there went from "Wurtemberg 7000 Chiliasts to the neigh bour1""^, of Ararat, because the new kingdom of God, specially announced by Jung Stilling, was to appear there.1 Gall relates that in his time a mother killed her child and roasted it in order to cure her husband's rheumatism with its fat.2 The tragical side of error lies in the practical, the comical is reserved for the theoretical. For example, if we could firmly persuade three men that the sun is not the cause of daylight, we might hope to see it soon established as the general conviction. In Germany it was possible to proclaim as the greatest philosopher of all ages Hegel, a repulsive, mindless charlatan, an unparalleled scribbler of nonsense, and for twenty years many thou sands have believed it stubbornly and firmly ; and indeed, outside Germany, the Danish Academy entered the lists against myself for his fame, and sought to have him re garded as a summits philosophus. (Upon this see the preface to my Grundproblemen der Ethik) These, then, are the disadvantages which, on account of the rarity of judgment, attach to the existence of reason. We must add to them the possibility of madness. The brutes do not go mad, although the carnivora are subject to fury, and the ruminants to a sort of delirium. 1 Illgen's " Zcitschrift far His- 2 Gall et Spurzhcim, " Des Dis- torische Theoloyic," 1839, part i. positions Inntes," 1811, p. 253. p. 182. 244 CHAPTER VII.1 ON THE RELATION OF THE CONCRETE KNOWLEDGE OF PERCEPTION TO ABSTRACT KNOWLEDGE. IT has been shown that conceptions derive their material from knowledge of perception, and therefore the entire structure of our world of thought rests upon the world of perception. We must therefore be able to go back from every conception, even if only indirectly through intermediate conceptions, to the perceptions from which it is either itself directly derived or those conceptions are derived of which it is again an abstraction. That is to say, we must be able to support it with perceptions which stand to the abstractions in the relation of examples. These perceptions thus afford the real content of all our thought, and whenever they are wanting we have not had conceptions but mere words in our heads. In this respect our intellect is like a bank, which, if it is to be sound, must have cash in its safe, so as to be able to meet all the notes it has issued, in case of demand ; the perceptions are the cash; the conceptions are the notes. In this sense the perceptions might very appropriately be called primary, and the conceptions, on the other hand, secondary ideas. Not quite so aptly, the Schoolmen, following the example of Aristotle (MctapJi., vi. n, xi. i), called real things substantial primes, and the conceptions substantice secundce. Books impart only secondary ideas. MRI^ Conceptions of a thing without perception give only a general knowledge of it. We only have a thorough understanding of things and their relations so far as we are able to represent them 1 This chapter is connected with § 12 of the first volume. CONCRETE AND ABSTRACT KNOWLEDGE, 245 to ourselves in pure, _distinct perceptions, without the aid of words. To explain words by words, to compare concepts with concepts, in which most philosophising consists, is a trivial shifting about of the concept-spheres in order to see which goes into the other and which does not. At the best we can in this way only arrive at conclusions ; but even conclusions give no really new knowledge, but only show us all that lay in the knowledge we already pos sessed, and what part of it perhaps might be applicable to the particular case. On the other hand, to perceive, to allow the things themselves to speak to us, to apprehend new relations of them, and then to take up and deposit all this in conceptions, in order to possess it with certainty — that gives new knowledge. But, while almost every one is capable of comparing conceptions with conceptions, to com pare conceptions with perceptions is a gift of the select few. It is the condition, according to the degree of its perfection, of wit, judgment, ingenuity, genius. The former faculty, on the contrary, results in little more than possibly rational reflections. The inmost kernel of all genuine and actual knowledge is a perception ; and every new truth is the profit or gain yielded by a perception. All original think ing takes place in images, and this is why imagination is so necessary an instrument of thought, and minds that lack imagination will never accomplish much, unless it be in mathematics. On the other hand, merely abstract thoughts, which have no kernel of perception, are like cloud-structures, without reality. Even writing and speak ing, whether didactic or poetical, has for its final aim to guide the reader to the same concrete knowledge from which the author started ; if it has not this aim it is bad. This is why the contemplation and observing of every real thing, as soon as it presents something new to the observer, is more instructive than any reading or hearing. For indeed, if we go to the bottom of the matter, all truth and wisdom, nay, the ultimate secret of things, is contained in each real object, yet certainly only in concrete, 246 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VII. just as gold lies hidden iii the ore ; the difficulty is to ex tract it. From a book, on the contrary, at the best we only receive the truth at second hand, and oftener not at all. In most books, putting out of account those that are thoroughly bad, the author, when their content is not altogether empirical, has certainly thought but not per ceived ; he has written from reflection, not from intuition, and it is this that makes them commonplace and tedious. For what the author has thought could always have been thought by the reader also, if he had taken the same trouble ; indeed it consists simply of intelligent thought, full exposition of what is implicite contained in the theme. But no actually new knowledge comes in this way into the world ; this is only created in the moment of percep tion, of direct comprehension of a new side of the thing. When, therefore, on the contrary, sight has formed the foundation of an author's thought, it is as if he wrote from a land where the reader has never been, for all is fresh and new, because it is drawn directly from the original source of all knowledge. Let me illustrate the distinction here touched upon by a perfectly easy and simple example. Any commonplace writer might easily describe profound contemplation or petrifying astonish ment by saying : " He stood like a statue ; " but Cervantes says : " Like a clothed statue, for the wind moved his gar ments" (Don Quixote, book vi. ch. 19). It is thus that all great minds have ever thought in presence of the perception, and kept their gaze steadfastly upon it in their thought. We recognise this from this fact, among others, that even the most opposite of them so often agree and coincide in some particular ; because they all speak of the same thing which they all had before their eyes, the world, the perceived reality; indeed in a certain degree they all say the same thing, and others never believe them. We recognise it further in the appropriateness and originality of the expression, which is always perfectly adapted to the subject because it has been inspired by perception, in CONCRETE AND ABSTRACT KNOWLEDGE. 247 the naivete of the language, the freshness of the imagery, and the impressiveness of the similes, all of which quali ties, without exception, distinguish the works of great minds, and, on the contrary, are always wanting in the works of others. Accordingly only commonplace forms of expression and trite figures are at the service of the latter, and they never dare to allow themselves to be natural, under penalty of displaying their vulgarity in all its dreary barrenness ; instead of this they are affected mannerists. Hence Buffon says : " Le style est I'homme menu." If men of commonplace mind write poetry they have certain traditional conventional opinions, passions, noble sentiments, &c., which they have received in the abstract, and attribute to the heroes of their poems, who are in this way reduced to mere personifications of those opinions, and are thus themselves to a certain extent abstractions, and therefore insipid and tiresome. If they philosophise, they have taken in a few wide abstract conceptions, which they turn about in all directions, as if they had to do with algebraical equations, and hope that something will come of it ; at the most we see that they have all read the same things. Such a tossing to and fro of abstract conceptions, after the manner of algebraical equations, which is now-a-days called dialectic, does not, like real algebra, afford certain results ; for here the con ception which is represented by the word is not a fixed and perfectly definite quality, such as are symbolised by the letters in algebra, but is wavering and ambiguous, and capable of extension and contraction. Strictly speak ing, all thinking, i.e., combining of abstract conceptions, has at the most the recollections of earlier perceptions for its material, and this only indirectly, so far as it consti tutes the foundation of all conceptions. Real knowledge, on the contrary, that is, immediate knowledge, is percep tion alone, new, fresh perception itself. Now the concepts which the reason has framed and the memory has pre served cannot all be present to consciousness at once, but 248 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VII. only a very small number of them at a time. On the other hand, the energy with which we apprehend what is present in perception, in which really all that is essential in all things generally is virtually contained and represented, is apprehended, fills the consciousness in one moment with its whole power. Upon this depends the infinite superiority of genius to learning ; they stand to each other as the text of an ancient classic to its commentary. All truth and all wisdom really lies ultimately in perception. But this unfortunately can neither be retained nor communicated. The objective, conditions of such communication can cer tainly be presented to others purified and illustrated through plastic and pictorial art, and even much more directly through poetry ; but it depends so much upon sub jective conditions, which are not at the command of every one, and of no one at all times, nay, indeed in the higher degrees of perfection, are only the gift of the favoured few. Only the worst knowledge, abstract, secondary knowledge, the conception, the mere shadow of true know ledge, is unconditionally communicable. If perceptions were communicable, that would be a communication worth the trouble ; but at last every one must remain in his o\vn skin and skull, and no one can help another. To enrich the conception from perception is the unceasing endeavour of poetry and philosophy. However, the aims of man are essentially practical ; and for these it is sufficient that what he has apprehended through perception should leave traces in him, by virtue of which he will recognise it in the next similar case ; thus he becomes possessed of worldly wisdom. Thus, as a rule, the man of the world cannot teach his accumulated truth and wisdom, but only make use of it ; he rightly comprehends each event as it happens, and determines what is in conformity with it. That books will not take the place of experience nor learning of genius are two kindred phenomena. Their common ground is that the abstract can never take the place of the concrete. Books therefore do not take the CONCRETE AND ABSTRACT KNOWLEDGE. 249 place of experience, because conceptions always remain general, and consequently do not get down to the par ticular, which, however, is just what has to be dealt with in life ; and, besides this, all conceptions are abstracted from what is particular and perceived in experience, and therefore one must have come to know these in order adequately to understand even the general conceptions which the books communicate. Learning cannot take the place of genius, because it also affords merely conceptions, but the knowledge of genius consists in the apprehension of the (Platonic) Ideas of things, and therefore is essentially intuitive. Thus in the first of these phenomena the objective condition of perceptive or intuitive knowledge is wanting ; in the second the subjective ; the former may be attained, the latter cannot. Wisdom and genius, these two summits of the Parnassus of human knowledge, have their foundation not in the abstract and discursive, but in the perceptive faculty. Wisdom proper is something intuitive, not something abstract. It does not consist in principles and thoughts, which one can carry about ready in his mind, as results of his own research or that of others ; but it is the whole manner in which the world presents itself in his mind. This varies so much that on account of it the wise man lives in another world from the fool, and the genius sees another world from the blockhead. That the wrorks of the man of genius immeasurably surpass those of all others arises simply from the fact that the world which he sees, and from which he takes his utterances, is so much clearer, as it were more profoundly worked out, than that in the minds of others, which certainly contains the same objects, but is to the world of the man of genius as the Chinese picture without shading and perspective is to the finished oil-painting. The material is in all minds the same ; but the difference lies in the perfection of the form which it assumes in each, upon which the numerous grades of intelligence ultimately depend. These grades thus 250 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VII. exist in the root, in the perceptive or intuitive appre hension, and do not first appear in the abstract. Hence original mental superiority shows itself so easily when the occasion arises, and is at once felt and hated by others. In practical life the intuitive knowledge of the under standing is able to guide our action and behaviour directly, while the abstract knowledge of the reason can only do so by means of the memory. Hence arises the superiority of intuitive knowledge in all cases which admit of no time for reflection ; thus for daily intercourse, in which, just on this account, women excel. Only those who intuitively know the nature of men as they are as a rule, and thus comprehend the individuality of the person before them, will understand how to manage him with certainty and rightly. Another may know by heart all the three hun dred maxims of Gracian, but this will not save him from stupid mistakes and misconceptions if he lacks that in tuitive knowledge. For all abstract knowledge affords us primarily mere general principles and rules ; but the particular case is almost never to be carried out exactly according to the rule ; then the rule itself has to be pre sented to us at the right time by the memory, which seldom punctually happens ; then the propositio minor has to be formed out of the present case, and finally the con clusion drawn. Before all this is done the opportunity has generally turned its back upon us, and then those excellent principles and rules serve at the most to enable us to measure the magnitude of the error we have com mitted. Certainly with time we gain in this way experi ence and practice, which slowly grows to knowledge of the world, and thus, in connection with this, the abstract rules may certainly become fruitful. On the other hand, the intuitive knowledge, which always apprehends only the particular, stands in immediate relation to the present case. Rule, case, and application are for it one, and action follows immediately upon it. This explains why in real CONCRETE AND ABSTRACT KNOWLEDGE. 251 life the scholar, whose pre-eminence lies in the province of abstract knowledge, is so far surpassed by the man of the world, whose pre-eminence consists in perfect intuitive knowledge, which original disposition conferred on him, and a rich experience has developed. The two kinds of knowledge always stand to each other in the relation of paper money and hard cash ; and as there are many cases and circumstances in which the former is to be preferred to the latter, so there are also things and situations for which abstract knowledge is more useful than intuitive. If, for example, it is a conception that in some case guides our action, when it is once grasped it has the advantage of being unalterable, and therefore under its guidance we go to work with perfect certainty and consistency. But this certainty which the conception confers on the subjective side is outweighed by the uncertainty which accompanies it on the objective side. The whole conception may be false and groundless, or the object to be dealt with may not come under it, for it may be either not at all or not altogether of the kind which belongs to it. Now if in the particular case we suddenly become conscious of some thing of this sort, we are put out altogether ; if we do not become conscious of it, the result brings it to light. There fore Vauvenargue says: "Personne nest suj'et a plus def antes, que ceux qui nagissent que par reflexion." If, on the con trary, it is direct perception of the objects to be dealt with and their relations that guides our action, we easily hesitate at every step, for the perception is always modifiable, is am biguous, has inexhaustible details in itself, and shows many sides in succession ; we act therefore without full confi dence. But the subjective uncertainty is compensated by the objective certainty, for here there is no conception between the object and us, we never lose sight of it ; if therefore we only see correctly what we have before us and what we do, we shall hit the mark. Our action then is perfectly sure only when it is guided by a conception the right ground of which, its completeness, and applica- 252 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VII. bility to the given cause is perfectly certain. Action in accordance with conceptions may pass into pedantry, action in accordance with the perceived impression into levity and folly. Perception is not only the source of all knowledge, but is itself knowledge KCLT e^o^rjv, is the only unconditionally true, genuine knowledge completely worthy of the name. For it alone imparts insight properly so called, it alone is actually assimilated by man, passes into his nature, and can with full reason be called his ; while the conceptions merely cling to him. In the fourth book we see indeed that true virtue proceeds from knowledge of perception or intuitive knowledge ; for only those actions which are directly called forth by this, and therefore are performed purely from the impulse of our own nature, are properly symptoms of our true and unalterable character; not so those which, resulting from reflection and its dogmas, are often extorted from the character, and therefore have no unalterable ground in us. But wisdom also, the true view of life, the correct eye, and the searching judgment, proceeds from the way in which the man apprehends the perceptible world, but not from his mere abstract know ledge, i.e., not from abstract conceptions. The basis or ultimate content of every science consists, not in proofs, nor in what is proved, but in the unproved foundation of the proofs, which can finally be apprehended only through perception. So also the basis of the true wisdom and real insight of each man does not consist in concep tions and in abstract rational knowledge, but in what is perceived, and in the degree of acuteness, accuracy, and profundity with which he has apprehended it. He who excels here knows the (Platonic) Ideas of the world and life ; every case he has seen represents for him innumer able cases ; he always apprehends each being according to its true nature, and his action, like his judgment, corresponds to his insight. By degrees also his coun tenance assumes the expression of penetration, of true CONCRETE AND ABSTRACT KNOWLEDGE. 253 intelligence, and, if it goes far enough, of wisdom. For it is pre-eminence in knowledge of perception alone that stamps its impression upon the features also ; while pre-eminence in abstract knowledge cannot do this. In accordance with what has been said, we find in all classes men of intellectual superiority, and often quite without learning. Natural understanding can take the place of almost every degree of culture, but no culture can take the place of natural understanding. The scholar has the advantage of such men in the possession of a wealth of cases and facts (historical knowledge) and of causal determinations (natural science), all in well-ordered con nection, easily surveyed ; but yet with all this he has not a more accurate and profound insight into what is truly essential in all these cases, facts, and causations. The unlearned man of acuteness and penetration knows how to dispense with this wealth ; we can make use of much ; we can do with little. One case in his own experience teaches him more than many a scholar is taught by a thousand cases which he knows, but does not, properly speaking, understand. For the little knowledge of that unlearned man is living, because every fact that is known to him is supported by accurate and well-apprehended perception, and thus represents for him a thousand similar facts. On the contrary, the much knowledge of the ordinary scholar is dead, because even if it does not consist, as is often the case, in mere words, it consists en tirely in abstract knowledge. This, however, receives its value only through the perceptive knowledge of the indivi dual with which it must connect itself, and which must ulti mately realise all the conceptions. If now this perceptive knowledge is very scanty, such a mind is like a bank with liabilities tenfold in excess of its cash reserve, whereby in the end it becomes bankrupt. Therefore, while the right apprehension of the perceptible world has impressed the stamp of insight and wisdom on the brow of many an un learned man, the face of many a scholar bears no other 254 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VII. trace of his much study than that of exhaustion and weariness from excessive and forced straining of the memory in the unnatural accumulation of dead concep tions. Moreover, the insight of such a man is often so puerile, so weak and silly, that we must suppose that the excessive strain upon the faculty of indirect knowledge, which is concerned with abstractions, directly weakens the power of immediate perceptive knowledge, and the natural and clear vision is more and more blinded by the light of books. At any rate the constant streaming in of the thoughts of others must confine and suppress our own, and indeed in the long run paralyse the power of thought if it has not that high degree of elasticity which is able to withstand that unnatural stream. Therefore ceaseless reading and study directly injures the mind — the more so that completeness and constant connection of the system of our own thought and knowledge must pay the penalty if we so often arbitrarily interrupt it in order to gain room for a line of thought entirely strange to us. To banish my own thought in order to make room for that of a book would seem to me like what Shakespeare censures in the tourists of his time, that they sold their own land to see that of others. Yet the inclination for reading of most scholars is a kind of fuga vacui, from the poverty of their own minds, which forcibly draws in the thoughts of others. In order to have thoughts they must read something; just as lifeless bodies are only moved from without ; while the man who thinks for himself is like a living body that moves of itself. Indeed it is dan gerous to read about a subject before we have thought about it ourselves. For along with the new material the old point of view and treatment of it creeps into the mind, all the more so as laziness and apathy counsel us to accept what has already been thought, and allow it to pass for truth. This now insinuates itself, and henceforward our thought on the subject always takes the accustomed path, like brooks that are guided by ditches ; to find a thought CONCRETE AND ABSTRACT KNOWLEDGE. 255 of our own, a new thought, is then doubly difficult. This contributes much to the want of originality on the part of scholars. Add to this that they supposethat, like other people, they must divide their time between pleasure and work. Now they regard reading as their work and special calling, and therefore they gorge themselves with it, beyond what they can digest. Then reading no longer plays the part of the mere initiator of thought, but takes its place altogether ; for they think of the subject just as long as they are read ing about it, thus with the mind of another, not with their own. But when the book is laid aside entirely different things make much more lively claims upon their interest ; their private affairs, and then the theatre, card-playing, skittles, the news of the day, and gossip. The man of thought is so because such things have no interest for him. He is interested only in his problems, with which therefore he is always occupied, by himself and without a book. To give ourselves this interest, if we have not got it, is impossible. This is the crucial point. And upon this also depends the fact that the former always speak only of what they have read, while the latter, on the contrary, speaks of what he has thought, and that they are, as Pope says : "For ever reading, never to be read." The mind is naturally free, not a slave ; only what it does willingly, of its own accord, succeeds. On the other hand, the compulsory exertion of a mind in studies for which it is not qualified, or when it has become tired, or in general too continuously and invita Minerva, dulls the brain, just as reading by moonlight dulls the eyes. This is especially the case with the straining of the immature brain in the earlier years of childhood. I believe that the learning of Latin and Greek grammar from the sixth to the twelfth year lays the foundation of the subsequent stupidity of most scholars. At any rate the mind requires the nourishment of materials from without. All that we eat is not at once incorporated in the organism, but only so 256 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VII. much of it as is digested ; so that only a small part of it is assimilated, and the remainder passes away ; and thus to eat more than we can assimilate is useless and injurious. It is precisely the same with what we read. Only so far as it gives food for thought does it increase our insight and true knowledge. Therefore Heracleitus says : " TTO\V- o «/ fj,a0ia vow ov StSacr/cet." (multiscitia non dat intellectum) . It seems, however, to me that learning may be compared to a heavy suit of armour, which certainly makes the strong man quite invincible, but to the weak man is a burden under which he sinks altogether. The exposition given in our third book of the knowledge of the (Platonic) Ideas, as the highest attainable by man, and at the same time entirely perceptive or intuitive know ledge, is a proof that the source of true wisdom does not lie in abstract rational knowledge, but in the clear and profound apprehension of the world in perception. There fore wise men may live in any age, and those of the past remain wise men for all succeeding generations. Learn ing, on the contrary, is relative ; the learned men of the past are for the most part children as compared with us, and require indulgence. But to him who studies in order to gain insight books and studies are only steps of the ladder by which he climbs to the summit of knowledge. As soon as a round of the ladder has raised him a step, he leaves it behind him. The many, on the other hand, who study in order to fill their memory do not use the rounds of the ladder to mount by, but take them off, and load themselves with them to carry them away, rejoicing at the increasing weight of the burden. They remain always below, be cause they bear what ought to have borne them. Upon the truth set forth here, that the kernel of all knowledge is the perceptive or intuitive apprehension, de pends the true and profound remark of Helvetius, that the really characteristic and original views of which a gifted individual is capable, and the working up, develop- CONCRETE AND ABSTRACT KNOWLEDGE. 257 ment, and manifold application of which is the material of all his works, even if written much later, can arise in him only up to the thirty-fifth or at the latest the fortieth year of his life, and are really the result of combinations he has made in his early youth. For they are not mere connections of abstract conceptions, but his own intuitive comprehension of the objective world and the nature of things. Now, that this intuitive apprehension must have completed its work by the age mentioned above depends partly on the fact that by that time the ectypes of all (Platonic) Ideas must have presented themselves to the man, and therefore cannot appear later with the strength of the first impression ; partly on this, that the highest energy of brain activity is demanded for this quintessence of all knowledge, for this proof before the letter of the apprehension, and this highest energy of the brain is depen dent on the freshness and flexibility of its fibres and the rapidity with which the arterial blood flows to the brain. But this again is at its strongest only as long as the arte rial system has a decided predominance over the venous system, which begins to decline after the thirtieth year, until at last, after the forty-second year, the venous system obtains the upper hand, as Cabanis has admirably and instructively explained. Therefore the years between twenty and thirty and the first few years after thirty are for the intellect what May is for the trees ; only then do the blossoms appear of which all the later fruits are the development. The world of perception has made its impression, and thereby laid the foundation of all the subsequent thoughts of the individual. He may by reflection make clearer what he has apprehended ; he may yet acquire much knowledge as nourishment for the fruit which has once set ; he may extend his views, correct his conceptions and judgments, it may be only through endless combinations that he becomes completely master of the materials he has gained ; indeed he will generally produce his best works much later, as the greatest heat VOL. n. it 258 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VII. begins with the decline of the day, but he can no longer hope for new original knowledge from the one living foun tain of perception. It is this that Byron feels when he breaks forth into his wonderfully beautiful lament : " No more — no more — oh ! never more on me The freshness of the heart can fall like dew, Which out of all the lovely things we see Extracts emotions beautiful and new, Hived in our bosoms like the bag o' the bee : Think'st thou the honey with those objects grew 1 Alas ! 'twas not in them, but in thy power To double even the sweetness of a flower." Through all that I have said hitherto I hope I have placed in a clear light the important truth that since all abstract knowledge springs from knowledge of perception, it obtains its whole value from its relation to the latter, thus from the fact that its conceptions, or the abstractions which they denote, can be realised, i.e., proved, through perceptions ; and, moreover, that most depends upon the quality of these perceptions. Conceptions and abstrac tions which do not ultimately refer to perceptions are like paths in the wood that end without leading out of it. The great value of conceptions lies in the fact that by means of them the original material of knowledge is more easily handled, surveyed, and arranged. But although many kinds of logical and dialectical operations are pos sible with them, yet no entirely original and new know ledge will result from these ; that is to say, no knowledge whose material neither lay already in perception nor was drawn from self-consciousness. This is the true meaning of the doctrine attributed to Aristotle : Nihil est in in- tdlectu, nisi quod antea fuerit in sensu. It is also the meaning of the Lockeian philosophy, which made for ever an epoch in philosophy, because it commenced at last the serious discussion of the question as to the origin of our knowledge. It is also principally what the " Critique of Pure Eeason " teaches. It also desires that we should not CONCRETE AND ABSTRACT KNOWLEDGE. 259 remain at the conceptions, but go back to their source, thus to perception ; only with the true and important addition that what holds good of the perception also extends to its subjective conditions, thus to the forms which lie pre disposed in the perceiving and thinking brain as its natural functions ; although these at least virtualiter precede the actual sense-perception, i.e., are a priori, and therefore do not depend upon sense-perception, but it upon them. For these forms themselves have indeed no other end, nor service, than to produce the empirical perception on the nerves of sense being excited, as other forms are determined afterwards to construct thoughts in the ab stract from the material of perception. The " Critique of Pure Eeason" is therefore related to the Lockeian philosophy as the analysis of the infinite to elementary geometry, but is yet throughout to be regarded as the continuation of the Lockeian philosophy. The given mate rial of every philosophy is accordingly nothing else than the empirical consciousness, which divides itself into the consciousness of one's own self (self-consciousness) and the consciousness of other things (external perception). For this alone is what is immediately and actually given. Every philosophy which, instead of starting from this, takes for its starting-point arbitrarily chosen abstract conceptions, such as, for example, absolute, absolute sub stance, God, infinity, finitude, absolute identity, being, essence, &c., &c., moves in the air without support, and can therefore never lead to a real result. Yet in all ages philosophers have attempted it with such materials ; and hence even Kant sometimes, according to the common usage, and more from custom than consistency, defines philosophy as a science of mere conceptions. But such a science would really undertake to extract from the partial ideas (for that is what the abstractions are) what is not to be found in the complete ideas (the perceptions), from which the former were drawn by abstraction. The possibility of the syllogism leads to this mistake, because 26o FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VII. here the combination of the judgments gives a new result, although more apparent than real, for the syllogism only brings out what already lay in the given judgments ; for it is true the conclusion cannot contain more than the premisses. Conceptions are certainly the material of philosophy, but only as marble is the material of the sculptor. It is not to work out of them but in them ; that is to say, it is to deposit its results in them, but not to start from them as what is given. Whoever wishes to see a glaring example of such a false procedure from mere conceptions may look at the " Institutio Theologica " of Proclus in order to convince himself of the vanity of that whole method. There abstractions such as " ev, , ayaOov, Trapayov Kat, Trapayopevov, avTapKes, aircov, v,KivriTov, aKivr)Tov,KivovfAevov"(unum, multa, bonum, producens et produdum, sibi sufficiens, causa, melius, mobile, immobile, motum), &c., are indiscriminately collected, but the perceptions to which alone they owe their origin and content ignored and contemptuously disregarded. A theology is then constructed from these conceptions, but its goal, the 0eoaiperov. OVK a rai TOLVVV o rrjv aperrjv e^a>v, f] OVK eariv aSircia CONCRETE AND ABSTRACT KNOWLEDGE. 265 ayadov' ovSev ai,peTov, ov^'-^aTro^XTjTOV, ov eXerov, ov8e \7)icnov. Etev ovv, ouS' aSifceir To?, ovS VTTO TOV fjto%0i)pov' ava(j)aipeTO<> yap. TOLVVV TJ fjLrjSeva aSiKeicrdat, Kada7ra£, 77 rov no^drjpov VTTO TOV o/Jbotov' aXXa -T&) fjio^drjpa) ofSe^o? /ierecrrty ayadow TI Se aSiKta rjv ajadov affxtipecris' 6 Se /j,rj e^cof o, ri aai,- peadij, ovSe ei? 6, TI aSifcrjcrOrj, e^et" (Scrmo 2). I shall add further a modern example of such proofs from abstract conceptions, by means of which an obviously absurd proposition is set up as the truth, and I shall take it from the works of a great man, Giordano Bruno. In his book, "Del Infinite* Universo & Mondi" (p. 87 of the edition of A. Wagner), he makes an Aristotelian prove (with the assistance and exaggeration of the passage of Aristotle's De Casio, i. 5) that there can space beyond the world. The world is enclosed by the eight spheres of Aristotle, and beyond these there can be no space. For if beyond these there were still a body, it must either be simple or compound. It is now proved sophistically, from principles which are obviously begged, that no simple body could be there ; and therefore, also, no compound body, for it would necessarily be com posed of simple ones. Thus in general there can be no body there — but if not, then no space. For space is defined as " that in which bodies can be ; " and it has just been proved that no body can be there. Thus there is also there no space. This last is the final stroke of this proof from abstract conceptions. It ultimately rests on the fact that the proposition, " Where no space is, there can be no body " is taken as a universal negative, and there fore converted simply, " Where no body can be there is no space." But the former proposition, when properly re garded, is a universal affirmative : " Everything that has no space has no body," thus it must not be converted simply. Yet it is not every proof from abstract con ceptions, with a conclusion which clearly contradicts perception (as here the fmiteness of space), that can thus 266 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VII. be referred to a logical error. For the sophistry does not always lie in the form, but often in the matter, in the premisses, and in the indefiniteness of the conceptions and their extension. We find numerous examples of this in Spinoza, whose method indeed it is to prove from concep tions. See, for example, the miserable sophisms in his " Ethics," P. iv., prop. 29-31, by means of the ambiguity of the uncertain conceptions convenire and commune habere, Yet this does not prevent the neo-Spinozists of our own day from taking all that he has said for gospel. Of these the Hegelians, of whom there are actually still a few, are specially amusing on account of their traditional reverence for his principle, omnis determinatio est negatio, at which, according to the charlatan spirit of the school, they put on a face as if it was able to unhinge the world ; whereas it is of no use at all, for even the simplest can see for himself that if I limit anything by determinations, I thereby exclude and thus negate what lies beyond these limits. Thus in all mere reasonings of the above kind it be comes very apparent what errors that algebra with mere conceptions, uncontrolled by perception, is exposed to, and that therefore perception is for our intellect what the firm ground upon which it stands is for our body : if we forsake perception everything is instabilis tellus, innabilis unda. The reader will pardon the fulness of these exposi tions and examples on account of their instructiveness. I have sought by means of them to bring forward and support the difference, indeed the opposition, between per ceptive and abstract or reflected knowledge, which has hitherto been too little regarded, and the establishment of which is a fundamental characteristic of my philosophy. For many phenomena of our mental life are only ex plicable through this distinction. The connecting link between these two such different kinds of knowledge is the faculty of judgment, as I have shown in § 14 of the first volume. This faculty is certainly also active CONCRETE AND ABSTRACT KNOWLEDGE. 267 in the province of mere abstract knowledge, in which it compares conceptions only with conceptions ; therefore every judgment, in the logical sense of the word, is cer tainly a work of the faculty of judgment, for it always consists in the subsumption of a narrower conception under a wider one. Yet this activity of the faculty of judgment, in which it merely compares conceptions with each other, is a simpler and easier task than when it makes the transi tion from what is quite particular, the perception, to the essentially general, the conception. For by the analysis of conceptions into their essential predicates it must be possible to decide upon purely logical grounds whether they are capable of being united or not, arid for this the mere reason which every one possesses is sufficient. The faculty of judgment is therefore only active here in short ening this process, for he who is gifted with it sees at a glance what others only arrive at through a series of re flections. But its activity in the narrower sense really only appears when what is known through perception, thus the real experience, has to be carried over into distinct abstract knowledge, subsumed under accurately corre sponding conceptions, and -thus translated into reflected rational knowledge. It is therefore this faculty which has to establish the firm basis of all sciences, which always consists of what is known directly and cannot be further denied. Therefore here, in the fundamental judgments, lies the difficulty of the sciences, not in the inferences from these. To infer is easy, to judge is difficult. False inferences are rare, false judgments are always the order of the day. Not less in practical life has the faculty of judgment to give the decision in all fundamental conclu sions and important determinations. Its office is in the main like that of the judicial sentence. As the burning- glass brings to a focus all the sun's rays, so when the understanding works, the intellect has to bring together all the data which it has upon the subject so closely that the understanding comprehends them at a glance, which 268 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VII. it now rightly fixes, and then carefully makes the result distinct to itself. Further, the great difficulty of judging in most cases depends upon the fact that we have to proceed from the consequent to the reason, a path which is always uncertain ; indeed I have shown that the source of all error lies here. Yet in all the empirical sciences, and also in the affairs of real life, this way is for the most part the only one open to us. The experiment is an attempt to go over it again the other way; therefore it is decisive, and at least brings out error clearly ; provided always that it is rightly chosen and honestly carried out; not like Newton's experiments in connection with the theory of colours. But the experiment itself must also again be judged. The complete certainty of the a priori sciences, logic and mathematics, depends principally upon the fact that in them the path from the reason to the consequent is open to us, and it is always certain. This gives them the character of purely objective sciences, i.e., sciences with regard to whose truths all who understand them must judge alike ; and this is all the more remarkable as they are the very sciences which rest on the subjective forms of the intellect, while the empirical sciences alone have to do with what is palpably objective. Wit and ingenuity are also manifestations of the faculty of judgment; in the former its activity is reflective, in the latter subsuming. In most men the faculty of judgment is only nominally present ; it is a kind of irony that it is reckoned with the normal faculties of the mind, instead of being only attributed to the monstris per excessum. Ordinary men show even in the smallest affairs want of confidence in their own judgment, just because they know from experience that it is of no service. With them pre judice and imitation take its place ; and thus they are kept in a state of continual non-age, from which scarcely one in many hundreds is delivered. Certainly this is not avowed, for even to themselves they appear to judge ; but all the time they are glancing stealthily at the opinion of others, CONCRETE AND ABSTRACT KNOWLEDGE. 269 which is their secret standard. While each one would be ashamed to go about in a borrowed coat, hat, or mantle, they all have nothing but borrowed opinions, which they eagerly collect wherever they can find them, and then strut about giving them out as their own. Others borrow them again from them and do the same thing. This ex plains the rapid and wide spread of errors, and also the fame of what is bad ; for the professional purveyors of opinion, such as journalists and the like, give as a rule only false wares, as those who hire out masquerading dresses give only false jewels. ( 270 ) CHAPTEE VIII.1 ON THE THEORY OF THE LUDICROUS. MY theory of the ludicrous also depends upon the op position explained in the preceding chapters between perceptible and abstract ideas, which I have brought into such marked prominence. Therefore what has still to be said in explanation of this theory finds its proper place here, although according to the order of the text it would have to come later. The problem of the origin, which is everywhere the same, and hence of the peculiar significance of laughter, was already known to Cicero, but only to be at once dismissed as insoluble (De Orat., ii. 58). The oldest attempt known to me at a psychological explanation of laughter is to be found in Hutcheson's " Introduction into Moral Philosophy," Bk. I., ch. i. § 14. A somewhat later anonymous work, " TraiU des Causes Physiques et Morals du Hire," 1768, is not without merit as a ventila tion of the subject. Platner, in his " Anthropology," § 894, has collected the opinions of the philosophers from Home to Kant who have attempted an explanation of this phenomenon peculiar to human nature. Kant's and Jean Paul's theories of the ludicrous are well known. I regard it as unnecessary to prove their incorrectness, for whoever tries to refer given cases of the ludicrous to them will in the great majority of instances be at once convinced of their insufficiency. According to my explanation given in the first volume, 1 This chapter is connected with § 13 of the first volume. ON THE THEORY OF THE LUDICROUS. 271 the source of the ludicrous is always the paradoxical, and therefore unexpected, subsumption of an object under a conception which in other respects is different from it, and accordingly the phenomenon of laughter always signifies the sudden apprehension of an incongruity between such a conception and the real object thought under it, thus between the abstract and the concrete object of perception. The greater and more unexpected, in the apprehension of the laugher, this incongruity is, the more violent will be his laughter. Therefore in everything that excites laughter it must always be possible to show a conception and a particular, that is, a thing or event, which certainly can be subsumed under that conception, and therefore thought through it, yet in another and more predominating aspect does not belong to it at all, but is strikingly different from every thing else that is thought through that conception. If, as often occurs, especially in witticisms, instead of such a real object of perception, the conception of a sub ordinate species is brought under the higher conception of the genus, it will yet excite laughter only through the fact that the imagination realises it, i.e., makes a perceptible representative stand for it, and thus the con flict between what is thought and what is perceived takes place. Indeed if we wish to understand this perfectly explicitly, it is possible to trace everything ludicrous to a syllogism in the first figure, with an undisputed major and an unexpected minor, which to a certain extent is only sophistically valid, in consequence of which con nection the conclusion partakes of the quality of the ludicrous. In the first volume I regarded it as superfluous to illus trate this theory by examples, for every one can do this for himself by a little reflection upon cases of the ludicrous which he remembers. Yet, in order to come to the assist ance of the mental inertness of those readers who prefer always to remain in a passive condition, I will accommodate 272 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VIII. myself to them. Indeed in tins third edition I wish to multiply and accumulate examples, so that it may be indisputable that here, after so many fruitless earlier attempts, the true theory of the ludicrous is given, and the problem which was proposed and also given up by Cicero is definitely solved. If we consider that an angle requires two lines meeting so that if they are produced they will intersect each other ; on the other hand, that the tangent of a circle only touches it at one point, but at this point is really parallel to it ; and accordingly have present to our minds the abstract conviction of the impossibility of an angle be tween the circumference of a circle and its tangent ; and if now such an angle lies visibly before us upon paper, this will easily excite a smile. The ludicrousness in this case is exceedingly weak ; but yet the source of it in the incongruity of what is thought and perceived appears in it with exceptional distinctness. When we discover such an incongruity, the occasion for laughter that thereby arises is, according as we pass from the real, i.e., the perceptible, to the conception, or conversely from the conception to the real, either a witticism or an absurdity, which in a higher degree, and especially in the practical sphere, is folly, as was explained in the text. Now to consider examples of the first case, thus of wit, we shall first of all take the familiar anecdote of the Gascon at whom the king laughed when he saw him in light summer clothing in the depth of winter, and who thereupon said to the king : " If your Majesty had put on what I have, you would find it very warm ; " and on being asked what he had put on, replied : " My whole wardrobe ! " Under this last conception we have to think both the unlimited wardrobe of a king and the single summer coat of a poor devil, the sight of which upon his freezing body shows its great incongruity with the conception. The audience in a theatre in Paris once called for the " Marseillaise " to be played, and as this was not done, began shrieking and ON THE THEORY OF THE LUDICROUS. 273 howling, so that at last a commissary of police in uniform came upon the stage and explained that it was not allowed that anything should be .given in the theatre except what was in the playbill. Upon this a voice cried : " Et vous, Monsieur, etes-vous aussi sur Hafficke, ? " — a hit which was received with universal laughter. For here the sub- sumption of what is heterogeneous is at once distinct and unforced. The epigramme : " Bav is the true shepherd of whom the Bible spake : Though his flock be all asleep, he alone remains awake : " subsumes, under the conception of a sleeping flock and a waking shepherd, the tedious preacher who still bellows on unheard when he has sent all the people to sleep. Analogous to this is the epitaph on a doctor : " Here lies he like a hero, and those he has slain lie around him ; " it subsumes under the conception, honourable to the hero, of " lying surrounded by dead bodies," the doctor, who is supposed to preserve life. Very commonly the witticism consists in a single expression, through which only the conception is given, under which the case presented can be subsumed, though it is very different from everything else that is thought under it. So is it in " Romeo " when the vivacious Mercutio answers his friends who promise to visit him on the morrow : " Ask for me to-morrow, and you shall find me a grave man." Under this conception a dead man is here subsumed ; but in English there is also a play upon the words, for " a grave man " means both a serious man and a man of the grave. Of this kind is also the well-known anecdote of the actor Unzelmaun. In the Berlin theatre he was strictly forbidden to im provise. Soon afterwards he had to appear on the stage on horseback, and just as he came on the stage the horse dunged, at which the audience began to laugh, but laughed much more when Unzelmann said to the horse : " What are you doing ? Don't you know we are forbidden to improvise ? " Here the subsumption of the heterogeneous VOL. ii. s 274 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VIII. under the more general conception is very distinct, but the witticism is exceedingly happy, and the ludicrous effect produced by it excessively strong. To this class also belongs the following announcement from Hall in a news paper of March 1851: " The band of Jewish swindlers to which we have referred were again delivered over to us with obligate accompaniment." This subsuming of a police escort under a musical term is very happy, though it approaches the mere play upon words. On the other hand, it is exactly a case of the kind we are considering when Saphir, in a paper-war with the actor Angeli, de scribes him as " Angeli, who is equally great in mind and body." The small statue of the actor was known to the whole town, and thus under the conception " great " unusual smallness was presented to the mind. Also when the same Saphir calls the airs of a new opera " good old friends," and so brings the quality which is most to be condemned under a conception which is usually employed to commend. Also, if we should say of a lady whose favour could be influenced by presents, that she knew how to combine the utile with the dulci. For here we bring the moral life tinder the conception of a rule which Horace has recommended in an aesthetical refer ence. Also if to signify a brothel we should call it the " modest abode of quiet joys." Good society, in order to be thoroughly insipid, has forbidden all decided utter ances, and therefore all strong expressions. Therefore it is wont, when it has to signify scandalous or in any way indecent things, to mitigate or extenuate them by expressing them through general conceptions. But in this way it happens that they are more or less incongruously subsumed, and in a corresponding degree the effect of the ludicrous is produced. To this class belongs the use of utile dulci referred to above, and also such expressions as the following : " He had unpleasantness at the ball '' when he w as thrashed and kicked out ; or, " He has done too well " when he is drunk ; and also, " The woman has ON THE THEORY OF THE LUDICROUS. 275 weak moments " if she is unfaithful to her husband, &c. Equivocal sayings also belong to the same class. They are conceptions which in themselves contain nothing improper, but yet the case brought under them leads to an improper idea. They are very common in society. But a perfect example of a full and magnificent equi vocation is Shenstone's incomparable epitaph on a justice of the peace, which, in its high-flown lapidary style, seems to speak of noble and sublime things, while under each of their conceptions something quite different is to be sub sumed, which only appears in the very last word as the unexpected key to the whole, and the reader discovers with loud laughter that he has only read a very obscene equivocation. In this smooth-combed age it is altogether impossible to quote this here, not to speak of translating it ; it will be found in Shenstone's poetical works, under the title " Inscription." Equivocations sometimes pass over into mere puns, about which all that is necessary has been said in the text. Further, the ultimate subsumption, ludicrous to all, of what in one respect is heterogeneous, under a conception which in other respects agrees with it, may take place contrary to our intention. Eor example, one of the free negroes in North America, who take pains to imitate the whites in everything, quite recently placed an epitaph over his dead child which begins, " Lovely, early broken lily." If, on the contrary, something real and perceptible is, with direct intention, brought under the conception of its opposite, the result is plain, common irony. For example, if when it is raining hard we say, " Nice weather we are having to-day ; " or if we say of an ugly bride, " That man has found a charming treasure ; " or of a knave, " This honest man," &c. &c. Only children and quite un educated people will laugh at such things ; for here the incongruity between what is thought and what is per ceived is total. Yet just in this direct exaggeration in the production of the ludicrous its fundamental character, 276 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VIII. incongruity, appears very distinctly. This species of the ludicrous is, on account of its exaggeration and distinct intention, in some respects related to parody. The pro cedure of the latter consists in this. It substitutes for the incidents and words of a serious poem or drama insignifi cant low persons or trifling motives and actions. It thus subsumes the commonplace realities which it sets forth under the lofty conceptions given in the theme, under which in a certain respect they must come, while in other respects they are very incongruous ; and thereby the con trast between what is perceived and what is thought appears very glaring. There is no lack of familiar ex amples of this, and therefore I shall only give one, from the " Zobeide " of Carlo Gozzi, act iv., scene 3, where the famous stanza of Ariosto (Orl. Fur., i. 22), " Oh gran bonta de' cavalicri antichi," &c., is put word for word into the mouth of two clowns who have just been thrashing each other, and tired with this, lie quietly side by side. This is also the nature of the application so popular in Ger many of serious verses, especially of Schiller, to trivial events, which clearly contains a subsumption of hetero geneous things under the general conception which the verse expresses. Thus, for example, when any one has displayed a very characteristic trait, there will rarely be wanting some one to say, " From that I know with whom I have to do." But it was original and very witty of a man who was in love with a young bride to quote to the newly married couple (I know not how loudly) the con cluding words of Schiller's ballad, " The Surety : " " Let me be, I pray you, In your bond the third." The effect of the ludicrous is here strong and inevitable, because under the conceptions through which Schiller presents to the mind a moral and noble relation, a for bidden and immoral relation is subsumed, and yet cor rectly and without change, thus is thought through it. ON THE THEORY OF THE LUDICROUS. 277 In all the examples of wit given here we find that under a conception, or in general an abstract thought, a real thing is, directly, or by means of a narrower conception, subsumed, which indeed, strictly speaking, comes under it, and yet is as different as possible from the proper and original intention and tendency of the thought. Accord ingly wit, as a mental capacity, consists entirely in a facility for finding for every object that appears a concep tion under which it certainly can be thought, though it is very different from all the other objects which come under this conception. The second species of the ludicrous follows, as we have mentioned, the opposite path from the abstract conception to the real or perceptible things thought through it. But this now brings to light any incongruity with the concep tion which was overlooked, and hence arises an absurdity, and therefore in the practical sphere a foolish action. Since the play requires action, this species of the ludicrous is essential to comedy. Upon this depends the observa tion of Voltaire : " J*ai cru remarquer aux spectacles, qu'il ne s'e'leve presque jamais de ccs Eclats de rire universels, qu'a I' occasion d'une M^PRISE" (Preface de I! Enfant Prodiyue). The following may serve as examples of this species of the ludicrous. When some one had declared that he was fond of walking alone, an Austrian said to him : " You like walking alone ; so do I : therefore we can go together." He starts from the conception, "A pleasure which two love they can enjoy in common," and subsumes under it the very case which excludes community. Further, the servant who rubbed a worn sealskin in his master's box with Macassar oil, so that it might become covered with hair again ; in doing which he started from the con ception, " Macassar oil makes hair grow." The soldiers in the guard-room who allowed a prisoner who was brought in to join in their game of cards, then quarrelled with him for cheating, and turned him out. They let them selves be led by the general conception, " Bad companions 278 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VIII. are turned out," and forget that he is also a prisoner, i.e., one whom they ought to hold fast. Two young peasants had loaded their gun with coarse shot, which they wished to extract, in order to substitute fine, without losing the powder. So one of them put the mouth of the barrel in his hat, which he took between his legs, and said to the other : " Now you pull the trigger slowly, slowly, slowly ; then the shot will come first." He starts from the concep tion, " Prolonging the cause prolongs the effect." Most of the actions of Don Quixote are also cases in point, for he subsumes the realities he encounters under conceptions drawn from the romances of chivalry, from which they are very different. For example, in order to support the oppressed he frees the galley slaves. Properly all Munch- hausenisms are also of this nature, only they are not actions which are performed, but impossibilities, which are passed off upon the hearer as having really happened. In them the fact is always so conceived that when it is thought merely in the abstract, and therefore compara tively a priori, it appears possible and plausible ; but afterwards, if we come down to the perception of the parti cular case, thus a posteriori the impossibility of the thing, indeed the absurdity of the assumption, is brought into prominence, and excites laughter through the evident incongruity of what is perceived and what is thought. For example, when the melodies frozen up in the post- horn are thawed in the warm room — when Miinchhausen, sitting upon a tree during a hard frost, draws up his knife which has dropped to the ground by the frozen jet of his own water, &c. Such is also the story of the two lions who broke down the partition between them during the night and devoured each other in their rage, so that in the morning there was nothing to be found but the two tails. There are also cases of the ludicrous where the concep tion under which the perceptible facts are brought does not require to be expressed or signified, but comes into ON THE THEORY OF THE LUDICROUS. 279 consciousness itself through the association of ideas. The laughter into which Garrick burst in the middle of playing tragedy because a butcher in the front of the pit, who had taken off his wig to wipe the sweat from his head, placed the wig for a while upon his large dog, who stood facing the stage with his fore paws resting on the pit railings, was occasioned by the fact that Garrick started from the conception of a spectator, which was added in. his own mind. This is the reason why certain animal forms, such as apes, kangaroos, jumping-hares, &c., some times appear to us ludicrous because something about them resembling man leads us to subsume them under the conception of the human form, and starting from this we perceive their incongruity with it. Now the conceptions whose observed incongruity with the perceptions moves us to laughter are either those of others or our own. In the first case we laugh at others, in the second we feel a surprise, often agreeable, at the least amusing. Therefore children and uneducated people laugh at the most trifling things, even at misfor tunes, if they were unexpected, and thus convicted their preconceived conception of error. As a rule laughing is a pleasant condition ; accordingly the apprehension of the incongruity between what is thought and what is perceived, that is, the real, gives us pleasure, and we give ourselves up gladly to the spasmodic convulsions which this ap prehension excites. The reason of this is as follows. In every suddenly appearing conflict between what is per ceived and what is thought, what is perceived is always unquestionably right ; for it is not subject to error at all, requires no confirmation from without, but answers for itself. Its conflict with what is thought springs ultimately from the fact that the latter, with its abstract concep tions, cannot get down to the infinite multifariousness and fine shades of difference of the concrete. This victory of knowledge of perception over thought affords us pleasure. For perception is the original kind of knowledge insepar- 28o FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VIII. able from animal nature, in which everything that gives direct satisfaction to the will presents itself. It is the medium of the present, of enjoyment and gaiety ; more over it is attended with no exertion. With thinking the opposite is the case ; it is the second power of knowledge, the exercise of which always demands some, and often considerable, exertion. Besides, it is the conceptions of thought that often oppose the gratification of our imme diate desires, for, as the medium of the past, the future, and of seriousness, they are the vehicle of our fears, our re pentance, and all our cares. It must therefore be divert ing to us to see this strict, untiring, troublesome governess, the reason, for once convicted of insufficiency. On this account then the mien or appearance of laughter is very closely related to that of joy. On account of the want of reason, thus of general con ceptions, the brute is incapable of laughter, as of speech. This is therefore a prerogative and characteristic mark of man. Yet it may be remarked in passing that his one friend the dog has an analogous characteristic action peculiar to him alone in distinction from all other brutes, the very expressive, kindly, and thoroughly honest fawning and wagging of its tail. But how favourably does this salutation given him by nature compare with the bows and simpering civilities of men. At least for the present, it is a thousand times more reliable than their assurance of inward friendship and devotion. The opposite of laughing and joking is seriousness. Accordingly it consists in the consciousness of the perfect agreement and congruity of the conception, or thought, with what is perceived, or the reality. The serious man is convinced that he thinks the things as they are, and that they are as he thinks them. This is just why the transition from profound seriousness to laughter is so easy, and can be effected by trifles. For the more perfect that agreement assumed by seriousness may seem to be, the more easily is it destroyed by the unexpected discovery ON THE THEORY OF THE LUDICROUS. 281 of even a slight incongruity. Therefore the more a man is capable of entire seriousness, the more heartily can he laugh. Men whose laughter is always affected and forced are intellectually and morally of little worth ; and in general the way of laughing, and, on the other hand, the occasions of it, are very characteristic of the person. That the relations of the sexes afford the easiest materials for jokes always ready to hand and within the reach of the weakest wit, as is proved by the abundance of obscene jests, could not be if it were not that the deepest serious ness lies at their foundation. That the laughter of others at what we do or say seri ously offends us so keenly depends on the fact that it asserts that there is a great incongruity between our con ceptions and the objective realities. For the same reason, the predicate " ludicrous " or " absurd " is insulting. The laugh of scorn announces with triumph to the baffled adversary how incongruous were the conceptions he cherished with the reality which is now revealing itself to him. Our own bitter laughter at the fearful disclosure of the truth through which our firmly cherished expecta tions are proved to be delusive is the active expression of the discovery now made of the incongruity between the thoughts which, in our foolish confidence in man or fate, we entertained, and the truth which is now unveiled. The intentionally ludicrous is the joke. It is the effort to bring about a discrepancy between the conceptions of another and the reality by disarranging one of the two ; while its opposite, seriousness, consists in the exact con formity of the two to each other, which is at least aimed at. But if now the joke is concealed behind serious ness, then we have irony. For example, if with apparent seriousness we acquiesce in the opinions of another which are the opposite of our own, and pretend to share them with him, till at last the result perplexes him both as to us and them. This is the attitude of Socrates as opposed to Hippias, Protagoras, Gorgias, and other sophists, and 282 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VIII. indeed often to his collocutors in general. The converse of irony is accordingly seriousness concealed behind a joke, and this is humour. It might be called the double counterpoint of irony. Explanations such as " Humour is the interpenetration of the finite and the infinite " express nothing more than the entire incapacity for thought of those who are satisfied with such empty phrases. Irony is objective, that is, intended for another ; but humour is subjective, that is, it primarily exists only for one's own self. Accordingly we find the masterpieces of irony among the ancients, but those of humour among the moderns. For, more closely considered, humour depends upon a subjective, yet serious and sublime mood, which is in voluntarily in conflict with a common external world very different from itself, which it cannot escape from and to which it will not give itself up ; therefore, as an accom modation, it tries to think its own point of view and that external world through the same conceptions ; and thus a double incongruity arises, sometimes on the one side, sometimes on the other, between these concepts and the realities thought through them. Hence the impression of the intentionally ludicrous, thus of the joke, is produced, behind which, however, the deepest seriousness is con cealed and shines through. Irony begins with a serious air and ends with a smile ; with humour the order is reversed. The words of Mercutio quoted above may serve as an example of humour. Also in "Hamlet" — Polonius : " My honourable lord, I will most humbly take my leave of you. Hamlet : You cannot, sir, take from me anything that I will more willingly part withal, except my life, except my life, except my life." Again, before the introduction of the play at court, Hamlet says to Ophelia : " What should a man do but be merry ? for, look you, how cheerfully my mother looks, and my father died within these two hours. Ophelia: Nay, 'tis twice two months, my lord. Hamlet : So long ? Nay, then let the devil wear black, for I'll have a suit of sables." ON THE THEORY OF THE LUDICROUS. 283 Again, in Jean Paul's " Titan," when Schoppe, melancholy and now brooding over himself, frequently looking at his hands, says to himself, " There sits a lord in bodily reality, and I in him ; but who is such ? " Heinrich Heine appears as a true humourist in his " Romancero." Behind all his jokes and drollery we discern a profound serious ness, which is ashamed to appear unveiled. Accordingly humour depends upon a special kind of mood or temper (German, Laune, probably from Luna) through which conception in all its modifications, a decided predomi nance of the subjective over the objective in the appre hension of the external world, is thought. Moreover, every poetical or artistic presentation of a comical, or indeed even a farcical scene, through which a serious thought yet glimmers as its concealed background, is a production of humour, thus is humorous. Such, for example, is a coloured drawing of Tischbein's, which represents an empty room, lighted only by the blazing fire in the grate. Before the fire stands a man with his coat off, in such a position that his shadow, going out from his feet, stretches across the whole room. Tischbein comments thus on the drawing : " This is a man who has succeeded in nothing in the world, and who has made nothing of it; now he rejoices that he can throw such a large shadow." Now, if I had to express the serious ness that lies concealed behind this jest, I could best do so by means of the following verse taken from the Persian poem of Anwari Soheili : — " If them hast lost possession of a world, Be not distressed, for it is nought ; Or hast thou gained possession of a world, Be not o'erjoyed, for it is nought. Our pains, our gains, all pass away ; Get thee beyond the world, for it is nought." That at the present day the word homorous is generally iised in German literature in the sense of comical arises from the miserable desire to give things a more distin- 284 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER VIII. guished name than belongs to them, the name of a class that stands above them. Thus every inn must be called a hotel, every money-changer a banker, every concert a musical academy, the merchant's counting-house a bureau, the potter an artist in clay, and therefore also every clown a humourist. The word humour is borrowed from the English to denote a quite peculiar species of the ludicrous, which indeed, as was said above, is related to the sublime, and which was first remarked by them. But it is not intended to be used as the title for all kinds of jokes and buffoonery, as is now universally the case in Germany, without opposition from men of letters and scholars ; for the true conception of that modification, that tendency of the mind, that child of the sublime and the ridiculous, would be too subtle and too high for their public, to please which they take pains to make everything flat and vulgar. Well, "high words and a low meaning" is in general the motto of the noble present, and accordingly now-a-days he is called a humourist who was formerly called a buffoon. CHAPTEE IX.1 ON LOGIC IN GENERAL. LOGIC, Dialectic, and Ehetoric go together, because they make up the whole of a technic of reason, and under this title they ought also to be taught — Logic as the technic of our own thinking, Dialectic of disputing with others, and Ehetoric of speaking to many (concionatio) ; thus cor responding to the singular, dual, and plural, and to the monologue, the dialogue, and the panegyric. Under Dialectic I understand, in agreement with Aris totle (Metaph., iii. 2, and Analyt. Post., i. n), the art of conversation directed to the mutual investigation of truth, especially philosophical truth. But a conversation of this kind necessarily passes more or less into controversy ; therefore dialectic may also be explained as the art of disputation. We have examples and patterns of dialectic in the Platonic dialogues ; but for the special theory of it, thus for the technical rules of disputation, eristics, very little has hitherto been accomplished. I have worked out an attempt of the kind, and given an example of it, in the second volume of the " Parerga," therefore I shall pass over the exposition of this science altogether here. In Ehetoric the rhetorical figures are very much what the syllogistic figures are in Logic ; at all events they are worth considering. In Aristotle's time they seem to have not yet become the object of theoretical investigation, for he does not treat of them in any of his rhetorics, and in 1 This chapter and the one which follows it are connected with § 9 of the first volume. 286 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER IX. this reference we are referred to Eutilius Lupus, the epito- miser of a later Gorgias. All the three sciences have this in common, that with out having learned them we follow their rules, which indeed are themselves first abstracted from this natural employment of them. Therefore, although they are of great theoretical interest, they are of little practical use ; partly because, though they certainly give the rule, they do not give the case of its application ; partly because in practice there is generally no time to recollect the rules. Thus they teach only what every one already knows and practises of his own accord ; but yet the abstract know ledge of this is interesting and important. Logic will not easily have a practical value, at least for our own thinking. For the errors of our own reasoning scarcely ever lie in the inferences nor otherwise in the form, but in the judg ments, thus in the matter of thought. In controversy, on the other hand, we can sometimes derive some practical use from logic, by taking the more or less intentionally deceptive argument of our opponent, which he advances under the garb and cover of continuous speech, and referring it to the strict form of regular syllogisms, and thus convicting it of logical errors ; for example, simple conversion of universal affirmative judgments, syllogisms with four terms, inferences from the consequent to the reason, syllogisms in the second figure with merely affir mative premisses, and many such. It seems to me that the doctrine of the laws of thought might be simplified if we were only to set up two, the law of excluded middle and that of sufficient reason. The former thus : " Every predicate can either be affirmed or denied of every subject." Here it is already contained in the " either, or " that both cannot occur at once, and con sequently just what is expressed by the laws of identity and contradiction. Thus these would be added as corol laries of that principle which really says that every two concept-spheres must be thought either as united or as ON LOGIC IN GENERAL. 287 separated, but never as both at once ; and therefore, even although words are brought together which express the latter, these words assert a process of thought which can not be carried out. The consciousness of this infeasibility is the feeling of contradiction. The second law of thought, the principle of sufficient reason, would affirm that the above attributing or denying must be determined by some thing different from the judgment itself, which may be a (pure or empirical) perception, or merely another judg ment. This other and different thing is then called the ground or reason of the judgment. So far as a judgment satisfies the first law of thought, it is thinkable ; so far as it satisfies the second, it is true, or at least in the case in which the ground of a judgment is only another judgment it is logically or formally true. But, finally, material or absolute truth is always the relation between a judgment and a perception, thus between the abstract and the con crete or perceptible idea. This is either an immediate relation or it is brought about by means of other judg ments, i.e., through other abstract ideas. From this it is easy to see that one truth can never overthrow another, but all must ultimately agree ; because in the concrete or perceptible, which is their common foundation, no contra diction is possible. Therefore no truth has anything to fear from other truths. Illusion and error have to fear every truth, because through the logical connection of all truths even the most distant must some time strike its blow at every error. This second law of thought is there fore the connecting link between logic and what is no o o longer logic, but the matter of thought. Consequently the agreement of the conceptions, thus of the abstract idea with what is given in the perceptible idea, is, on the side of the object truth, and on the side of the subject knowledge. To express the union or separation of two concept- spheres referred to above is the work of the copula, " is — is not." Through this every verb can be expressed by 288 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER IX. means of its participle. Therefore all judging consists in the use of a verb, and vice versd. Accordingly the signi ficance of the copula is that the predicate is to be thought in the subject, nothing more. Now, consider what the content of the infinitive of the copula " to be " amounts to. But this is a principal theme of the professors of philosophy of the present time. However, we must not be too strict with them ; most of them wish to express by it nothing but material things, the corporeal world, to which, as perfectly innocent realists at the bottom of their hearts, they attribute the highest reality. To speak, how ever, of the bodies so directly appears to them too vulgar ; and therefore they say " being," which they think sounds better, and think in connection with it the tables and chairs standing before them. " For, because, why, therefore, thus, since, although, in deed, yet, but, if, then, either, or," and more like these, are properly logical particles, for their only end is to express the form of the thought processes. They are therefore a valuable possession of a language, and do not belong to all in equal numbers. Thus "zwar" (the contracted " es ist wahr ") seems to belong exclusively to the German lan guage. It is always connected with an "aler" which follows or is added in thought, as " if " is connected with " then." The logical rule that, as regards quantity, singular judg ments, that is, judgments which have a singular conception (notio singularis) for their subject, are to be treated as universal judgments, depends upon the circumstance that they are in fact universal judgments, which have merely the peculiarity that their subject is a conception which can only be supported by a single real object, and there fore only contains a single real object under it ; as when the conception is denoted by a proper name. This, how ever, has really only to be considered when we proceed from the abstract idea to the concrete or perceptible, thus seek to realise the conceptions. In thinking itself, in ON LOGIC IN GENERAL. 289 operating with judgments, this makes no difference, simply because between singular and universal conceptions there is no logical difference. " Immanuel Kant " signifies logi cally, " all Immanuel Kant." Accordingly the quantity of judgments is really only of two kinds — universal and particular. An individual idea cannot be the subject of a judgment, because it is not an abstraction, it is not some thing thought, but something perceived. Every concep tion, on the other hand, is essentially universal, and every judgment must have a conception as its subject. The difference between particular judgments (proposi- tiones particulares) and universal judgments often depends merely on the external and contingent circumstance that the language has no word to express by itself the part that is here to be separated from the general conception which forms the subject of such a judgment. If there were such a word many a particular judgment would be universal. For example, the particular judgment, " Some trees bear gall-nuts," becomes a universal judgment, be cause for this part of the conception, " tree," we have a special word, " All oaks bear gall-nuts." In the same way is the judgment, " Some men are black," related to the judgment, " All negroes are black." Or else this differ ence depends upon the fact that in the mind of him who judges the conception which he makes the subject of the particular judgment has not become clearly separated from the general conception as a part of which he defines it ; otherwise he could have expressed a universal instead of a particular judgment. For example, instead of the judgment, " Some ruminants have upper incisors," this, " All unhorned ruminants have upper incisors." The liyijotlictical and disjunctive judgments are assertions as to the relation of two (in the case of the disjunctive judgment even several) categorical judgments to each other. The hypothetical judgment asserts that the truth of the second of the two categorical judgments here linked to gether depends upon the truth of the first, arid the VOL. n. T 290 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER IX. falseness of the first depends upon the falseness of the second; thus that these two propositions stand in direct community as regards truth and falseness. The disjunctive judgment, on the other hand, asserts that upon the truth of one of the categorical judgments here linked together depends the falseness of the others, and conversely ; thus that these propositions are in conflict as regards truth and falseness. The question is a judgment, one of whose three parts is left open : thus either the copula, " Is Caius a Roman — or not ? " or the predicate, " Is Caius a Roman — or something else ? " or the subject, " Is Caius a Roman — or is it some one else who is a Roman ? " The place of the conception which is left open may also remain quite empty ; for example, " What is Caius ? " — " Who is a Roman ? " The e7ra7&>7?7, inductio, is with Aristotle the opposite of the aTraycayr}. The latter proves a proposition to be false by showing that what would follow from it is not true ; thus by the instantia in contrarium. The eTraywyr), on the other hand, proves the truth of a proposition by showing that what would follow from it is true. Thus it leads by means of examples to our accepting something while the cnrarywyr) leads to our rejecting it. Therefore the eTraywyrj, or induction, is an inference from the con sequents to the reason, and indeed modo ponente ; for from many cases it establishes the rule, from which these cases then in their turn follow. On this account it is never perfectly certain, but at the most arrives at very great probability. However, this formal uncertainty may yet leave room for material certainty through the number of the sequences observed ; in the same way as in mathe matics the irrational relations are brought infinitely near to rationality by means of decimal fractions. The aTrajwyTj, on the contrary, is primarily an inference from the reason to the consequents, though it is afterwards carried out modo tollente, in that it proves the non- existence of a necessary consequent, and thereby destroys ON LOGIC IN GENERAL. 291 the truth of the assumed reason. On this account it is always perfectly certain, and accomplishes more by a single example in contrarium than the induction does by innumerable examples in favour of the proposition pro pounded. So much easier is it to refute than to prove, to overthrow than to establish. ( 292 ) CHAPTER X. OX THE SYLLOGISM. ALTHOUGH it is very hard to establish a new and correct view of a subject which for more than two thousand years has been handled by innumerable writers, and which, moreover, does not receive additions through the growth of experience, yet this must not deter me from presenting to the thinker for examination the following attempt of this kind. An inference is that operation of our reason by virtue of which, through the comparison of two' judgments a third judgment arises, without the assistance of any knowledge otherwise obtained. The condition of this is that these two judgments have one conception in common, for other wise they are foreign to each other and have no com munity. But under this condition they become the father and mother of a child that contains in itself something of both. Moreover, this operation is no arbitrary act, but an act of the reason, which, when it has considered such judgments, performs it of itself according to its own laws. So far it is objective, not subjective, and therefore subject to the strictest rules. We may ask in passing whether he who draws an infer ence really learns something new from the new propo sition, something previously unknown to him ? Not absolutely; but yet to a certain extent he does. What he learns lay in what he knew : thus he knew it also, but he did not know that he knew it ; which is as if he had something, but did not know that he had it, and this is ON THE SYLLOGISM. 293 just the same as if he had it not. He knew it only im- plicite, now he knows it explicite ; but this distinction may be so great that the conclusion appears to him a new truth. For example : All diamonds are stones ; All diamonds are combustible : Therefore some stones are combustible. The nature of inference consequently consists in this, that we bring it to distinct consciousness that we have already thought in the premisses what is asserted in the con clusion. It is therefore a means of becoming more dis tinctly conscious of one's own knowledge, of learning more fully, or becoming aware of what one knows. The knowledge which is afforded by the conclusion was latent, and therefore had just as little effect as latent heat has on the thermometer. Whoever has salt has also chlorine ; but it is as if he had it not, for it can only act as chlorine if it is chemically evolved ; thus only, then, does he really possess it. It is the same with the gain which a mere conclusion from already known premisses affords : a previ ously bound or latent knowledge is thereby set/ree. These comparisons may indeed seem to be somewhat strained, but yet they really are not. For because we draw many of the possible inferences from our knowledge very soon, very rapidly, and without formality, and therefore have no dis tinct recollection of them, it seems to us as if no premisses for possible conclusions remained long stored up unused, but as if we already had also conclusions prepared for all the premisses within reach of our knowledge. But this is not always the case ; on the contrary, two premisses may have for a long time an isolated existence in the same mind, till at last some occasion brings them together, and then the conclusion suddenly appears, as the spark conies from the steel and the stone only when they are struck together. In reality the premisses assumed from without, both for theoretical insight and for motives, which bring about re solves, often lie for a long time in us, and become, partly 294 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER X. through half-conscious, and even inarticulate, processes of thought, compared with the rest of our stock of knowledge, reflected upon, and, as it were, shaken up together, till at last the right major finds the right minor, and these imme diately take up their proper places, and at once the conclu sion exists as a light that has suddenly arisen for us, without any action on our part, as if it were an inspiration ; for we cannot comprehend how we and others have so long been in ignorance of it. It is true that in a happily organised mind this process goes on more quickly and easily than in ordinary minds ; and just because it is carried on spon taneously and without distinct consciousness it cannot be learned. Therefore Goethe says : " How easy anything is he knows who has discovered it, he knows who has attained to it." As an illustration of the process of thought here described we may compare it to those padlocks which con sist of rings with letters ; hanging on the box of a travelling carriage, they are shaken so long that at last the letters of the word come together in their order and the lock opens. For the rest, we must also remember that the syllogism consists in the process of thought itself, and the words and propositions through which it is expressed only indicate the traces it has left behind it — they are related to it as the sound-figures of sand are related to the notes whose vibrations they express. When we reflect upon something, we collect our data, reduce them to judgments, which are all quickly brought together and compared, and thereby the conclusions which it is possible to draw from them are instantly arrived at by means of the use of all the three syllogistic figures. Yet on account of the great rapidity of this operation only a few words are used, and sometimes none at all, and only the conclusion is formally expressed. Thus it sometimes happens that because in this way, or even merely intuitively, i.e., by a happy apperqu, we have brought some new truth to consciousness, we now treat it as a conclusion and seek premisses for it, that is, we desire to prove it, for as a rule knowledge ON THE SYLLOGISM. 295 exists earlier than its proofs. We then go through our stock of knowledge in order to see whether we can find some truth in it in which the newly discovered truth was already implicitly contained, or two propositions which would give this as a result if they were brought together according to rule. On the other hand, every judicial proceeding affords a most complete and imposing syllo gism, a syllogism in the first figure. The civil or criminal transgression complained of is the minor ; it is established by the prosecutor. The law applicable to the case is the major. The judgment is the conclusion, which therefore, as something necessary, is "merely recognised" by the judge. But now I shall attempt to give the simplest and most correct exposition of the peculiar mechanism of inference. Judging, this elementary and most important process of thought, consists in the comparison of two concep tions ; inference in the comparison of two judgments. Yet ordinarily in text-books inference is also referred to the comparison of conceptions, though of three, because from the relation which two of these conceptions have to a third their relation to each other may be known. Truth cannot be denied to this view also ; and since it affords opportunity for the perceptible demonstration of syllogistic relations by means of drawn concept-spheres, a method approved of by me in the text, it has the advantage of making the matter easily comprehensible. But it seems to me that here, as in so many cases, com- prehensibility is attained at the cost of thoroughness. The real process of thought in inference, with which the three syllogistic figures and their necessity precisely agree, is not thus recognised. In inference we operate not with mere conceptions but with whole judgments, to which quality, which lies only in the copula and not in the conceptions, and also quantity are absolutely essential, and indeed we have further to add modality. That exposition of inference as a relation of three conceptions 296 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER X. fails in this, that it at once resolves the judgments into their ultimate elements (the conceptions), and thus the means of combining these is lost, and that which is peculiar to the judgments as such and in their complete ness, which is just what constitutes the necessity of the conclusion which follows from them, is lost sight of. It thus falls into an error analogous to that which organic chemistry would commit if, for example, in the analysis of plants it were at once to reduce them to their ultimate elements, when it would find in all plants carbon, hydro gen, and oxygen, but would lose the specific differences, to obtain which it is necessary to stop at their more special elements, the so-called alkaloids, and to take care to analyse these in their turn. From three given concep tions no conclusion can as yet be drawn. It may certainly be said : the relation of two of them to the third must be given with them. But it is just the judgments which combine these conceptions, that are the expression of this relation; thus judgments, not mere conceptions, are the material of the inference. Accordingly inference is essentially a comparison of two judgments. The process of thought in our mind is concerned with these and the thoughts expressed by them, not merely with three con ceptions. This is the case even when this process is imperfectly or not at all expressed in words ; and it is as such, as a bringing together of the complete and un- analysed judgments, that we must consider it in order properly to understand the technical procedure of infer ence. From this there will then also follow the necessity for three really rational syllogistic figures. As in the exposition of syllogistic reasoning by means of concept- spheres these are presented to the mind under the form of circles, so in the exposition by means of entire judgments we have to think these tinder the form of rods, which, for the purpose of comparison, are held together now by one end, now by the other. The different ways in which this can take place give the three figures. ON THE SYLLOGISM. 297 Since now every premiss contains its subject and its predicate, these two conceptions are to be imagined as situated at the two ends of each rod. The two judgments are now compared with reference to the two different conceptions in them ; for, as has already been said, the third conception must be the same in both, and is there fore subject to no comparison, but is that with which, that is, in reference to which, the other two are compared ; it is the middle. The latter is accordingly always only the means and not the chief concern. The two different con ceptions, on the other hand, are the subject of reflection, and to find out their relation to each other by means of the judgments in which they are contained is the aim of the syllogism. Therefore the conclusion speaks only of them, not of the middle, which was only a means, a measuring rod, which we let fall as soon as it has served its end. Now if this conception which is identical in both propositions, thus the middle, is the subject of one pre miss, the conception to be compared with it must be the predicate, and conversely. Here at once is established a priori the possibility of three cases ; either the subject of one premiss is compared with the predicate of the other, or the subject of the one with the subject of the other, or, finally, the predicate of the one with the predicate of the other. Hence arise the three syllogistic figures of Aristotle ; the fourth, which was added somewhat im pertinently, is ungenuine and a spurious form. It is attri buted to Galenus, but this rests only on Arabian authority. Each of the three figures exhibits a perfectly different, cor rect, and natural thought-process of the reason in inference. If in the two judgments to be compared the relation be tween the predicate of the one and the subject of the other is the object of the comparison, the first figure appears. This figure alone has the advantage that the conceptions which in the conclusion are subject and predicate both appear already in the same character in the premisses ; while in the two other figures one of them must always 298 FIRST BOOK CHAPTER X. change its roll in the conclusion. But thus in the first figure the result is always less novel and surprising than in the other two. Now this advantage in the first figure is obtained by the fact that the predicate of the major is compared with the subject of the minor, but not conversely, which is therefore here essential, and involves that the middle should assume both the positions, i.e., it is the sub ject in the major and the predicate in the minor. And from this again arises its subordinate significance, for it appears as a mere weight which we lay at pleasure now in one scale and now in the other. The course of thought in this figure is, that the predicate of the major is attributed to the subject of the minor, because the subject of the major is the predicate of the minor, or, in the negative case, the converse holds for the same reason. Thus here a property is attributed to the things thought through a con ception, because it depends upon another property which we already know they possess ; or conversely. Therefore here the guiding principle is : Nota notcc est nota rei ipsius, et repugnans notce repugnat rei ipsi. If, on the other hand, we compare two judgments with the intention of bringing out the relation which the sub jects of both may have to each other, we must take as the common measure their predicate. This will accordingly be here the middle, and must therefore be the same in both judgments. Hence arises the second figure. In it the relation of two subjects to each other is determined by that which they have as their common predicate. But this relation can only have significance if the same predi cate is attributed to the one subject and denied of the other, for thus it becomes an essential ground of distinc tion between the two. For if it were attributed to both the subjects this could decide nothing as to their relation to each other, for almost every predicate belongs to innu merable subjects. Still less would it decide this relation if the predicate were denied of both the subjects. From this follows the fundamental characteristic of the second ON THE SYLLOGISM 299 figure, that the premisses must be of opposite quality ; the one must affirm and the other deny. Therefore here the principal rule is : Sit altcra neyans ; the corollary of which is : E meris affirmativis nihil sequiter; a rule which is some times transgressed in a loose argument obscured by many parenthetical propositions. The course of thought which this figure exhibits distinctly appears from what has been said. It is the investigation of two kinds of things with the view of distinguishing them, thus of establishing that they are not of the same species ; which is here decided by showing that a certain property is essential to the one kind, which the other lacks. That this course of thought assumes the second figure of its own accord, and ex presses itself clearly only in it, will be shown by an example : All fishes have cold blood ; No whale has cold blood : Thus no whale is a fish. In the first figure, on the other hand, this thought ex hibits itself in a weak, forced, and ultimately patched-up form : Nothing that has cold blood is a whale ; All fishes have cold blood : Thus no fish is a whale, And consequently no whale is a fish. Take also an example with an affirmative minor : No Mohamedan is a Jew ; Some Turks are Jews : Therefore some Turks are not Mohamedans. As the guiding principle for this figure I therefore give, for the mood with the negative minor : Cui repugnat nota, etiam rcpugnat notatum; and for the mood with the affirmative minor : Notato rcpugnat id cui nota repugnat. Translated these may be thus combined : Two subjects which stand in opposite relations to one predicate have a negative relation to each other. The third case is that in which we place two judgments 300 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER X. together in order to investigate the relation of their predi cates. Hence arises the third figure,in which accordingly the middle appears in both premisses as the subject. It is also here the tertium comparationis, the measure which is ap plied to both the conceptions which are to be investigated, or, as it were, a chemical reagent, with which we test them both in order to learn from their relation to it what relation exists between themselves. Thus, then, the con clusion declares whether a relation of subject and predi cate exists between the two, and to what extent this is the case. Accordingly, what exhibits itself in this figure is reflection concerning two properties which we are in clined to regard either as incompatible, or else as insepa rable, and in order to decide this we attempt to make them the predicates of one subject in two judgments. From this it results either that both properties belong to the same thing, consequently their compatibility, or else that a thing has the one but not the other, consequently their separableness. The former in all moods with two affirmative premisses, the latter in all moods with one negative ; for example : Some brutes can speak ; All brutes are irrational : Therefore some irrational beings can speak. According to Kant (Die Falsche Spitzfiniglceit, § 4) this inference would only be conclusive if we added in thought : " Therefore some irrational beings are brutes." But this seems to be here quite superfluous and by no means the natural process of thought. But in order to carry out the same process of thought directly by means of the first figure I must say : " All brutes are irrational ; Some beings that can speak are brutes," which is clearly not the natural course of thought; in deed the conclusion which would then follow, " Some beings that can speak are irrational," would have to be converted in order to preserve the conclusion which the ON THE SYLLOGISM. 301 third figure gives of itself, and at which the whole course of thought has aimed. Let us take another example : All alkalis float in water ; All alkalis are metals : Therefore some metals float in water. When this is transposed into the first figure the minor must be converted, and thus runs : " Some metals are alkalis." It therefore merely asserts that some metals lie in the sphere "alkalis," thus I AikaiiB.( ) Metais. ), while our actual knowledge is that all alkalis lie in the sphere / Metala. >. " metals," thus : ( /• — . ] It follows that if the first figure is to be regarded as the only normal one, in order to think naturally we would have to think less than we know, and to think indefinitely while we know definitely. This assumption has too much against it. Thus in general it must be denied that when we draw inferences in the second and third figures we tacitly convert a proposition. On the contrary, the third, and also the second, figure exhibits just as rational a process of thought as the first. Let us now consider another example of the other class of the third figure, in which the separableness of two predicates is the result ; on account of which one premiss must here be negative : No Buddhist believes in a God ; Some Buddhists are rational : Therefore some rational beings do not believe in a God. As in the examples given above the compatibility of two properties is the problem of reflection, now their separableness is its problem, which here also must be de cided by comparing them with one subject and showing 3o2 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER X. that one of tliern is present in it without the other. Thus the end is directly attained, while by means of the first figure it could only be attained indirectly. For in order to reduce the syllogism to the first figure we must convert the minor, and therefore say : " Some rational beings are Buddhists," which would be only a faulty expression of its meaning, which really is : " Some Buddhists are yet certainly rational." As the guiding principle of this figure I therefore give : for the affirmative moods: Ejusdem rei notce, modo sit altera univcrsalis, sibi invicem sunt notce particular -es ; and for the negative moods : Nota rei competens, notce eidem repugnanti, particulariter repugnat, modo sit altera univer- salis. Translated : If two predicates are affirmed of one subject, and at least one of them universally, they are also affirmed of each other particularly ; and, on the con trary, they are denied of each other particularly when ever one of them contradicts the subject of which the other is affirmed ; provided always that either the con tradiction or the affirmation be universal. In the fourth figure the subject of the major has to be compared with the predicate of the minor; but in the conclusion they must both exchange their value and position, so that what was the subject of the major appears as the predicate of the conclusion, and what was the predicate of the minor appears as the subject of the con clusion. By this it becomes apparent that this figure is merely the first, wilfully turned upside down, and by no means the expression of a real process of thought natural to the reason. On the other hand, the first three figures are the ectypes of three real and essentially different operations of thought. They have this in common, that they consist in the com parison of two judgments ; but such a comparison only becomes fruitful when these judgments have one con ception in common. If we present the premisses to our imagination under the sensible form of two rods, we can ON THE SYLLOGISM. 303 think of this conception as a clasp that links them to each other ; indeed in lecturing one might provide oneself with such rods. On the other hand, the three figures are distinguished by this, that those judgments are compared either with reference to the subjects of both, or to the pre dicates of both, or lastly, with reference to the subject of the one and the predicate of the other. Since now every conception has the property of being subject or predicate only because it is already part of a judgment, this con firms my view that in the syllogism only judgments are primarily compared, and conceptions only because they are parts of judgments. In the comparison of two judg ments, however, the essential question is, in respect of what are they compared ? not ly what means are they compared ? The former consists of the concepts which are different in the two judgments ; the latter consists of the middle, that is, the conception which is identical in both. It is therefore not the right point of view which Lambert, and indeed really Aristotle, and almost all the moderns have taken in starting from the middle in the analysis of syllogisms, and making it the principal matter and its position the essential characteristic of the syllo gisms. On the contrary, its roll is only secondary, and its position a consequence of the logical value of the conceptions which are really to be compared in the syllo gism. These may be compared to two substances which are to be chemically tested, and the middle to the reagent by which they are tested. It therefore always takes the place which the conceptions to be compared leave vacant, and does not appear again in the conclusion. It is selected according to our knowledge of its relation to both the conceptions and its suitableness for the place it has to take up. Therefore in many cases we can change it at pleasure for another without affecting the syllogism. For example, in the syllogism : All men are mortal ; Caius is a man : 304 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER X. I can exchange the middle " man " for " animal exist ence." In the syllogism : All diamonds are stones ; All diamonds are combustible : I can exchange the middle " diamond " for " anthracite." As an external mark by which we can recognise at once the figure of a syllogism the middle is certainly very useful. But as the fundamental characteristic of a thing which is to be explained, we must take what is essential to it ; and what is essential here is, whether we place two propositions together in order to compare their predicates or their subjects, or the predicate of the one and the subject of the other. Therefore, in order as premisses to yield a conclusion, two judgments must have a conception in common ; further, they must not both be negative, nor both parti cular ; and lastly, in the case in which the conceptions to be compared are the subjects of both, they must not both be affirmative. The voltaic pile may be regarded as a sensible image of the syllogism. Its point of indifference, at the centre, represents the middle, which holds together the two pre misses, and by virtue of which they have the power of yielding a conclusion. The two different conceptions, on the other hand, which are really what is to be compared, are represented by the two opposite poles of the pile. Only because these are brought together by means of their two conducting wires, which represent the copulas of the two judgments, is the spark emitted upon their contact — the new lidit of the conclusion. CHAPTER XT.1 OX RHETORIC. ELOQUENCE is the faculty of awakening in others our view of a thing, or our opinion about it, of kindling in them our feeling concerning it, and thus putting them in sympathy with us. And all this by conducting the stream of our thought into their minds, through the medium of words, with such force as to carry their thought from the direction it has already taken, and sweep it along witli ours in its course. The more their previous course of thought differs from ours, the greater is this achievement. From this it is easily understood how personal conviction and passion make a man elo quent ; and in general, eloquence is more the gift of nature than the work of art; yet here, also, art will support nature. In order to convince another of a truth which conflicts with an error he firmly holds, the first rule to be observed, is an easy and natural one : let the premisses come first, and the conclusion follow. Yet this rule is seldom observed, but reversed ; for zeal, eagerness, and dogmatic positive- ness urge us to proclaim the conclusion loudly and noisily against him who adheres to the opposed error. This easily makes him shy, and now he opposes his will to all reasons and premisses, knowing already to what conclusion they lead. Therefore we ought rather to keep the conclusion completely concealed, and only advance the premisses 1 This chapter is connected with the conclusion of § 9 of the first volume. VOL. II. U 306 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XI. distinctly, fully, and in different lights. Indeed, if possible, we ought not to express the conclusion at all. It will come necessarily and regularly of its own accord into the reason of the hearers, and the conviction thus born in themselves will be all the more genuine, and will also be accompanied by self-esteem instead of shame. In difficult cases we may even assume the air of desiring to arrive at a quite opposite conclusion from that which we really have in view. An example of this is the famous speech of Antony in Shakspeare's " Julius Csesar." In defending a thing many persons err by confidently advancing everything imaginable that can be said for it, mixing up together what is true, half true, and merely plausible. But the false is soon recognised, or at any rate felt, and throws suspicion also upon the cogent and true arguments which were brought forward along with it. Give then the true and weighty pure and alone, and beware of defending a truth with inadequate, and there fore, since they are set up as adequate, sophistical reasons ; for the opponent upsets these, and thereby gains the appearance of having upset the truth itself which was supported by them, that is, he makes argumenta ad hominem hold good as argumenta ad rem. The Chinese go, perhaps, too far the other way, for they have the saying : " He who is eloquent and has a sharp tongue may always leave half of a sentence unspoken ; and he who has right on his side may confidently yield three- tenths of his assertion." ( 307 ) CHAPTER XII. i ON THE DOCTRINE OF SCIENCE. FROM the analysis of the different functions of our intellect given in the whole of the preceding chapters, it is clear that for a correct use of it, either in a theoretical or a practical reference, the following conditions are demanded: (i.) The correct apprehension through perception of the real things taken into consideration, and of all their essential properties and relations, thus of all data. (2.) The construction of correct conceptions out of these ; thus the connotation of those properties under correct abstrac tions, which now become the material of the subsequent thinking. (3.) The comparison of those conceptions both with the perceived object and among themselves, and with the rest of our store of conceptions, so that correct judgments, pertinent to the matter in hand, and fully comprehending and exhausting it, may proceed from them ; thus the right estimation of the matter. (4.) The placing together or combination of those judgments as the premisses of syllogisms. This may be done very differently accord ing to the choice and arrangement of the judgments, and yet the actual result of the whole operation primarily depends upon it. What is really of importance here is that from among so many possible combinations of those different judgments which have to do with the matter free deliberation should hit upon the very ones which serve the purpose and are decisive. But if in the first function, that is, in the apprehension through perception 1 This chapter is connected with § 14 of the first volume. 308 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XII. of the things and relations, any single essential point lias been overlooked, the correctness of all the succeeding operations of the mind cannot prevent the result from being false; for there lie the data, the material of the whole investigation. Without the certainty that these are correctly and completely collected, one ought to abstain, iu important matters, from any definite decision. A conception is correct ; a judgment is true; a body is real; and a relation is evident. A proposition of immedi ate certainty is an axiom. Only the fundamental principles of logic, and those of mathematics drawn a priori from in tuition or perception, and finally also the law of causality, have immediate certainty. A proposition of indirect certainty is a maxim, and that by means of which it obtains its certainty is the proof. If immediate certainty is attributed to a proposition which has no such certainty, this is a petitio principii. A proposition which appeals directly to the empirical perception is an assertion: to confront it with such perception demands judgment. Empirical perception can primarily afford us only par ticular, not universal truths. Through manifold repetition and confirmation such truths indeed obtain a certain uni versality also, but it is only comparative and preca rious, because it is still always open to attack. But if a proposition has absolute universality, the perception to which it appeals is not empirical but a priori. Thus Logic and Mathematics alone are absolutely certain sciences ; but they really teach us only what we already knew beforehand. For they are merely explanations of that of which we are conscious a priori, the forms of our own knowledge, the one being concerned with the forms of thinking, the other with those of perceiving. Therefore we spin them entirely out of ourselves. All other scien tific knowledge is empirical. A proof proves too much if it extends to things or cases of which that which is to be proved clearly does not hold good ; therefore it is refuted apagogically by these. The ON THE DOCTRINE OF SCIENCE. 309 dedudio ad dbsurdum properly consists in this, that we take a false assertion which has been made as the major proposition of a syllogism, then add to it a correct minor, and arrive at a conclusion which clearly contradicts facts of experience or unquestionable truths. But by some round-about way such a refutation must be possible of every false doctrine. For the defender of this will yet certainly recognise and admit some truth or other, and then the consequences of this, and on the other hand those of the false assertion, must be followed out until we arrive at two propositions which directly contradict each other. We find many examples in Plato of this beautiful artifice of genuine dialectic. A correct hypothesis is nothing more than the true and complete expression of the present fact, which the origi nator of the hypothesis has intuitively apprehended in its real nature and inner connection. For it tells us only what really takes place here. The opposition of the analytical and synthetical methods we find already indicated by Aristotle, yet perhaps first distinctly described by Proclus, who says quite correctly : " M edoSoc Se TrapaSiSovrai' KaXXiarr] p.ev 1} Sta TTJS ava- Xucreo)? e-Tr' ap^v 6/J,o\oyov/J.evrjv avayovcra TO fyrov^evov • r]v KCLI nXcnwv, a>9 fyacn, Aao8a/j,avri -TrapeSw/cev. K. r. \." (Methodi tradunlur sequences : pulcherrima quidem ea, qua; per analysin qucesitum refert ad principium, de quo jam convenit ; quam etiain Plato Laodamanti tradidisse dicitur.") " In Primuin Eaclidis Librum," L. iii. Certainly the ana lytical method consists in referring what is given to an admitted principle ; the synthetical method, on the con trary, in deduction from such a principle. They are there fore analogous to the eTra^cojTj and aTra^ojyt] explained in chapter ix. ; only the latter are not used to establish propositions, but always to overthrow them. The analy tical method proceeds from the facts ; the particular, to the principle or rule ; the universal, or from the consequents to the reasons ; the other conversely. Therefore it would 3io riRST BOOK. CHAPTER XII. be much more correct to call them the inductive and the deductive methods, for the customary names are unsuitable and do not fully express the things. If a philosopher tries to begin by thinking out the methods in accordance with which he will philosophise, he is like a poet who first writes a system of aesthetics in order to poetise in accordance with it. Both of them may be compared to a man who first sings himself a tune and afterwards dances to it. The thinking mind must find its way from original tendency. Rule and application, method and achievement, must, like matter and form, be inseparable. But after we have reached the goal we may consider the path we have followed. ^Esthetics and methodology are, from their nature, younger than poetry and philosophy ; as grammar is younger than language, thorough bass younger than music, and logic younger than thought. This is a fitting place to make, in passing, a remark by means of which I should like to check a growing evil while there is yet time. That Latin has ceased to be the language of all scientific investigations has the disad vantage that there is no longer an immediately common scientific literature for the whole of Europe, but national literatures. And thus every scholar is primarily limited to a much smaller public, and moreover to a public ham pered with national points of view and prejudices. Then he must now learn the four principal European languages, as well as the two ancient languages. In this it will be a great assistance to him that the termini technici of all sciences (with the exception of mineralogy) are, as an in heritance from our predecessors, Latin or Greek. Therefore all nations wisely retain these. Only the Germans have hit upon the unfortunate idea of wishing to Germanise the termini technici of all the sciences. This has two great disadvantages. First, the foreign and also the Ger man scholar is obliged to learn all the technical terms of his science twice, which, when there are many — for ON THE DOCTRINE OF SCIENCE. 311 example, in Anatomy — is an incredibly tiresome and lengthy business. If the other nations were not in this respect wiser than the Germans, we would have the trouble of learning every terminus technicus five times. If the Germans carry this further, foreign men of learning will leave their books altogether unread ; for besides this fault they are for the most part too diffuse, and are writ ten in a careless, bad, and often affected and objectionable style, and besides are generally conceived with a rude disregard of the reader and his requirements. Secondly, those Germanised forms of the termini technici are almost throughout long, patched-up, stupidly chosen, awkward, jarring words, not clearly separated from the rest of the language, which therefore impress themselves with diffi culty upon the memory, while the Greek and Latin ex pressions chosen by the ancient and memorable founders of the sciences possess the whole of the opposite good qualities, and easily impress themselves on the memory by their sonorous sound. What an ugly, harsh-sound ing word, for instance, is " Stickstoff" instead of azot ! " Verbum," " siibstantiv" " adjectiv" are remembered and distinguished more easily than " Zeitwort," " Nennwort" " Beiwort" or even " Umstandswort " instead of " adver- bium." In Anatomy it is quite unsupportable, and more over vulgar and low. Even " Pidsader " and " Blutader " are more exposed to momentary confusion than " Arterie " and " Vene ; " but utterly bewildering are such expressions as " Fruchthdlter," " Fruclitgang" and " Fruchtleiter " in stead of " uterus," " vagina" and " tuba Faloppii" which yet every doctor must know, and which he will find sufficient in all European languages. In the same way "Speiche " and " Ellcnbogenrohre " instead of " radius " and " ulna," which all Europe has understood for thousands of years. Where fore then this clumsy, confusing, drawling, and awkward Germanising ? Not less objectionable is the translation of the technical terms in Logic, in which our gifted profes sors of philosophy are the creators of a new terminology, 312 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XII. and almost every one of them has his own. With G. E. Schulze, for example, the subject is called " Grund- legriff" the predicate " Beilegunysbegriff ; " then there are " Beilegungsschlusse" " Voraussctzungssclilusse," and "Untge- gensetzungsschlilsse ; " the judgments have " Grosse," " Be- schaffenheit," " Verhaltniss" and " Zuverldssigkeit" i.e., quantity, quality, relation, and modality. The same per verse influence of this Germanising mania is to be found in all the sciences. The Latin and Greek expressions have the further advantage that they stamp the scientific con ception as such, and distinguish it from the words of common intercourse, and the ideas which cling to them through association ; while, for example, " Speisebrei " in stead of chyme seems to refer to the food of little children, arid " Lungensack " instead of pleura, and " Herzbeutel " instead of pericardium seem to have been invented by butchers rather than anatomists. Besides this, the most immediate necessity of learning the ancient languages de pends upon the old termini technici, and they are more and more in danger of being neglected through the use of living languages in learned investigations. But if it comes to this, if the spirit of the ancients bound up with their languages disappears from a liberal education, then coarse ness, insipidity, and vulgarity will take possession of the whole of literature. For the works of the ancients are the pole-star of every artistic or literary effort ; if it sets they are lost. Even now we can observe from the miser able and puerile style of most writers that they have never written Latin.1 The study of the classical authors is very properly called the study of Humanity, for through it the student first becomes a man again, for he enters 1 A principal use of the study of Therefore we ought to pursue the the ancients is that it preserves study of the ancients all our life, us from verbosity ; for the ancients although reducing the time devoted always take pains to write concisely to it. The ancients knew that we and pregnantly, and the error of al- ought not to write as we speak, most all moderns is verbosity, which The moderns, on the other hand, the most recent try to make up for are not even ashamed to print lec- by suppressing syllables and letters, tures they have delivered. ON THE DOCTRINE OF SCIENCE. 513 into the world which was still free from all the absurdities of the Middle Ages and of romanticism, which afterwards penetrated so deeply into mankind in Europe that even now every one comes into the world covered with it, and has first to strip it off simply to become a man again. Think not that your modern wisdom can ever supply the place of that initiation into manhood ; ye are not, like the Greeks and Eomans, born freemen, unfettered sons of nature. Ye are first the sous and heirs of the barbarous Middle Ages and of their madness, of infamous priestcraft, and of half-brutal, half-childish chivalry. Though both now gradually approach their end, yet ye cannot yet stand on your own feet. Without the school of the ancients your literature will degenerate into vulgar gossip and dull philistinism. Thus for all these reasons it is my well- intended counsel that an end be put at once to the Germanising mania condemned above. I shall further take the opportunity of denouncing here the disorder which for some years has been introduced into German orthography in an unprecedented manner. Scribblers of every species have heard something of conciseness of expression, but do not know that this consists in the careful omission of everything super fluous (to which, it is true, the whole of their writings belong), but imagine they can arrive at it by clipping the words as swindlers clip coin ; and every syllable which appears to them superfluous, because they do not feel its value, they cut off without more ado. For example, our ancestors, with true tact, said " Beweis" and " Verweis;" but, on the other hand, " Nacliweisung." The fine distinc tion analogous to that between " Versuch" and " Versu- chung" "Betraclit " and "£etrachtung" is not perceptible to dull ears and thick skulls ; therefore they have invented the word " Nachiucis," which has come at once into gene ral use, for this only requires that an idea should be thoroughly awkward and a blunder very gross. Accord ingly a similar amputation has already been proposed in in- 314 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XII. numerable words; for example, instead of " Dnter&uchung" is written " Untersuch ; " nay, even instead of " allmdlig" '* mdlig;" instead of "beinahe," "nahe;" instead of " be- stdndig" " standig." If a Frenchman took npon himself to write "pres" instead of "presque," or if an Englishman wrote " most " instead of " almost," they would be laughed at by every one as fools ; but in Germany whoever does this sort of thing passes for a man of originality. Chemists already write " loslich" and " unloslich " instead of " ujiauf- loslich," and if the grammarians do not rap them over the knuckles they will rob the language of a valuable word. Knots, shoe-strings, and also conglomerates of which the cement is softened, and all analogous things are " loslich " (can be loosed) ; but what is " aufloslick" (soluble), on the other hand, is whatever vanishes in a liquid, like salt in water. " Aufloscn " (to dissolve) is the terminus ad hoc, which says this and nothing else, marking out a definite conception ; but our acute improvers of the language wish to empty it into the general rinsing-pan " losen " (to loosen) ; they would therefore in consistency be obliged to make " losen " also take the place everywhere of "ablosen" (to relieve, used of guards), " auslosen " (to release), " einlosen" (to redeem), &c., and in these, as in the former case, deprive the language of definiteness of expression. But to make the language poorer by a word means to make the thought of the nation poorer by a conception. Yet this is the tendency of the united efforts of almost all our writers of books for the last ten or twenty years. For what I have shown here by one ex ample can be supported by a hundred others, and the meanest stinting of syllables prevails like a disease. The miserable wretches actually count the letters, and do not hesitate to mutilate a word, or to use one in a false sense, whenever by doing so they can gain two letters. He who is capable of no new thoughts will at least bring new words to market, and every ink-slinger regards it as his vocation to improve the language. Journalists practise ON THE DOCTRINE OF SCIENCE. 315 this most shamelessly ; and since their papers, on account of the trivial nature of their contents, have the largest public, indeed a public which for the most part reads nothing else, a great danger threatens the language through them. I therefore seriously advise that they should be subjected to an orthographical censorship, or that they should be made to pay a fine for every unusual or mutilated word; for what could be more improper than that changes of language should proceed from the lowest branch of literature ? Language, especially a relatively speaking original language like German, is the most valuable inheritance of a nation, and it is also an exceedingly complicated work of art, easily injured, and which cannot again be restored, therefore a noli me tangere. Other nations have felt this, and have shown great piety towards their languages, although far less complete than German. Therefore the language of Dante and Petrarch differs only in trifles from that of to-day; Montaigne is still quite readable, and so also is Shakspeare in his oldest editions. For a German indeed it is good to have somewhat long words in his mouth ; for he thinks slowly, and they give him time to reflect. But this prevailing economy of language shows itself in yet more character istic phenomena. For example, in opposition to all logic and grammar, they use the imperfect for the perfect and pluperfect ; they often stick the auxiliary verb in their pocket ; they use the ablative instead of the genitive ; for the sake of omitting a couple of logical particles they make such intricate sentences that one has to read them four times over in order to get at the sense ; for it is only the paper and not the reader's time that they care to spare. In proper names, after the manner of Hotten tots, they do not indicate the case either by inflection or article : the reader may guess it. But they are specially fond of contracting the double vowel and dropping the lengthening h, those letters sacred to prosody ; which is just the same thing as if we wanted to banish 77 and to 316 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XII. from Greek, and make e and o take their place. Whoever writes Scham, Mdrchcn, Mass, Spass, ought also to write Lon, Son, Stat, Sat, Jar, Al, &c. But since writing is the copy of speech, posterity will imagine that one ought to speak as one writes; and then of the German language there will only remain a narrow, mouth-distorting, jarring noise of consonants, and all prosody will be lost. The spelling " Literatur " instead of the correct "Litteratur" is also very much liked, because it saves a letter. In defence of this the participle of the verb linere is given as the root of the word. But linere means to smear; therefore the favoured spelling might actually be correct for the greater part of German bookmaking ; so that one could distinguish a very small " Litteratur " from a very extensive " Literatur!' In order to \vrite concisely let a man improve his style and shun all useless gossip and chatter, and then he will not need to cut out syllables and letters on account of the dearness of paper. But to write so many useless pages, useless sheets, useless books, and then to want to make up this waste of time and paper at the cost of the innocent syllables and letters — that is truly the superlative of what is called in English being penny wise and pound foolish. It is to be regretted that there is no German Academy to take charge of the language against literary sans-culottism, especially in an age when even those who are ignorant of the ancient language venture to employ the press. I have expressed my mind more fully on the whole sub ject of the inexcusable mischief being done at the present day to the German language in my " Parerga," vol. ii. chap. 23. In my essay on the principle of sufficient reason, § 51, I already proposed a first classification of the sciences in accordance with the form of the principle of sufficient reason which reigns in them ; and I also touched upon it again in §§ 7 and 1 5 of the first volume of this work. Ot) * » I will give here a small attempt at such a classification, ON THE DOCTRINE OF SCIENCE. 317 which will yet no doubt be susceptible of much improve ment and perfecting : — I. Pure a priori Sciences. 1. The doctrine of the ground of being. (a.) In space : Geometry. (&.) In time : Arithmetic and Algebra. 2. The doctrine of the ground of knowing : Logic. II. Empirical or a posteriori Sciences. All based upon the ground of becoming, i.e., the law of causalty, and upon the three modes of that law. 1. The doctrine of causes. (a.) Universal : Mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Physics, Chemistry. (&.) Particular : Astronomy, Mineralogy, Geo logy, Technology, Pharmacy. 2. The doctrine of stimuli. (a.) Universal : Physiology of plants and animals, together with the ancillary science, Anatomy. (?>.) Particular : P>otany, Zoology, Zootomy, Comparative Physiology, Pathology, Therapeutics. 3. The doctrine of motives. (a.) Universal : Ethics, Psychology. (&.) Particular : Jurisprudence, History. Philosophy or Metaphysics, as the doctrine of conscious ness and its contents in general, or of the whole of expe rience as such, does not appear in the list, because it does not at once pursue the investigation which the principle of sufficient reason prescribes, but first has this principle itself as its object. It is to be regarded as the thorough bass of all sciences, but belongs to a higher class than they do, and is almost as much related to art as to science. As in music every particular period must correspond to the tonality to which thorough bass has advanced, so every 318 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XII. author, in proportion to the line he follows, must bear the stamp of the philosophy which prevails in his time. But besides this, every science has also its special philosophy ; and therefore we speak of the philosophy of botany, of zo ology, of history, &c. By this we must reasonably under stand nothing more than the chief results of each science itself, regarded and comprehended from the highest, that is the most general, point of view which is possible within that science. These general results connect themselves directly with general philosophy, for they supply it with important data, and relieve it from the labour of seeking these itself in the philosophically raw material of the special sciences. These special philosophies therefore stand as a mediating link between their special sciences and philosophy proper. For since the latter has to give the most general explanations concerning the whole of things, these must also be capable of being brought down and applied to the individual of every species of thing. The philosophy of each science, however, arises indepen dently of philosophy in general, from the data of its own science itself. Therefore it does not need to wait till that philosophy at last be found ; but if worked out in advance it will certainly agree with the true universal philosophy. This, on the other hand, must be capable of receiving confirmation and illustration from the philosophies of the particular sciences ; for the most general truth must be capable of being proved through the more special truths. Goethe has afforded a beautiful example of the philosophy of zoology in his reflections on Dalton's and Pander's skeletons of rodents (Hefte zur Morphologic, 1824). And like merit in connection with the same science belongs to Kielmayer, Delamark, Geoffroy St. Hilaire, Cuvier, and many others, in that they have all brought out clearly the complete analogy, the inner relation ship, the permanent type, and systematic connection of animal forms. Empirical sciences pursued purely for their own sake and without philosophical tendency are ON THE DOCTRINE OF SCIENCE. 319 like a face without eyes. They are, however, a suitable occupation for men of good capacity who yet lack the highest faculties, which would even be a hindrance to minute investigations of such a kind. Such men concen trate their whole power and their whole knowledge upon one limited field, in which, therefore, on condition of re maining in entire ignorance of everything else, they can attain to the most complete knowledge possible; while the philosopher must survey all fields of knowledge, and indeed to a certain extent be at home in them; and thus that complete knowledge which can only be at tained by the study of detail is necessarily denied him. Therefore the former may be compared to those Geneva workmen of whom one makes only wheels, another only springs, and a third only chains. The philosopher, on the other hand, is like the watchmaker, who alone pro duces a whole out of all these which has motion and significance. They may also be compared to the musi cians of an orchestra, each of whom is master of his own instrument ; and the philosopher, on the other hand, to the conductor, who must know the nature and use of every instrument, yet without being able to play them, all, or even one of them, with great perfection. Scotus Erigena includes all sciences under the name Scientia, in opposi tion to philosophy, which he calls Sapientia. The same distinction was already made by the Pythagoreans ; as may be seen from Stobseus (Floril, vol. i. p. 20), where it is very clearly and neatly explained. But a much happier and more piquant comparison of the relation of the two kinds of mental effort to each other has been so often repeated by the ancients that we no longer know to whom it belongs. Diogenes Laertius (ii. 79) attributes it to Aristippus, Stobseus {Floril., tit. iv. no) to Aristo of Chios ; the Scholiast of Aristotle ascribes it to him (p. 8 of the Berlin edition), but Plutarch (De Puer. Educ., c. 10) attributes it to Bio — " Qui ajebat, sicut Penelopes prod, 320 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XII. quum non possent cum Penelope concumbere, rem cum ejus ancillis habuissent ; ita qui philosophiam nequeunt appre- hendere eos in alliis nullius pretii diciplinis sese conterere." In our predominantly empirical and historical age it can do no harm to recall this. ( 321 ) CHAPTER XIII.1 OX THE METHODS OF MATHEMATICS. EUCLID'S method of demonstration has brought forth from its own womb its most striking parody and caricature in the famous controversy on the theory of parallels, and the attempts, which are repeated every year, to prove the eleventh axiom. This axiom asserts, and indeed supports its assertion by the indirect evidence of a third inter secting line, that two lines inclining towards each other (for that is just the meaning of "less than two right angles ") if produced far enough must meet — a truth which is supposed to be too complicated to pass as self- evident, and therefore requires a demonstration. Such a demonstration, however, cannot be produced, just because there is nothing that is not immediate. This scruple of conscience reminds me of Schiller's question of law : — • " For years I have used my nose for smelling. Have I, then, actually a right to it that can be proved ? " Indeed it seenis to me that the logical method is hereby reduced to absurdity. Yet it is just through the controversies about this, together with the vain attempts to prove what is directly certain as merely indirectly certain, that the self-sufficingness and clearness of intuitive evidence ap pears in contrast with the uselessness and difficulty of logical proof — a contrast which is no less instructive than amusing. The direct certainty is not allowed to be valid here, because it is no mere logical certainty following from the conceptions, thus resting only upon the relation of the 1 This chapter is connected with § 15 of the first volume. VOL. II. X 322 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XIII. predicate to the subject, according to the principle of contradiction. That axiom, however, is a synthetical proposition a priori, and as such has the guarantee of pure, not empirical, perception, which is just as immediate and certain as the principle of contradiction itself, from which all demonstrations first derive their certainty. Ultimately this holds good of every geometrical theorem, and it is quite arbitrary where we draw the line between what is directly certain and what has first to be demon strated. It surprises me that the eighth axiom is not rather attacked. "Figures which coincide with each other are equal to each other." For " coinciding with each other " is either a mere tautology or something purely empirical which does not belong to pure percep tion but to external sensuous experience. It presupposes that the figures may be moved ; but only matter is mov able in space. Therefore this appeal to coincidence leaves pure space — the one element of geometry — in order to pass over to what is material and empirical. The reputed motto of the Platonic lecture-room, " Ayeca- fjieTptyros /i^Sei? eicrmo," of which mathematicians are so proud, was no doubt inspired by the fact that Plato re garded the geometrical figures as intermediate existences between the eternal Ideas and particular things, as Aristotle frequently mentions in his " Metaphysics " (espe cially i. c. 6, p. 887, 998, d Scholia, p. 827, ed. Berol.) Moreover, the opposition between those self-existent eternal forms, or Ideas, and the transitory individual things, was most easily made comprehensible in geometri cal figures, and thereby laid the foundation of the doc trine of Ideas, which is the central point of the philosophy of Plato, and indeed his only serious and decided theo retical dogma. In expounding it, therefore, he started from geometry. In the same sense we are told that he regarded geometry as a preliminary exercise through which the mind of the pupil accustomed itself to deal with incorpo real objects, having hitherto in practical life had only to ON THE METHODS OF MATHEMATICS. 323 do with corporeal things (Sclwl. inAristot., p. 12, 15). This, then, is the sense in which Plato recommended geometry to the philosopher; and therefore one is not justified in extending it further. I rather recommend, as an investi gation of the influence of mathematics upon our mental powers, and their value for scientific culture in general, a very thorough and learned discussion, in the form of a review of a book by Whewell in the Edinburgh Review of January 1836. Its author, who afterwards published it with some other discussions, with his name, is Sir W. Hamilton, Professor of Logic and Metaphysics in Scot land. This work has also found a German translator, and has appeared by itself under the title, " Ueber den Werth und Univerth dcr Matliematik " aus detn Englishen, 1836. The conclusion the author arrives at is that the value of mathematics is only indirect, and lies in the application to ends which are only attainable through them; but in themselves mathematics leave the mind where they find it, and are by no means conducive to its general culture and development, nay, even a decided hindrance. This conclusion is not only proved by tho rough dianoiological investigation of the mathematical activity of the mind, but is also confirmed by a very learned accumulation of examples and authorities. The only direct use which is left to mathematics is that it can accustom restless and unsteady minds to fix their attention. Even Descartes, who was yet himself famous as a mathematician, held the same opinion with regard to mathematics. In the " Vie de Descartes par Baillet" 1693, it is said, Liv. ii. c. 6, p. 54: " Sa propre experience I'avait convaincu du pen dutilite" des mathe'matiques, surtout lorsqu'on ne les cultive que pour dies memes. . . . II ne voyait rien de moins solide, que de soccuper de noinbres tout simples et de figures imaginaires" &c. ( 324 ) CHAPTER XIV. ON THE ASSOCIATION OF IDEAS. THE presence of ideas and thoughts in our consciousness is as strictly subordinated to the principle of sufficient reason in its different forms as the movement of bodies to the law of causality. It is just as little possible that a thought can appear in the mind without an occasion as that a body can be set in motion without a cause. Now this occasion is either external, thus an impression of the senses, or internal, thus itself also a thought which introduces another thought by means of association. This again depends either upon a relation of reason and con sequent between the two ; or upon similarity, even mere analogy ; or lastly upon the circumstance that they were both first apprehended at the same time, which again may have its ground in the proximity in space of their objects. The last two cases are denoted by the word a propos. The predominance of one of these three bonds of association of thoughts over the others is characteristic of the intellectual worth of the man. The first named will predominate in thoughtful and profound minds, the second in witty, ingenious, and poetical minds, and the third in minds of limited capacity. Not less characteristic is the degree of facility with which one thought recalls others that stand in any kind of relation to it ; this constitutes the activeness of the mind. But the im possibility of the appearance of a thought without its sufficient occasion, even when there is the strongest desire to call it up, is proved by all the cases in which we weary ON THE ASSOCIATION OF IDEAS. 325 ourselves in vain to recollect something, and go through the whole store of our thoughts in order to find any one that may be associated with the one we seek; if we find the former, the latter is also found. Whoever wishes to call up something in his memory first seeks for a thread with which it is connected by the association of thoughts. Upon this depends mnemonics : it aims at providing us with easily found occasioners or causes for all the conceptions, thoughts, or words which are to be preserved. But the worst of it is that these occasioners themselves have first to be recalled, and this again re quires an occasioner. How much the occasion accom plishes in memory may be shown in this way. If we have read in a book of anecdotes say fifty anecdotes, and then have laid it aside, immediately afterwards we will some times be unable to recollect a single one of them. But if the occasion comes, or if a thought occurs to us which has any analogy with one of those anecdotes, it imme diately comes back to us ; and so with the whole fifty as opportunity offers. The same thing holds good of all that we read. Our immediate remembrance of words, that is, our remembrance of them without the assistance of mnemonic contrivances, and with it our whole faculty of speech, ultimately depends upon the direct association of thoughts. For the learning of lan guage consists in this, that once for all we so connect a conception with a word that this word will always occur to us along with this conception, and this conception will always occur to us along with this word. We have after wards to repeat the same process in learning every new language ; yet if we learn a language for passive and not for active use — that is, to read, but not to speak, as, for example, most of us learn Greek — then the connection is one-sided, for the conception occurs to us along with the word, but the word does not always occur to us along with the conception. The same procedure as in language be comes apparent in the particular case, in the learning of 326 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XIV. every new proper name. But sometimes we do not trust ourselves to connect directly the name of this person, or town, river, mountain, plant, animal, &c., with the thought of each so firmly that it will call each of them up of it self ; and then we assist ourselves mnemonically, and con nect the image of the person or thing with any perceptible quality the name of which occurs in that of the person or thing. Yet this is only a temporary prop to lean on ; later we let it drop, for the association of thoughts be comes an immediate support. The search of memory for a clue shows itself in a peculiar manner in the case of a dream which we have forgotten on awaking, for in this case we seek in vain for that which a few minutes before occupied our minds with the strength of the clearest present, but now has entirely disappeared. We grasp at any lingering impression by which may hang the clue that by virtue of association would call that dream back again into our conscious ness. According to Kieser, " Tellurismus," Bd. ii. § 271, memory even of what passed in magnetic-somnambular sleep may possibly sometimes be aroused by a sensible sign found when awake. It depends upon the same impossibility of the appearance of a thought without its occasion that if we propose to do anything at a defi nite time, this can only take place if we either think of nothing else till then, or if at the determined time we are reminded of it by something, which may either be an external impression arranged beforehand or a thought which is itself again brought about in the regular way. Both, then, belong to the class of motives. Every morning when wre awake our consciousness is a tabula rasa, which, however, quickly fills itself again. First it is the sur roundings of the previous evening which now reappear, and remind us of what we thought in these surroundings ; to this the events of the previous day link themselves on ; and so one thought rapidly recalls the others, till all that occupied us yesterday is there again. Upon the fact that ON THE ASSOCIATION OF IDEAS. 327 this takes place properly depends the health of the mind, as opposed to madness, which, as is shown in the third book, consists in the existence of great blanks in the memory of past events. But how completely sleep breaks the thread of memory, so that each morning it has to be taken up again, we see in particular cases of the incom pleteness of this operation. For example, sometimes we cannot recall in the morning a melody which the night before ran in our head till we were tired of it. The cases in which a thought or a picture of the fancy suddenly came into our mind without any conscious occa sion seem to afford an exception to what has been said. Yet this is for the most part an illusion, which rests on the fact that the occasion was so trifling and the thought itself so vivid and interesting, that the former is instantly driven out of consciousness. Yet sometimes the cause of such an instantaneous appearance of an idea may be an internal physical impression either of the parts of the brain on each other or of the organic nervous system upon the brain. In general our internal process of thought is in reality not so simple as the theory of it ; for here it is involved in many ways. To make the matter clear to our imagination, let us compare our consciousness to a sheet of water of some depth. Then the distinctly conscious thoughts are merely the surface ; while, on the other hand, the indis tinct thoughts, the feelings, the after sensation of percep tions and of experience generally, mingled with the special disposition of our own will, which is the kernel of our being, is the mass of the water. Now the mass of the whole consciousness is more or less, in proportion to the intellectual activity, in constant motion, and what rise to the surface, in consequence of this, are the clear pictures of the fancy or the distinct, conscious thoughts expressed in words and the resolves of the will. The whole process of our thought and purpose seldom lies on the surface, that is, consists in a combination of distinctly thought 328 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XIV. judgments ; although we strive against this in order that we may be able to explain our thought to ourselves and others. But ordinarily it is in the obscure depths of the mind that the rumination of the materials received from without takes place, through which they are worked up into thoughts ; and it goes on almost as unconsciously as the conversion of nourishment into the humours and substance of the body. Hence it is that we can often give no account of the origin of our deepest thoughts. They are the birth of our myste rious inner life. Judgments, thoughts, purposes, rise from out that deep unexpectedly and to our own surprise. A letter brings us unlooked-for and important news, in con sequence of which our thoughts and motives are disordered ; we get rid of the matter for the present, and think no more about it ; but next day, or on the third or fourth day after, the whole situation sometimes stands distinctly before us, with what we have to do in the circumstances. Consciousness is the mere surface of our mind, of which, as of the earth, we do not know the inside, but only the crust. But in the last instance, or in the secret of our inner being, what sets in activity the association of thought itself, the laws of which were set forth above, is the will, which urges its servant the intellect, according to the measure of its powers, to link thought to thought, to re call the similar, the contemporaneous, to recognise reasons and consequents. For it is to the , interest of the will that, in general, one should think, so that one may be well equipped for all cases that may arise. Therefore the form of the principle of sufficient reason which governs the association of thoughts and keeps it active is ulti mately the law of motivation. For that which rules the sensorium, and determines it to follow the analogy or other association of thoughts in this or that direction, is the will of the thinking subject. Now just as here the laws of the connection of ideas subsist only upon the basis of the will, so also in the real world the causal connection ON THE ASSOCIATION OF IDEAS. 329 cf bodies really subsists only upon the basis of the will, which manifests itself in the phenomena of this world. On this account the explanation from causes is never absolute and exhaustive, but leads back to forces of nature as their condition, and the inner being of the latter is just the will as thing in itself. In saying this, however, I have certainly anticipated the following book. But because now the outward (sensible) occasions of the presence of our ideas, just as well as the inner occa sions (those of association), and both independently of each other, constantly affect the consciousness, there arise from this the frequent interruptions of our course of thought, which introduce a certain cutting up and con fusion of our thinking. This belongs to its imperfections which cannot be explained away, and which we shall now consider in a separate chapter. ( 330 ) CHAPTER XV. ON THE ESSENTIAL IMPERFECTIONS OF THE INTELLECT. OUR self-consciousness has not space but only time as its form, and therefore we do not think in three dimensions, as we perceive, but only in one, thus in a line, without breadth or depth. This is the source of the greatest of the essential imperfections of our intellect. We can know all things only in succession, and can become conscious of only one at a time, indeed even of this one only under the condition that for the time we forget everything else, thus are absolutely unconscious of everything else, 'so that for the time it ceases to exist as far as we are concerned. In respect of this quality our intellect may be compared to a telescope with a very narrow field of vision; just because our consciousness is not stationary but fleeting. The intellect apprehends only successively, and in order to grasp one thing must let another go, retaining nothing but traces of it, which are ever becoming weaker. The thought which is vividly present to me now must after a little while have escaped me altogether ; and if a good night's sleep intervene, it may be that I shall never find it again, unless it is connected with my personal interests, that is, with my will, which always commands the field. Upon this imperfection of the intellect depends the disconnected and often fragmentary nature of our course of thought, which I have already touched on at the close of last chapter ; and from this again arises the unavoidable distraction of our thinking. Sometimes external iinpres- ON THE IMPERFECTIONS OF THE INTELLECT. 331 sions of sense throng in upon it, disturbing and interrupt ing it, forcing different kinds of things upon it every moment ; sometimes one thought draws in another by the bond of association, and is now itself dislodged by it ; sometimes, lastly, the intellect itself is not capable of fixing itself very long and continuously at a time upon one thought, but as the eye when it gazes long at one object is soon unable to see it any more distinctly, because the outlines run into each other and become confused, until finally all is obscure, so through long-continued reflection upon one subject our thinking also is gradually confused, becomes dull, and ends in complete stupor. Therefore after a certain time, which varies with the individual, we must for the present give up every medita tion or deliberation which has had the fortune to remain undisturbed, but yet has not been brought to an end, even if it concerns a matter which is most important and pertinent to us ; and we must dismiss from our conscious ness the subject which interests us so much, however heavily our anxiety about it may weigh upon us, in order to occupy ourselves now with insignificant and indifferent things. During this time that important subject no longer exists for us; it is like the heat in cold water, latent. If now we resume it again at another time, we approach it like a new thing, with which we become acquainted anew, although more quickly, and the agree able or disagreeable impression of it is also produced anew upon our will. We ourselves, however, do not come back quite unchanged. For with the physical composition of the humours and tension of the nerves, which constantly changes with the hours, days, and years, our mood and point of view also changes. Moreover, the different kinds of ideas which have been there in the meantime have left an echo behind them, the tone of which influences the ideas which follow. Therefore the same thing appears to us at different times, in the morn ing, in the evening, at mid-day, or on another day, often 332 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XV. very different; opposite views of it now press upon each other and increase our doubt. Hence we speak of sleeping upon a matter, and for important determinations we de mand a long time for consideration. Now, although this quality of our intellect, as springing from its weakness, has its evident disadvantages, yet, on the other hand, it affords the advantage that after the distraction and the physical change we return to our subject as comparatively new beings, fresh and strange, and thus are able to see it repeatedly in very different lights. From all this it is plain that human consciousness and thought is in its nature necessarily fragmentary, on account of which the theoretical and practical results which are achieved by piecing together such fragments are for the most part defective. In this our thinking consciousness is like a magic lantern, in the focus of which only one picture can appear at a time, and each, even if it represents the noblest objects, must yet soon pass away in order to make room for others of a different, and even most vulgar, description. In practical matters the most important plans and resolutions are formed in general; but others are subordinated to these as means to an end, and others again are subordinated to these, and so on down to the particular case that has to be carried out in concrete. They do not, however, come to be carried out in the order of their dignity, but while we are occupied with plans which are great and general, we have to contend with the most trifling details and the cares of the moment. In this way our consciousness becomes still more desultory. In general, theoretical occupations of the mind unfit us for practical affairs, and vice versd. In consequence of the inevitably distracted and frag mentary nature of all our thinking, which has been pointed out, and the mingling of ideas of different kinds thereby introduced, to which even the noblest human minds are subject, we really have only half a consciousness with which to grope about in the labyrinth of our life and the ON THE IMPERFECTIONS OF THE INTELLECT. 333 obscurity of our investigations ; bright moments some times illuminate our path like lightning. But what is to be expected of heads of which even the wisest is every night the scene of the strangest and most senseless dreams, and which has to take up its meditations again on awaken ing from these ? Clearly a consciousness which is subject to such great limitations is little suited for solving the riddle of the world ; and such an endeavour would neces sarily appear strange and pitiful to a being of a higher order whose intellect had not time as its form, and whose thinking had thus true completeness and unity. Indeed it is really wonderful that we are not completely confused by the very heterogeneous mixture of ideas and fragments of thought of every kind which are constantly crossing eacli other in our minds, but are yet always able to see our way again and make everything agree together. Clearly there must exist a simpler thread upon \vhich everything ranges itself together : but what is this ? Memory alone is not sufficient, for it has essential limitations of which I shall speak shortly, and besides this, it is exceedingly imperfect and untrustworthy. The logical ego or even the transcendental synthetic unity of apperception are ex pressions and explanations which will not easily serve to make the matter comprehensible; they will rather suggest to many : "'Tis true your beard is curly, yet it will not draw you the bolt." Kant's proposition, "The / think must accompany all our ideas," is insufficient ; for the " I " is an unknown quantity, i.e., it is itself a secret. That which gives unity and connection to consciousness in that it runs through all its ideas, and is thus its substratum, its permanent supporter, cannot itself be conditioned by consciousness, therefore cannot be an idea. Rather it must be the prius of consciousness, and the root of the tree of which that is the fruit. This, I say, is the will. It alone is un changeable and absolutely identical, and has brought 334 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XV. forth consciousness for its own ends. Therefore it is also the will which gives it imity and holds together all its ideas and thoughts, accompanying them like a continuous harmony. Without it the intellect would no longer have the unity of consciousness, as a mirror in which now this and now that successively presents itself, or at the most only so much as a convex mirror whose rays unite in an imaginary point behind its surface. But the will alone is that which is permanent and unchangeable in conscious ness. It is the will which holds together all thoughts and ideas as means to its ends, and tinges them with the colour of its own character, its mood, and its interests, commands the attention, and holds in its hand the train of motives whose influence ultimately sets memory and the association of ideas in activity ; at bottom it is the will that is spoken of whenever " I " appears in a judg ment. Thus it is the true and final point of unity of consciousness, and the bond of all its functions and acts ; it does not itself, however, belong to the intellect, but is only its root, source, and controller. From the form of time and the single dimension of the series of ideas, on account of which, in order to take up one, the intellect must let all the others fall, there follows not only its distraction, but also its foryetfulness. Most of what it lets fall it never takes up again ; especi ally since the taking up again is bound to the principle of sufficient reason, and thus demands an occasion which the association of thoughts and motivation have first to supply; an occasion, however, which may be the more remote and smaller in proportion as our sensibility for it is heightened by our interest in the subject. But memory, as I have already shown in the essay on the principle of sufficient reason, is not a store-house, but merely a faculty acquired by practice of calling up ideas at pleasure, which must therefore constantly be kept in practice by use; for otherwise it will gradually be lost. Accordingly the knowledge even of the learned ON THE IMPERFECTIONS OF THE INTELLECT. 335 man exists only virtualiter as an acquired facility in calling up certain ideas ; actualiter, on the other hand, it also is confined to one idea, and is only conscious of this one at a time. Hence arises a strange contrast between what he knows potentid and what he knows actu ; that is, between his knowledge and what he thinks at any moment : the former is an immense and always somewhat chaotic mass, the latter is a single distinct thought. The relation resembles that between the in numerable stars of the heavens and the limited field of vision of the telescope ; it appears in a striking manner when upon some occasion he wishes to call distinctly to his remembrance some particular circumstance in his knowledge, and time and trouble are required to produce it from that chaos. Rapidity in doing this is a special gift, but is very dependent upon day and hour ; therefore memory sometimes refuses us its service, even in things which at another time it has readily at hand. This consideration calls us in our studies to strive more to attain to correct insight than to increase our learning, and to lay it to heart that the quality of knowledge is more important than its quantity. The latter imparts to books only thickness, the former thoroughness and also style ; for it is an intensive quantity, while the other is merely extensive. It consists in the distinctness and com pleteness of the conceptions, together with the purity and accuracy of the knowledge of perception which forms their foundation ; therefore the whole of knowledge in all its parts is penetrated by it, and in proportion as it is so is valuable or trifling. With a small quantity, but of good quality, one achieves more than with a very large quantity of bad quality. The most perfect and satisfactory knowledge is that of perception, but it is limited absolutely to the particular, the individual. The combination of the many and the different in one, idea is only possible through the conception, that is, through the omission of the differences ; therefore 336 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XV. this is a very imperfect manner of presenting things to the mind. Certainly the particular also can be directly comprehended as a universal, if it is raised to the (Pla tonic) Idea ; but in this process, which I have analysed in the third book, the intellect already passes beyond the limits of individuality, and therefore of time ; more over it is only an exception. These inner and essential imperfections of the intellect are further increased by a disturbance which, to a certain extent, is external to it, but yet is unceasing — the influence exerted by the will upon all its operations whenever it is in any way concerned in their result. Every passion, indeed every inclination and aversion, tinges the objects of knowledge with its colour. Of most common occurrence is the falsifying of knowledge which is brought about by wishes and hopes, for they picture to us the scarcely possible as probable and well nigh certain, and make us almost incapable of comprehending what is opposed to it : fear acts in a similar way ; and every preconceived opinion, every partiality, and, as has been said, every interest, every emotion and inclination of the will, acts in an analogous manner. To all these imperfections of the intellect we have finally to add this, that it grows old with the brain, that is, like all physiological functions, it loses its energy in later years, whereby all its imperfections are then much increased. The defective nature of the intellect here set forth will not, however, surprise us if we look back at its origin and destiny as established by me in the second book. Nature has produced it for the service of an individual will. Therefore it is only designed to know things so far as they afford the motives of such a will, but not to fathom them or comprehend their true being. Human intellect is only a higher gradation of the intellect of the brutes ; and as this is entirely confined to the present, our intellect also bears strong traces of this limitation. ON THE IMPERFECTIONS OF THE INTELLECT. 337 Therefore our memory and recollection is something very imperfect. How little of all that we have done, experi enced, learnt, or read, can we recall ! And even this little for the most part only laboriously and imperfectly. For the same reasons is it so very difficult for us to keep ourselves free from the impressions of the present. Un consciousness is the original and natural condition of all things, and therefore also the basis from which, in par ticular species of beings, consciousness results as their highest efflorescence ; wherefore even then unconscious ness always continues to predominate. Accordingly most existences are without consciousness ; but yet they act according to the laws of their nature, i.e., of their will. Plants have at most a very weak analogue of conscious ness ; the lowest species of animals only the dawn of it. But even after it has ascended through the whole series of animals to man and his reason, the unconsciousness of plants, from which it started, still remains the foundation, and may be traced in the necessity for sleep, and also in all those essential and great imperfections, here set forth, of every intellect produced through physiological functions; and of another intellect we have no conception. The imperfections here proved to be essential to the intellect are constantly increased, however, in particular cases, by non-essential imperfections. The intellect is never in every respect what it possibly might be. The perfections possible to it are so opposed that they exclude each other. Therefore no man can be at once Plato and Aristotle, or Shakspeare and Newton, or Kant and Goethe. The imperfections of the intellect, on the contrary, consort very well together ; therefore in reality it for the most part remains far below what it might be. Its functions depend upon so very many conditions, which we can only compre hend as anatomical and physiological, in the phenomenon in which alone they are given us, that a decidedly excelling intellect, even in one respect alone, is among the rarest of natural phenomena. Therefore the productions of such an VOL. II. Y 338 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XV. intellect are preserved through thousands of years, indeed every relic of such a highly favoured individual becomes a most valuable treasure. From such an intellect down to that which approaches imbecility the gradations are innumerable. And primarily, in conformity with these gradations, the mental horizon of each of us varies very much from the mere comprehension of the present, which even the brute has, to that which also embraces the next hour, the day, even the morrow, the week, the year, the life, the century, the thousand years, up to that of the con sciousness which has almost always present, even though obscurely dawning, the horizon of the infinite, and whose thoughts therefore assume a character in keeping with this. Further, that difference among intelligences shows itself in the rapidity of their thinking, which is very im portant, and which may be as different and as finely gradu ated as that of the points in the radius of a revolving disc. The remoteness of the consequents and reasons to which any one's thought can extend seems to stand in a certain relation to the rapidity of his thinking, for the greatest exertion of thought-power in general can only last quite a short time, and yet only while it lasts can a thought be thought out in its complete unity. It therefore amounts to this, how far the intellect can pursue it in so short a time, thus what length of path it can travel in it. On the other hand, in the case of some, rapidity may be made up for by the greater duration of that time of perfectly concentrated thought. Probably the slow and lasting thought makes the mathematical mind, while rapidity of thought makes the genius. The latter is a flight, the former a sure advance upon firm ground, step by step. Yet even in the sciences, whenever it is no longer a question of mere quantities, but of understanding the nature of phenomena, this last kind of thinking is in adequate. This is shown, for example, by Newton's theory of colour, and later by Biot's nonsense about colour rings, which yet agrees with the whole atomistic method of ON THE IMPERFECTIONS OF THE INTELLECT. 339 treating light among the French, with its molecules de lumiere, and in general with their fixed idea of reducing everything in nature to mere mechanical effects. Lastly, the great individual diversity of intelligence we are speaking about shows itself excellently in the degrees of the clearness of understanding, and accordingly in the distinctness of the whole thinking. To one man that is to understand which to another is only in some degree to observe ; the one is already done and at the goal while the other is only at the beginning ; to the one that is the solution which to the other is only the problem. This depends on the quality of thought and knowledge, which was already referred to above. As in rooms the degree of light varies, so does it in minds. We can detect this quality of the whole thought as soon as we have read only a few pages of an author. For in doing so we have been obliged to understand both o o with his understanding and in his sense ; and there fore before we know all that he has thought we see already how he thinks, what is the formal nature, the texture of his thinking, which remains the same in every thing about which he thinks, and whose expression is the train of thought and the style. In this we feel at once the pace, the flexibleness and lightness, even indeed the soaring power of his mind; or, on the contrary, its dulness, formality, lameness and leaden quality. For, as language is the expression of the mind of a nation, style is the more immediate expression of the mind of an author than even his physiognomy. We throw a book aside when we observe that in it we enter an obscurer region than our own, unless we have to learn from it mere facts, not thoughts. Apart from mere facts, only that author will afford us profit whose understanding is keener and clearer than our own, who forwards our thinking instead of hindering it, like the dull mind that O o will force us to keep pace with the toad-like course of its thought ; thus that author with whose mind it gives 340 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XV. us sensible relief and assistance sometimes to think, by whom we feel ourselves borne where we could not have gone alone. Goethe once said to me that if he read a page of Kant he felt as if he entered a brightly lighted room. Inferior minds are so not merely because they are distorted, and therefore judge falsely, but primarily through the indistinctness of their whole thinking, which may be compared to seeing through a bad telescope, when all the outlines appear indistinct and as if ob literated, and the different objects run into each other. The weak understanding of such minds shrinks from the demand for distinctness of conceptions, and therefore they do not themselves make this claim upon it, but put up with haziness ; and to satisfy themselves with this they gladly have recourse to words, especially such as denote indefinite, very abstract, unusual conceptions which are hard to explain ; such, for example, as infinite and finite, sensible and supersensible, the Idea of being, Ideas of the reason, the absolute, the Idea of the good, the divine, moral freedon, power of spontaneous generation, the absolute Idea, subject-object, &c. The like of these they confidently fling about, imagine they really express thoughts, and expect every one to be content with them ; for the highest summit of wisdom which they can see is to have at command such ready-made words for every possible question. This immense satisfaction in words is thoroughly characteristic of inferior minds. It depends simply upon their incapacity for distinct conceptions, whenever these must rise above the most trivial and simple relations. Hence upon the weakness and indolence of their intellect, and indeed upon the secret conscious ness of this, which in the case of scholars is bound up with the early learnt and hard necessity of passing them selves off as thinking beings, to meet which demand in all cases they keep such a suitable store of ready-made words. It must really be amusing to see a professor of philosophy of this kind in the chair, who bond fide delivers O.V THE IMPERFECTIONS OF THE INTELLECT. 341 such a juggle of words destitute of thoughts, quite sin cerely, under the delusion that they are really thoughts, and in front of him the students, who just as land fide, i.e., under the same delusion, listen attentively and take notes, while yet in reality neither the one nor the other goes beyond the words, but rather these words themselves, to gether with the audible scratching of pens, are the only realities iu the whole matter. This peculiar satisfaction in words has more than anything else to do with the per petuation of errors. For, relying on the words and phrases received from his predecessors, each one confidently passes over obscurities and problems, and thus these are pro pagated through centuries from book to book ; and the thinking man, especially in youth, is in doubt whether it may be that he is incapable of understanding it, or that there is really nothing here to understand ; and similarly, whether for others the problem which they all slink past with such comical seriousness by the same path is no problem at all, or whether it is only that they will not see it. Many truths remain undiscovered simply on this account, that no one has the courage to look the problem in the face and grapple with it. On the contrary, the distinctness of thought and clearness of conceptions peculiar to eminent minds produces the effect that even known truths when brought forward by them gain new light, or at least a new stimulus. If we hear them or read them, it is as if we exchanged a bad telescope for a good one. Let one only read, for example, in Euler's " Letters to the Princess," his exposition of the fundamental truths of mechanics and optics. Upon this rests the remark of Diderot in the Neveu de Earneau, that only the perfect masters are capable of teaching really well the elements of a science ; just because it is only they who really under stand the questions, and for them words never take the place of thoughts. But we ought to know that inferior minds are the rule, good minds the exception, eminent minds very rare, 342 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XV. and genius a portent. How otherwise could a human race consisting of about eight hundred million individuals have left so much after six thousand years to discover, to invent, to think out, and to say ? The intellect is calcu lated for the support of the individual alone, and as a rule it is only barely sufficient even for this. But nature has wisely been very sparing of conferring a larger measure ; for the man of limited intelligence can survey the few and simple relations which lie within reach of his narrow sphere of action, and can control the levers of them with much greater ease than could the eminently intellectual man who commands an incomparably larger sphere and works with long levers. Thus the insect sees everything on its stern or leaf with the most minute exactness, and better than we, and yet is not aware of the man who stands within three steps of it. This is the reason of the slyness of half-witted persons, and the ground of the paradox : II y a un mystere dans I' esprit des gens qui n'en ont pas. For practical life genius is about as useful as an astral telescope in a theatre. Thus, with regard to the intellect nature is highly aristocratic. The dis tinctions which it has established are greater than those which are made in any country by birth, rank, wealth, or caste. But in the aristocracy of intellect, as in other aristocracies, there are many thousands of plebeians for one nobleman, many millions for one prince, and the great multitude of men are mere populace, mob, rabble, la canaille. Now certainly there is a glaring contrast be tween the scale of rank of nature and that of convention, and their agreement is only to be hoped for in a golden age. Meanwhile those who stand very high in the one scale of rank and in the other have this in common, that for the most part they live in exalted isolation, to which Byron refers when he says : — " To feel me in the solitude of kings Without the power that makes them bear a crown." — Proph. of Dante, c. I. ON THE IMPERFECTIONS OF THE INTELLECT. 343 For intellect is a differentiating, and therefore a separating principle. Its different grades, far more than those of mere culture, give to each man different conceptions, in consequence of which each man lives to a certain extent in a different world, in which he can directly meet those only who are like himself, and can only attempt to speak to the rest and make himself understood by them from a distance. Great differences in the grade and in the cultivation of the understanding fix a wide gulf between man and man, which can only be crossed by benevolence ; for it is, on the contrary, the unifying principle, which identifies every one else with its own self. Yet the con nection remains a moral one ; it cannot become intellectual. Indeed, when the degree of culture is about the same, the conversation between a man of great intellect and an ordinary man is like the journey together of two men, one of whom rides on a spirited horse and the other goes on foot. It soon becomes very trying to both of them, and for any length of time impossible. For a short way the rider can indeed dismount, in order to walk with the other, though even then the impatience of his horse will give him much to do. But the public could be benefited by nothing so much as by the recognition of that intellectual aristocracy of nature. By virtue of such recognition it would compre hend that when facts are concerned, thus when the matter has to be decided from experiments, travels, codes, histories, and chronicles, the normal mind is certainly sufficient; but, on the other hand, when mere thoughts are in question, especially those thoughts the material or data of which are within reach of every one, thus when it is really only a question of thinking before others, decided reflectiveness, native eminence, which only nature bestows, and that very seldom, is inevitably demanded, and no one deserves to be heard who does not at once give proofs of this. If the public could be brought to see this for itself, it would no longer waste the time which is sparingly 344 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XV. measured out to it for its culture on the productions of ordinary minds, thus on the innumerable botches of poetry and philosophy which are produced every day. It would no longer seize always what is newest, in the childish delusion that books, like eggs, must be enjoyed while they are fresh, but would confine itself to the works of the few select and chosen minds of all ages and nations, would strive to learn to know and understand them, and might thus by degrees attain to true culture. And then, also, those thousands of uncalled-for productious which, like tares, hinder the growth of the good wheat would be discontinued. ( 345 ) CHAPTER XVI.1 ON THE PRACTICAL USE OF REASON AND ON STOICISM. IN the seventh chapter I have shown that, in the theo retical sphere, procedure based upon conceptions suffices for mediocre achievements only, while great achievements, on the other hand, demand that we should draw from perception itself as the primary source of all knowledge. In the practical sphere, however, the converse is the case. Here determination by what is perceived is the way of the brutes, but is unworthy of man, who has conceptions to guide his conduct, and is thus emancipated from the power of what is actually perceptibly present, to which the brute is unconditionally given over. In proportion as a man makes good this prerogative his conduct may be called rational, and only in this sense can we speak of practical reason, not in the Kantian sense, the inadmis- sibility of which I have thoroughly exposed in my prize essay on the foundation of morals. It is not easy, however, to let oneself be determined by conceptions alone; for the directly present external world, with its perceptible reality, intrudes itself forcibly even on the strongest mind. But it is just in con quering this impression, in destroying its illusion, that the human spirit shows its worth and greatness. Thus if incitements to lust and pleasure leave it unaffected, if the threats and fury of enraged enemies do not shake it, if the entreaties of erring friends do not make its 1 This chapter is connected with § 16 of the first volume. 346 FIRST BOOK. CHAPTER XVI. purpose waver, and the delusive forms with which pre concerted plots surround it leave it unmoved, if the scorn of fools and of the vulgar herd does not disturb it nor trouble it as to its own worth, then it seems to stand under the influence of a spirit-world, visible to it alone (and this is the world of conceptions), before which that perceptibly present world which lies open to all dissolves like a phantom. But, on the other hand, what gives to the external world and visible reality their great power over the mind is their nearness and directness. As the magnetic needle, which is kept in its position by the combined action of widely distributed forces of nature embracing the whole earth, can yet be perturbed and set in violent oscillation by a small piece of iron, if only it comes quite close to it, so even a great mind can some times be disconcerted and perturbed by trifling events and insignificant men, if only they affect it very closely, and the deliberate purpose can be for the moment shaken by a trivial but immediately present counter motive. For the influence of the motives is subject to a law which is directly opposed to the law according to which weights act on a balance, and in consequence of it a very small motive, which, however, lies very near to us, can out weigh one which in itself is much stronger, but which only affects us from, a distance. But it is this quality of the mind, by reason of which it allows itself to be determined in accordance with this law, and does not withdraw itself from it by the strength of actual practical reason, which the ancients denoted by animi impotentia, which really signifies ratio regendce voluntatis impotens. Every emotion (animi perturbatio) simply arises from the fact that an idea which affects our will comes so exces sively near to us that it conceals everything else from us, and we can no longer see anything but it, so that for the moment we become incapable of taking account of things of another kind. It would be a valuable safe guard against this if we were to bring ourselves to regard ON THE USE OF REASON AND STOICISM. 347 the present, by the assistance of imagination, as if it were past, and should thus accustom our apperception to the epistolary style of the Romans. Yet conversely we are very well able to regard what is long past as so vividly present that old emotions which have long been asleep are thereby reawakened in their full strength. Thus also no one would be irritated or disconcerted by a misfortune, a disappointment, if reason always kept present to him what man really is : the most needy of creatures, daily and hourly abandoned to innumerable misfortunes, great and small, TO BeiXoTarov faov, who has therefore to live in constant care and fear. Herodotus already says, " Hav € fyv Kara (frvaiv, d\Xa p.rj Trpo? ra? rwv 7To\\(ov So£a?." (Cynicce philosophic ut etiam omnis philosophic^, scopus et finis est feliciter vivere : felicitas vitce autem in eo posita est, ut secundum naturam vivatur, nee vero secundum opiniones multitudinis.) Only the Cynics followed quite a peculiar path to this end, a path directly opposed to the ordinary one — the path of extreme priva tion. They start from the insight that the motions of the will which are brought about by the objects which attract and excite it, and the wearisome, and for the most part vain, efforts to attain these, or, if they are attained, the fear of losing them, and finally the loss itself, produce far greater pain than the want of all these objects ever can. Therefore, in order to attain to the life that is most free from pain, they chose the path of the extremest desti tution, and fled from all pleasures as snares through which one was afterwards handed over to pain. But after this they could boldly scorn happiness and its caprices. This is the spirit of cynicism. Seneca dis tinctly expresses it in the eighth chapter, " De Tranquili- tate Animi : " " Cogitandum est, quanto levior dolor sit, non habere, quam perdere : et intelligemus paupertati eo mino- rem tormentorum, quo minorem damnorum esse materiam." Then : " Tolerabilius est, faciliusque, non acquirere, quam amittere. . . . Diogenes effecit, ne quid sibi eripi posset, . . . qui se fortuitis omnibus exuit. . . . Videtur mihi dixisse ; age tuum ner/otium, fortuna : nihil apud Diogenem jam tuum est." The parallel passage to this last sentence is the quotation of Stobasus (Eel. ii. /) : "Aioyevr]? e^ vofju- %eiv opav rrjv Tvyr,v evopwcrav avrov Kai Xeyovcrav' TOVTOV ON THE USE OF REASON AND STOICISM. 351 S'ov Svva/jiai fBaXeeiv Kvva 'Xvcra^rrj pa." (Diogenes credere se dixit, videre Fortunam, ipsum intuentem, ac dicentem : aut hunc non potui tetiyisse canem rabiosum.) The same spirit of cynicism is also shown in the epitaph on Diogenes, in Suidas, under the word ^iTuoveo?, and in " Diogenes Laertius," vi. 2 : " TrjpaffKfi fjifv %aX«os VTTO XPOVOV' KvSos a was aiuv, Aioyevij^, M owes firei pioTris avrapKea 5o£ac eSetfas QVTJTOLS, /ecu fco?;s OI/JLOV f\a.(j)pora.rt)V," {JEra quidem absumit tempus, sed tempore numquam Interitura tua est gloria, Diogenes : Quandoquidem ad vitam miseris mortalibus cequam Monstrata estfacilis, te duce, et ampla via.) Accordingly the fundamental thought of cynicism is that life in its simplest and nakedest form, with the hardships that belong to it by nature, is the most endurable, and is therefore to be chosen ; for every assistance, convenience, gratification, and pleasure by means of which men seek to make life more agreeable only brings with it new and greater ills than originally belonged to it. Therefore we may regard the following sentence as the expression of the kernel of the doctrine of cynicism: " Awyevris efioq TTO\- \a/av' rj/jiiv. In this sense, Epictetus, chap, vii., says that the wise man, like one who has landed from a ship, &c., will also let himself be comforted by a wife or a child, but yet will always be ready, whenever the captain calls, to let them go again. Thus the Stoics perfected the theory of equanimity and independence at the cost of the practice, for they reduced everything to a mental process, and by arguments, such as are presented in the first chapter of Epictetus, sophisticated themselves into all the amenities of life. But in doing so they left out of account that everything to which one is accustomed becomes a need, and therefore can only be given up with pain ; that the will does not allow itself to be played with, cannot enjoy without loving the pleasures ; that a dog does not remain indifferent if one draws a piece of meat through its mouth, and neither does a wise man if he is hungry; and that there is no middle path between desiring and renouncing. But they believed that they satisfied their principles if, sitting at a luxurious Roman table, they left no dish untasted, yet at the same time protested that they were each and all of them mere Trpoiufieva, not ajaOa ; or in plain English, if they eat, drank, and were merry, yet ON THE USE OF REASON AND STOICISM. 355 gave no thanks to God for it all, but rather made fastidious faces, and persisted in boldly asserting that they gained nothing whatever from the whole feast. This was the expedient of the Stoics ; they were therefore mere brag garts, and stand to the Cynics in much the same relation as well-fed Benedictines and Augustines stand to Francis cans and Capucines. Now the more they neglected practice, the more they refined the theory. I shall here add a few proofs and supplementary details to the exposi tion of it given at the close of our first book. If we search in the writings of the Stoics which re main to us, all of which are unsystematically composed, for the ultimate ground of that irrefragible equanimity which is unceasingly demanded of us, we find no other than the knowledge that the course of the world is entirely independent of our will, and consequently, that the evil which befalls us is inevitable. If we have regulated our claims by a correct insight into this, then mourning, rejoicing, fearing, and hoping are follies of which we are no longer capable. Further, especially in the commen taries of Arrian, it is surreptitiously assumed that all that is OVK € r^jiiv (i.e., does not depend upon us) is at once also ov 7r/3o ^^iv), we must direct our volitions and desires according to the course of things : for the will alone is e<£' TJ^IV. This adaptation of volition to the course of the external world, thus to the nature of things, is very often understood under the ambiguous Kara fyvanv %gv. See the " Discourses of Epictetus," ii. 17, 21, 22. Seneca also denotes this point of view (E^. 119) when he says: " Nihil interest, utrum non desideres, an habeas. Summa rei in utroque est eadem: non torqueberis." Also Cicero (Tusc. iv. 26) by the words : " Solum halere velle, summa dementia est," ON THE USE OF REASON AND STOICISM. 357 Similarly Arrian (iv. i. 175): " Ov yap eKTrXrjpcoa-ei rtav €7ridvfj,ov/jiei'0)v e\.6v0epia irapaaKeva^erai, aXka avaarcevr) TT;? €7ri6v/ALa<;." (Non cnim explcndis desideriis libertas comparatur, sed tollenda cupiditate.) The collected quotations in the " Historia Philosophies Grceco-Romance" of Hitter and Preller may be taken as proofs of what I have said, in the place referred to above, about the o/j,o\oi\6ao(f)ov 7r\r)6ova€i avveo-Trj/cvias, rj (frvcriKi} av eirj TrpUtTTj eTTiarrj/j-Tf]' et Be eari T*$ ovcria afctvrjTos, avrr) TT pore pa Kai i\ocro(f>ia Trpayrfj, Kai Kado\ov euro)?, So9, materiel mendacium verax), but as an ingredient in the perceived object, is a mere abstraction, which for itself alone can be given in no experience. It will be fully considered later on in a chapter of its own. But the perceived object must be something in itself, and not merely something for others. For otherwise it would be altogether merely idea, and we would have an absolute idealism, which would ultimately become theo retical egoism., with which all reality disappears and the world becomes a mere subjective phantasm. If, however, without further question, we stop altogether at the world as idea, then certainly it is all one whether I explain objects as ideas in my head or as phenomena exhibiting themselves in time and space ; for time and space them selves exist only in my head. In this sense, then, an identity of the ideal and the real might always be affirmed ; only, after Kant, this would not be saying anything new. Besides this, however, the nature of things and of the phe nomenal world would clearly not be thereby exhausted ; but with it we would always remain still upon the ideal side. The real side must be something toto genere diffe rent from the world as idea, it must be that which things are in themselves; and it is this entire diversity between the ideal and the real which Kant has proved in the most thorough manner. Locke had denied to the senses the knowledge of things as they are in themselves ; but Kant denied this also to the perceiving understanding, under which name I here comprehend what he calls the pure sensibility, and, as it ON KNOWING THE THING IN ITSELF. 403 is given a priori, the law of causality which brings abcmt the empirical perception. Not only are both right, but we can also see quite directly that a contradiction lies in the assertion that a thing is known as it is in and for itself, i.e., outside of knowledge. For all knowing is, as we have said, essentially a perceiving of ideas ; but my perception of ideas, just because it is mine, can never be identical with the inner nature of the thing outside of me. The being in and for itself, of everything, must necessarily be subjective ; in the idea of another, however, it exists just as necessarily as objective — a difference which can never be fully reconciled. For by it the whole nature of its existence is fundamentally changed ; as objective it presupposes a foreign subject, as whose idea it exists, and, moreover, as Kant has shown, has entered forms which are foreign to its own nature, just because they belong to that foreign subject, whose knowledge is only possible by means of them. If I, ab sorbed in this reflection, perceive, let us say lifeless bodies, of easily surveyed magnitude and regular, comprehensible form, and now attempt to conceive this spatial existence, in its three dimensions, as their being in itself, consequently as the existence which to the things is subjective, the im possibility of the thing is at once apparent to me, for I can never think those objective forms as the being which to the things is subjective, rather I become directly conscious that what I there perceive is only a picture produced in my brain, and existing only for me as the knowing subject, which cannot constitute the ultimate, and therefore sub jective, being in and for itself of even these lifeless bodies. But, on the other hand, I must not assume that even these lifeless bodies exist only in my idea, but, since they have inscrutable qualities, and, by virtue of these, activity, I must concede to them a being in itself of some kind. But this very inscrutableness of the properties, while, on the one hand, it certainly points to something which exists independently of our knowledge, gives also, on the other hand, the empirical proof that our knowledge, because it 404 SECOND BOOK. CHAPTER XVIII. consists simply in framing ideas by means of subjective forms, affords us always mere phenomena, not the true being of things. This is the explanation of the fact that in all that we know there remains hidden from us a certain something, as quite inscrutable, and we are obliged to con fess that we cannot thoroughly understand even the com monest and simplest phenomena. For it is not merely the highest productions of nature, living creatures, or the com plicated phenomena of the unorganised world that remain inscrutable to us, but even every rock-crystal, every iron- pyrite, by reason of its crystallographical, optical, chemical, and electrical properties, is to the searching consideration and investigation an abyss of incomprehensibilities and mysteries. This could not be the case if we knew things as they are in themselves ; for then at least the simpler phe nomena, the path to whose qualities was not barred for us by ignorance, would necessarily be thoroughly compre hensible to us, and their whole being and nature would be able to pass over into our knowledge. Thus it lies not in the defectiveness of our acquaintance with things, but in the nature of knowledge itself. For if our perception, and consequently the whole empirical comprehension of the things that present themselves to us, is already essen tially and in the main determined by our faculty of know ledge, and conditioned by its forms and functions, it can not but be that things exhibit themselves in a manner which is quite different from their own inner nature, and therefore appear as in a mask, which allows us merely to assume what is concealed beneath it, but never to know it ; hence, then, it gleams through as an inscrutable mystery, and never can the nature of anything entire and without reserve pass over into knowledge ; but much less can any real thing be construed a priori, like a mathema tical problem. Thus the empirical inscrutableness of all natural things is a proof a posteriori of the ideality and merely phenomenal-actuality of their empirical existence. According to all this, upon the path of objective know- ON KNOWING THE THING IN ITSELF. 405 ledge, hence starting from the idea, one will never get be yond the idea, i.e., the phenomenon. One will thus remain at the outside of things, and will never be able to penetrate to their inner nature and investigate what they are in them selves, i.e., for themselves. So far I agree with Kant. But, as the counterpart of this truth, I have given prominence to this other truth, that we are not merely the knowing subject, but, in another aspect, we ourselves also belong to the inner nature that is to be known, we ourselves are the thing in itself; that therefore a way from within stands open for us to that inner nature belonging to things themselves, to which we cannot penetrate from without, as it were a subterranean passage, a secret alliance, which, as if by treachery, places us at once within the fortress which it was impossible to take by assault from without. The thing in itself can, as such, only come into consciousness quite directly, in this way, that it is itself conscious of itself: to wish to know it objectively is to desire something contradictory. Everything objective is idea, therefore appearance, mere phenomenon of the brain. Kant's chief result may in substance be thus concisely stated : " All conceptions which have not at their founda tion a perception in space and time (sensuous intuition), that is to say then, whi'h have not been drawn from such a perception, are absolutely empty, i.e., give no knowledge. But since now perception can afford us only phenomena, not things in themselves, we have also abso lutely no knowledge of things in themselves." I grant this of everything, with the single exception of the know ledge which each of us has of his own willing: this is neither a perception (for all perception is spatial) nor is it empty ; rather it is more real than any other. Further, it is not a priori, like merely formal knowledge, but entirely a posteriori; hence also we cannot anticipate it in the particular case, but are hereby often convicted of error concerning ourselves. In fact, our willing is the one opportunity which we have of understanding from within 406 SECOND BOOK. CHAPTER XVIII. any event which exhibits itself without, consequently the one thing which is known to us immediately, and not, like all the rest, merely given in the idea. Here, then, lies the datum which alone is able to become the key to everything else, or, as I have said, the single narrow door to the truth. Accordingly we must learn to understand nature from our selves, not conversely ourselves from nature. What is known to us immediately must give us the explanation of what we only know indirectly, not conversely. Do we perhaps understand the rolling of a ball when it has re ceived an impulse more thoroughly than our movement when we feel a motive ? Many may imagine so, but I say it is the reverse. Yet we shall attain to the know ledge that what is essential in both the occurrences just mentioned is identical; although identical in the same way as the lowest audible note of harmony is the same as the note of the same name ten octaves higher. Meanwhile it should be carefully observed, and I have always kept it in mind, that even the inward experience which we have of our own will by no means affords us an exhaustive and adequate knowledge of the thing in itself. This would be the case if it were entirely an immediate experience ; but it is effected in this way : the will, with and by means of the corporisation, provides itself also with an intellect (for the sake of its relations to the external world), and through this now knows itself as will in self- consciousness (the necessary counterpart of the external world); this knowledge therefore of the thing in itself is not fully adequate. First of all, it is bound to the form of the idea, it is apprehension, and as such falls asunder into subject and object. For even in self-con sciousness the I is not absolutely simple, but consists of a knower, the intellect, and a known, the will. The former is not known, and the latter does not know, though both unite in the consciousness of an I. But just on this account that I is not thoroughly intimate with itself, as it were transparent, but is opaque, and therefore remains a ON KNOWING THE THING IN ITSELF. 407 riddle to itself, thus even in inner knowledge there also exists a difference between the true being of its object and the apprehension of it in the knowing subject. Yet inner knowledge is free from two forms which belong to outer knowledge, the form of space and the form of causality, which is the means of effecting all sense-perception. On the other hand, there still remains the form of time, and that of being known and knowing in general. Accord ingly in this inner knowledge the thing in itself has indeed in great measure thrown off its veil, but still does not yet appear quite naked. In consequence of the form of time which still adheres to it, every one knows his will only in its successive acts, and not as a whole, in and for itself: therefore no one knows his character a priori, but only learns it through experience and always incom pletely. But yet the apprehension, in which we know the affections and acts of our own will, is far more imme diate than any other. It is the point at which the thing in itself most directly enters the phenomenon and is most closely examined by the knowing subject ; therefore the event thus intimately known is alone fitted to become the interpreter of all others. For in every emergence of an act of will from the ob scure depths of our inner being into the knowing con sciousness a direct transition occurs of the thing in itself, which lies outside time, into the phenomenal world. Ac cordingly the act of will is indeed only the closest and most distinct manifestation of the thing in itself ; yet it follows from this that if all other manifestations or phe nomena could be known by us as directly and inwardly, we would be obliged to assert them to be that which the will is in us. Thus in this sense I teach that the inner nature of everything is will, and I call will the thing in itself. Kant's doctrine of the unknowableness of the thing in itself is hereby modified to this extent, that the thing in itself is only not absolutely and from the very foundation knowable, that yet by far the most immediate 408 SECOND BOOK. CHAPTER XVIII. of its phenomena, which by this immediateness is toto genere distinguished from all the rest, represents it for us ; and accordingly we have to refer the whole world of phe nomena to that one in which the thing in itself appears in the very thinnest of veils, and only still remains pheno menon in so far as my intellect, which alone is capable of knowledge, remains ever distinguished from me as the willing subject, and moreover does not even in inner per fection put off the form of knowledge of time. Accordingly, even after this last and furthest step, the question may still be raised, what that will, which ex hibits itself in the world and as the world, ultimately and absolutely is in itself ? i.e., what it is, regarded altogether apart from the fact that it exhibits itself as will, or in general appears, i.e., in general is known. This question can never be answered : because, as we have said, becom ing known is itself the contradictory of being in itself, and everything that is known is as such only phenomenal. But the possibility of this question shows that the thing in itself, which we know most directly in the will, may have, entirely outside all possible phenomenal appearance, ways of existing, determinations, qualities, which are abso lutely unknowable and incomprehensible to us, and which remain as the nature of the thing in itself, when, as is explained in the fourth book, it has voluntarily abrogated itself as will, and has therefore retired altogether from the phenomenon, and for our knowledge, i.e., as regards the world of phenomena, has passed into empty nothingness. If the will were simply and absolutely the thing in itself this nothing would also be absolute, instead of which it expressly presents itself to us there as only relative. I now proceed to supplement with a few considerations pertinent to the subject the exposition given both in our second book and in the work " Ueber den Willen in der Natur" of the doctrine that what makes itself known to us in the most immediate knowledge as will is also that which objectifies itself at different grades in all the phe- ON KNOWING THE THING IN ITSELF. 409 nomena of this world ; and I shall begin by citing a num ber of psychological facts which prove that first of all in our own consciousness the will always appears as primary and fundamental, and throughout asserts its superiority to the intellect, which, on the other hand, always presents itself as secondary, subordinate, and conditioned. This proof is the more necessary as all philosophers before me, from the first to the last, place the true being or the kernel of man in the knowing consciousness, and accordingly have conceived and explained the I, or, in the case of many of them, its transcendental hypo- stasis called soul, as primarily and essentially knowing, nay, thinking, and only in consequence of this, secondarily and derivatively, as willing. This ancient and universal radical error, this enormous wpwrov tyevSos and fundamen tal varepov irporepov, must before everything be set aside, and instead of it the true state of the case must be brought to perfectly distinct consciousness. Since, how ever, this is done here for the first time, after thousands of years of philosophising, some fulness of statement will be appropriate. The remarkable phenomenon, that in this most essential point all philosophers have erred, nay, have exactly reversed the truth, might, especially in the case of those of the Christian era, be partly explicable from the fact that they all had the intention of presenting man as distinguished as widely as possible from the brutes, yet at the same time obscurely felt that the difference between them lies in the intellect, not in the will ; whence there arose unconsciously within them an inclination to make the intellect the essential and principal thing, and even to explain volition as a mere function of the intellect. Hence also the conception of a soul is not only inadmis sible, because it is a transcendent hypostasis, as is proved by the " Critique of Pure Eeason," but it becomes the source of irremediable errors, because in its " simple sub stance " it establishes beforehand an indivisible unity of knowledge and will, the separation of which is just the 410 SECOND BOOK. CHAPTER XVIII. path to the truth. That conception must therefore appear no more in philosophy, but may be left to German doc tors and physiologists, who, after they have laid aside scalpel and spattle, amuse themselves by philosophising with the conceptions they received when they were con firmed. They might certainly try their luck in England. The Trench physiologists and zootomists have (till lately) kept themselves free from that reproach. The first consequence of their common fundamental error, which is very inconvenient to all these philosophers, is this : since in death the knowing consciousness obvi ously perishes, they must either allow death to be the annihilation of the man, to which our inner being is op posed, or they must have recourse to the assumption of a continued existence of the knowing consciousness, which requires a strong faith, for his own experience has suffi ciently proved to every one the thorough and complete dependence of the knowing consciousness upon the brain, and one can just as easily believe in digestion without a stomach as in a knowing consciousness without a brain. My philosophy alone leads out of this dilemma, for it for the first time places the true being of man not in the con sciousness but in the will, which is not essentially bound up with consciousness, but is related to consciousness, i.e., to knowledge, as substance to accident, as something illu minated to the light, as the string to the resounding-board, and which enters consciousness from within as the cor poreal world does from without. Now we can compre hend the indestructibleness of this our real kernel and true being, in spite of the evident ceasing of consciousness in death, and the corresponding non-existence of it before birth. For the intellect is as perishable as the brain, whose product or rather whose action it is. But the brain, like the whole organism, is the product or phenomenon, in short, the subordinate of the will, which alone is imperishable. CHAPTEE XIX.1 ON THE PRIMACY OF THE WILL IN SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS. THE will, as the thing in itself, constitutes the inner, true, and indestructible nature of man ; in itself, however, it is unconscious. For consciousness is conditioned by the intellect, and the intellect is a mere accident of our being ; for it is a function of the brain, which, together with the nerves and spinal cord connected with it, is a mere fruit, a product, nay, so far, a parasite of the rest of the organism ; for it does not directly enter into its inner constitution, but merely serves the end of self-preservation by regulat ing the relations of the organism to the external world. The organism itself, on the other hand, is the visibility, the objectivity, of the individual will, the image of it as it presents itself in that very brain (which in the first book we learned to recognise as the condition of the objec tive world in general), therefore also brought about by its forms of knowledge, space, time, and causality, and conse quently presenting itself as extended, successively acting, and material, i.e., as something operative or efficient. The members are both directly felt and also perceived by means of the senses only in the brain. According to this one may say : The intellect is the secondary phenomenon ; the organism the primary phenomenon, that is, the imme diate manifestation of the will ; the will is metaphysi cal, the intellect physical ; — the intellect, like its objects, is merely phenomenal appearance ; the will alone is the thing in itself. Then, in a more and more figurative sense, 1 This chapter is coonected with § 19 of the first volume. 412 SECOND BOOK. CHAPTER XIX. thus by way of simile : The will is the substance of man, the intellect the accident ; the will is the matter, the intellect is the form ; the will is warmth, the intellect is light. We shall now first of all verify and also elucidate this thesis by the following facts connected with the inner life of man ; and on this opportunity perhaps more will be done for the knowledge of the inner man than is to be found in many systematic psychologies. I. Not only the consciousness of other things, i.e., the apprehension of the external world, but also self-conscious ness, contains, as was mentioned already above, a knower and a known ; otherwise it would not be consciousness. For consciousness consists in knowing; but knowing re quires a knower and a known ; therefore there could be no self-consciousness if there were not in it also a known opposed to the knower and different from it. As there can be no object without a subject, so also there can be no subject without an object, i.e., no knower without something different from it which is known. Therefore a consciousness which is through and through pure in telligence is impossible. The intelligence is like the sun, which does not illuminate space if there is no object from which its rays are reflected. The knower himself, as such, cannot be known ; otherwise he would be the known of another knower. But now, as the knoivn in self-conscious ness we find exclusively the will. For not merely willing and purposing in the narrowest sense, but also all striving, wishing, shunning, hoping, fearing, loving, hating, in short, all that directly constitutes our own weal and woe, desire and aversion, is clearly only affection of the will, is a mov ing, a modification of willing and not-willing, is just that which, if it takes outward effect, exhibits itself as an act of will proper.1 In all knowledge, however, the known is first 1 It is remarkable that Augustine preceding book he had brought under already knew this. In the fourteenth four categories, cupiditas, timor, lat- book, "De Civ. Dei'' c. 6, he speaks of titia, tristitia, and says : " Voluntas est the affectionibus animi, which in the quippe in omnibus, imo omncs nihil ON THE WILL IN SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS. 413 and essential, not the knower ; for the former is the irpw- TOTVTTOS, the latter the €KTVTTO